Overgeared - Chapter 2055

Chapter 2055

Chapter 2055

Finally... Ack!!

Chiyous face twisted in pain. The death he had dreamed of for eons was more terrible than he had imagined. His stopped heart silenced his world. His cold blood made everything go dark. He felt as if he was floating.

It was painful. He was scared. An overwhelming sense of loss came over him...


Gri... d...

The image of Grid was reflected in Chiyous dim eyes. Grid was gritting his teeth as if he was witnessing something sad.

Chiyou recalled the first time he met Grid. At that time, Grid had been weak, but even then hed had unlimited potential. He had been like the sun even among the yangbans.

Chiyou welcomed death with open arms.

My discerning vision... As expected, I wasnt wrong...

While Chiyou had been observing him, Grid had faced many trials. However, Grid had overcome each and every one of them without getting discouraged. He had finally made it to where he was today.

You have become more distinguished than me...

Chiyou was turning to ash and didnt even have the energy to open his mouth. Thus, he spoke using intent.

[Grid. You are the Only One G.o.d now.]

The n.o.ble status of the Martial G.o.d remained honorable even in the moment of irreversible death. He engraved his intent on the entire world.

[I, Martial G.o.d Chiyou, was killed by the Great Grid. This is eternal annihilation.]

Once Chiyous defeat spread to the world, the gray energy that consumed him became even more powerful.

[The Martial G.o.d status has been attributed to Grid.]

The Martial G.o.d, envied and feared by all the beings in the world, was now just one of the concepts that made up Grid.

Chiyou was rapidly weakening. Even if several miracles occurred at this very moment, it was impossible to save him.


[Is this how it feels for my soul to die? Its more painful than what I was prepared for. An indescribable sense of loss is coming over me.]

There were clear tears in Chiyous single remaining eye.

[...How ridiculous and disgusting my desire must be in the eyes of human beings who die after living for only decades.]

There were countless people in the world who were struggling to survive even one more day. Unlike them, Chiyou only chased death. It was only now when he was on the brink of death that he realized he was a tremendous sinner.

He felt sorry. He was crushed by an unexpected sense of guilt. Nevertheless, he didnt regret his ending because he had been too lonely. When Chiyou was left alone in the ruined Hwan Kingdom, he realized he had been alone even when the kingdom had been filled with yangbans and G.o.ds.

[Grid, I hope you wont be as lonely as I was.]

Chiyous consciousness, which had only one ray remaining, now had a new desire.

Grid hurriedly nodded. ...Of course.

Fortunately, Grid would grant Chiyous wish.

Chiyou could be seen smiling slightly through the ash pillar that appeared and dispersed.


This place used to be a mountain range just a moment before. Grid was left alone surrounded by wilderness. He slumped down helplessly, caught his breath, and calmed down.

Will I also become lonely like Chiyou...

Grid realized that he wasnt alone. He slowly shook off these vague fears as he recalled the faces of his friends and colleagues. Even now, the Overgeared Guild was becoming stronger around the world.

As long as Grid had his colleagues, he wouldnt end up like Chiyou. They would always bother him and make sure he would never be lonely. Sometimes, he would rely on them to keep up the friendly compet.i.tion they had going on.

...Its because were players.

A whole day pa.s.sed. Grid steadied his heartbeat and regained his composure. He got up from where he had been sitting. His eyes were still red, but he looked relaxed.

I have received so much goodwill from you, Chiyou.

Grid bowed to the wilderness where no one else was present. In fact, in his heart, he wanted to use his G.o.d Hands to construct Chiyous tomb in a grand manner, but he wanted to be very careful.

Chiyou had finally managed to disappear. However, he might resurrect if people kept talking about him. Grid didnt want to make the mistake of accidentally reviving Chiyou due to his personal feelings.

Rest for eternity.

After a short prayer, Grid left.


T-This is the triumphant return of His Majesty!

Salute the leader of the great empire!

The crowd swarmed Grid when he returned to Reinhardt.

Oh my.

Grid had tried to sneak in, but to no avail. The imperial capital had extended beyond continents and had taken control of both h.e.l.l and Asgard.

Every street was crowded. People had kept their eyes on the gates and walls, the return points, warp gates, and the Tomb of the G.o.ds. ??eewe???ve?.c??

Of course, they tried to be prudent. They knew it would be annoying if they made a fuss every time the emperor appeared, but today was a monumental day. The emperor had defeated the Martial G.o.d and returned safely. There was bound to be an unusual commotion.

The people, soldiers, knights, and players swarmed Grid. Surrounded by the cheering crowd, Grid was embarra.s.sed, but soon accepted the situation positively.

This is better for my plan. Lets announce Chiyous death and make the people forget him.

Grid had come back after killing Chiyou. He also wanted to make sure that he would also handle the consequences of that well.

Grid became determined and used Knight Summoning to call Huroi to his side.

My liege, give me a command!

