Overgeared (WN KR) - Chapter 1850

Chapter 1850

This... there is a story. I was worried you might misunderstand, so after washing it thoroughly, I tailored it into a mens style and used it...

Beriaches Underclothingit was the strongest underwear in the world. Grid simply looked at the performance and used it. He swore he didnt have any bad intentions. He felt it was unfair and sad that he had to give such an explanation.

You are kind. There is no need to go along with this unnecessary joke.

Fortunately, Beriache didnt seem to doubt Grid. It was a natural outcome from Grids perspective.

Im not in a position to joke around.

Beriacheone of the Three Evils of the Beginning, and the sister of Baal and Amoract. There was only one reason why Grid was polite to Beriache. It was because she was the mother of Braham and Marie Rose. He respected Beriache for that reason alone.

However, that was it. It didnt matter if she had gone against Baal in the past. Grid had experienced the evil of demons and he was wary of Beriache. He didnt trust her. The fact that she tried to protect hell before it was distorted and that Yatan was a good being wasnt enough to erase Grids vigilance.

As you can see, the distortion of hell hasnt been solved. It is a time when I need to search and eliminate the case as soon as possible. Therefore, I am wondering why you are holding me back with a useless joke. It is also right after you took Baal and Amoracts power.

He was ready to go out at any time.

Beriache read Grids thoughts and smiled bitterly.

You are the Blood King. It might not have been my intention, but you have inherited my will and you are the companion of my daughter. I just wanted to greet you and express my friendliness, but I was misunderstood due to my poor eloquence. Im sorry. I lacked consideration.

Beriache bowed deeply and apologized. She might treat Grid indifferently due to the self-proclaimed relationship between them, but she actually respected Grid from the bottom of her heart.

By this point, Grid had become embarrassed.


Come to think of it, wasnt this his future mother-in-law? Grids heart became heavy at the thought that he treated her more harshly than necessary and he tried to find something to say.

You are dodging the important answers. Grid isnt pleased that you have taken Baal and Amoracts powers. I think it is right for you to explain that.

Katz, who had been quietly watching the situation, stepped forward.

A terrible guythis was Grids first impression of Katz. It wasnt just Grid who hated Katz. In the past, Katz was more arrogant and outspoken than anyone else, and he had many anti-fans around the world. A well-known American magazine had named Katz as one of the top 100 most hated people in the world. Maybe it was due to the experience of being sworn at too much, but Katz had the excellent ability to read the atmosphere. It meant he was incredibly tactful.

As expected... people who have experienced pain are different. The part where he thinks deeply and speaks clearly is a bit like me.

The one person who had more antis than Katz was GridGrid felt a strange sense of kinship as he looked with satisfaction at Katz, who had grown up.

My warrior is loyal to the Blood King, not me...

Beriache stated before shrugging.

Perhaps I am drunk because of the powers that have lost their masters. There is no need to ignore the power that I can obtain, right? It is just like how you took my underwear.

Unlike Katz, who rushed to Grid as soon as he arrived at the scene, Beriache was still in the sky. In addition to spreading her magic power widely in real time, it seemed she intended to explore and absorb blood from the battlefield.

...Well, you might feel that this explanation is insufficient, so Ill add something else.

Grid belatedly realized that Beriaches actions were very familiar.

The way she looked down on peopleit was the habit of innately born Absolutes.

Hanul, Chiyou, King Sobyeol, Baal, Amoract, the Old Dragons, and Marie Rosein retrospect, all of them did it.

If he had to pick one exception, it was Rebecca, the Goddess of Light. She had interacted with a handful of players in the past and always put herself in the players shoes. In order to not be a nuisance to players, only quests that fit the situation were issued in the form of oracles asking for help. It was purely for the sake of the humans of the surface.

...Now that I see it, she is the most abnormal one.

Thus, she was crazy. No, was she abnormal because she went crazy?

As Grid had new questions, Beriaches explanation continued.

Our nature means we dont perish. It isnt that we are special. It is the law of the world. We are naturally bound by the law that the dead return to their souls and prepare for reincarnation.

The we she referred to was the Three Evils of the Beginning.

Grid remembered the moment when Baal and Amoract died. Both of them had been declared to be extinguished. They didnt get a chance for reincarnation and were erased from the world. Originally, even ordinary great demons couldnt be extinguished without Ruby.

So how could Grid do it? He hadnt questioned it. He thought they mightve been punished by Yatan, so he just passed over it. It wasnt that he skipped over it because it was annoying. It was a very reasonable guess.

Children who betrayed their father, a God of the Beginningit was understandable no matter what happened to them. However, Beriache told him a different truth.

But Baal and Amoract were extinguished the moment they died and I think it was Baals arrangement.

...His arrangement. You mean? Baal did it himself?

Grid frowned. Baal had planned his own destruction? It was hard to believe when looking back at the attitude of this bastard who struggled against his fear of death until the very end.

Of course, he wouldnt have imagined that he would actually die. Considering Baals personality, it mustve been half a joke. He simply thought imagine the worst thing that will never happen and design the best solution.

The worst thing that will never happen. For Baal, it was death. Then today, he really died.