Huroi was thrilled to be summoned after a long time and saluted like a knight. He was glad that Grid called him before he was forced to log out.

After destroying all the Full Moon Fortresses, players had been continuously honing the techniques and mystical arts of the cultivation world. There were many people who prioritized their studies over hunting and raiding. As their cultivation realm increased, it was possible to increase the playtime limit that had restricted players for a long time.

Huroi had also been concentrating on his studies recently. Thanks to this, his cultivation realm had risen and his playtime limit had increased significantly. In this way, he could respond to the call of his liege... Huroi was rejoicing and feeling greatly rewarded.

Grid whispered in a small voice, There are so many people gathered here, so please announce the death of Martial G.o.d Chiyou. Make sure to emphasize that I won by an overwhelming margin.

This was very sad from Grids perspective. He had to make sure that, in the future, Chiyou would not be regarded as such a great being. He should be seen by the people as moderately strong and despicable. He had to be downgraded to a common enemy. This was the easiest way to forget him.

...Yes, Your Majesty.

In the past, Huroi had announced the enemies defeated by Grid as more powerful and majestic than they actually were in order to make Grids value shoot up. Sometimes, it was out of genuine respect for the enemy. At some point, all the enemies that Grid had fought had been really great.

Every time this happened, Grid remained silent. He left everything to Hurois judgment. There were times when he seemed happy as his enemies were portrayed as great. The stronger the enemy, the more he conversed with them during battle and the more he liked listening to Hurois stories praising them. Grid didnt want to forget those battles.

He also knew how to respect the enemy. Well, rather, it was natural for Grid to feel respect for the enemy. His opponents had been so powerful and had such unshakable conviction that ordinary humans couldnt handle them.

Furthermore, Chiyou had almost been like Grids teacher. Grid occasionally said that if it hadnt been for Chiyous trials and protection, he wouldnt have gotten to where he was.

Chiyou had been the Martial G.o.d. He had been an absolute invincible being who was feared by even the G.o.ds.

But to disparage him? There was no way Grid could feel comfortable about this.

Everyone, listen carefully. Following the battle of the G.o.ds, the emperor who judged the Martial G.o.d has truly been crowned as the Only One G.o.d...

Huroi ignored the shadow on Grids face and started rambling.

Martial G.o.d Chiyou, who was being disgraced in death, would be forgotten by history from this day onward.


You seem to have no energy.

When Grid returned to the smithy, Kraugel was waiting for him. Judging by Noes full belly stretched out next to him, it seemed that Kraugel had been waiting for quite a long time.

I have no choice but to feel tired since my opponent was the Martial G.o.d. More than that, should you really give Noe that many snacks? Hes very obedient when he is a bit hungry.

He has to be hungry to be obedient... Youre treating him as if hes a slave. Even if you just fought the Martial G.o.d, it mustve been way better than fighting Asura, correct? Kraugel asked.

Compared to Asura, it felt overwhelming, Grid replied. The Martial G.o.d couldnt copy my abilities and we fought in the Overgeared World, but in terms of pure stats and how excellent his techniques were, Chiyou was far stronger than Asura. I had to remain cautious at all times throughout the battle. I almost fainted several times from exhaustion. And hey, Im not treating Noe like a slave. This brat doesnt listen to me when his belly is full.

Really? That must be difficult to deal with.

Mentioning Noe out of the blue soothed Grids melancholy a bit. At this point, Grid had to notice that Kraugel was looking out for him.

How funny.

Eventually, Grid couldnt resist and burst out laughing joyfully.

They say people should live for a long time, but I didnt think the day would come when someone as blunt as you would comfort me, Kraugel.

Is that so? Ive changed since I joined the Overgeared Guild.

Ahh, there are so many good people around me. But its annoying that Vantner and Peak Sword often act tactlessly.

They have been improving bit by bit since they are no longer single.

What? Do they have girlfriends? Who are they? Players? NPCs? Both at the same time?

...There are few people who are in a relations.h.i.+p with both other players and NPCs like you are.

The two men talked all night about topics they were purely interested in. Their conversation didnt hold a deep meaning. They chatted while savoring fragrant soju and delicious food.

Oh, my parents are going on a trip to the United States soon.

Ill meet up with them. My mother will be pleased.

Kraugel swung his sword every time the alcohol got to him. Grid also tapped on the anvil with a hammer. They were both doing their own thing while chatting comfortably. It was a sight frequently seen in Grids smithy these days.

I bought some drinks!

As the night continued, the number of guests also increased. The smithy was filled with Overgeared members in no time.

Pica.s.so was painting on a hill not far away from the smithy. He painted everyone having fun. This was the freedom that Grid and the Overgeared members had obtained thanks to destroying the enemies who threatened world peace.

The fact that the playtime limit had been increased also mattered a lot. Players who started to move up the ranks were able to log in for nearly fifty hours every time. Of course, the premise was that they had to stay logged into Satisfy for that long.

In any case...

To this extent, not much was happening in reality.