Grids epic detailed his end. It was widely known to the whole world. It was a fatal event for an Absolute. No matter what methods he used to try and resurrect himself, his status would suffer a terrible decline and he wouldnt be able to reach his prime days.

For a being like Baal, resurrection was meaningless. Therefore, Baal designed the best solution. What was best for him?

Grid easily thought of it. Asura... did he dedicate his death to Asura?

I think so. It is because offering a god has a special meaning. It is also the children of a God of the Beginning being offered. Something beyond your imagination will happen.

The Evil God that Baal longed forhe mustve become stronger by now. It was the result of Baals death.

At this time

There was a loud explosion in the distance. It was from the direction of the gates where Jishukas party was fighting. Could it be that the evil eyes king could no longer restrain Asuras head?

Grid immediately used Shunpo. Beriache followed him.

Grid asked her, If Amoract was also sacrificed, does it mean that she played along with Baals joke?

Thats not it. Amoracts opposition to Baal was sincere. She avoided interacting with him and there was no reason for her to go along with Baals will.

So you are saying that Baal forcefully produced this result?

Yes, it is possible that Baal chose the object to be sacrificed as us rather than Baal himself. It means I am in danger as well. Asura didnt exist when I died in the past and Baal wouldnt have thought up sacrificing us. Now things have changed. If my soul is destroyed in its present state, I will also be offered up to Asura.


Beriaches soul must not be extinguished...

It happened the moment when Grid had a clear grasp of the situation...


A foreign light flashed from the direction of the gate that was being covered by the evil eyes kings destructive rays. It was a purple light. It was a pair of them. They were the light from a pair of eyes.

Grid immediately pulled out Defying the Natural Order. He intended to intercept Asuras head, which was approaching.


A chill went down Grids spine.

Asurait was because the scarecrow, whose body had been torn to pieces and moved according to Baals will, showed emotions for the first time. There was a bright smile on his face as he got closer in an instant.

[Is there any reason for us to confront each other?]

He even talked. To be exact, it was conveyed through intent. However, it sounded like words because it embodied a voice with clear intentions.

[If you are going to block the way, then I will accompany you. But not here.]

Asuras head, which was rapidly approaching, suddenly turned around. His speed didnt slow down at all. Grid read his intention to meet and combine with his body that was somewhere else and chased after him with Shunpo.

However, it was as he said before. It was almost impossible to hunt down the Absolute who decided to run away. It was because the other party could also use Shunpo. The moment Grid disappeared from view, Asuras head became a dot as he also used Shunpo to increase the distance.

I dont think there is time to look at the situation here.

Was the evil eyes king okay? There was no need to worry about the Overgeared members and Zik, who could be resurrected, but the evil eyes king had only one life.

After a moment of hesitation, someone shouted at Grid, who missed Asuras head. Porno is fine! Jishuka died instead!

It was Vantners voice. Grids expression distorted. The name of the evil eyes king wasnt Porno, but Pori something and Vantner was the tanker. It shouldve been Vantner who died instead of Jishuka.

Vantner clearly read Grids complaint and added, Im sorry! I mistook Porno for a shield for a second!


He wondered what type of excuse this was, but he couldnt help being convinced.

16 hours in lengthduring Grids fierce battle with Baal, Vantner held his shield in one hand and the evil eyes king in the other to tie up Asuras head. Yes. He was holding the evil eyes king alongside his shield. Then Baal died and the tension was loosened. It was easy to be confused for a moment about whether it was the evil eyes king or the shield that he was holding in his hand.

Then he suddenly had to stop Asuras head, which suddenly showed unprecedented power, so he held up the hand holding the evil eyes king, mistaking it for the hand holding the shield. It was fully understandable.

Honestly, Grid thought he mightve done the same thing.


He hated himself for understanding Vantners position...

Grid lamented and immediately tracked down Asuras head. He could feel Zik chasing after him but he couldnt afford to wait. Asuras head was so far away that he could barely be seen with Barbatos Vision. In any case, he was at least in sight. The function of Shunpo was to move as far as he could see.

[Then what if I do this?]

The wide distance was meaningless. Then Asuras head smiled at Grid, who had chased him again, before scattering. The eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and even the strands of hair separated and spread in all directions. Each one used Shunpo. Among them, the eyes stared at Grid for a moment. There was no effect.

[You need to reach.]

What is with this bastard?

Was it because Asura kept talking?

Grid was stuck on the mouth and chased after the mouth. That was the limit. The level of the God Hands, Randy, Noe, and the Overgeared Skeletons meant they couldnt track Asura at all. Grid missed all the parts except for the mouth.

[Do you want to have a chat?]

The mouth was chattering.

[While you are tied up by my mouth, I will achieve my goal.]


Grid stopped. He looked in the direction that was the complete opposite from this place. It was because he vaguely witnessed the scene of Bibans sword growing to a scale that had never been seen before. Thanks to this, Grid grasped Asuras location and turned around, while the mouth ended up chasing after him.

[Why didnt Beriache follow you?]

It was while throwing out useless topics.

Grid ignored the babbling mouth. The scene of Bibans enlarged sword being broken was projected into his black eyes.

[Pagmas soul has been liberated.]

He couldnt afford to pay attention to the new notification.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(1/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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Current schedule: 4 chapters a week.