Overgeared - Chapter 2051

Chapter 2051

Chapter 2051

[I...! Do you think I am going to lose like this?!!]

There was only one opponent whom Asura was afraid of nowMartial G.o.d Chiyou. Asura couldnt deny that Chiyou was the strongest. Therefore, he used Chiyou as a reference.

Asura had grown and grown, devouring everything until he became strong enough to be comparable to Chiyou. Currently, Asura had a chance of winning if he fought Chiyou. He didnt want to admit that Grid was holding him back, but reality was cruel.


After being slashed by the s.p.a.ce Sword, Asura was severely wounded by the all-out bombardment from the Overgeared members. Nevertheless, he persistently restored the Annihilation armor. However, this time, the Falling Moon Sword also slashed him.

Grid snorted. Dont you ever learn? Why do you keep resorting to using Annihilation energy?

He unfolded the six-fusion sword dance. Asura couldnt avoid it because the ultimate skills of the Apostles and Tower members were mixed in with the sword dance. Methods of neutralizing a targets defense and evasion overlapped to neutralize Asuras technique.

[I cant allow this...! Right now, I...! I cant die at the hands of someone who isnt even Chiyou!!!]

The state of ones emotions affected their magic power. It was the same principle as ones fist becoming stronger when anger commanded them. Asura was overtaken by rage and grew stronger and stronger. Finally, he went berserk. He went past the point of no return.


Annihilation energy instead of magic power was now flowing through Asuras veins.

[Aha...! Ahahahaha! Youve made me stronger once again!!]

All the spells and skills that Asura used contained the properties of the Annihilation energy. The speed at which he could use Annihilation energy had also increased by a lot.

Asura defined himself as invincible. Martial G.o.d Chiyou? He was no match for Asura any longer. As he declared this, he was bombarded with many spells. A solid ray of sunset flashed in his vision. This was a sword light created by Kraugels Twilight.

s.p.a.ce Sword.


The repaired armor of Annihilation energy was split in half again. However, Asura didnt panic. He just needed to create it again.

As Asura thought this

Phoenix Arrow.

Light of Destruction.

Starting with Jishuka and Yuras sniping, the ultimate skills of the Overgeared members mercilessly smashed into Asura. They were accompanied by artillery fire from the Tomb of the G.o.ds.

Today we will finally wipe away Baals disgrace!

[You small fries...!]

Asura became enraged because he got interrupted from restoring his Annihilation energy armor. He targeted the human talking nonsense, Huroi, and fired a spear of Annihilation energy toward him.

I wasnt expecting to live long anyway.

Huroi could create a thousand grudges with just one word. Everyone knew that he would one day get in big trouble. The spear of Annihilation energy shot out like a beam of light and collided with him.

The Overgeared members didnt bother to look back and just focused on attacking. Because Huroi had the aggro, they dealt more and more damage to Asura, who was unable to restore his armor. They didnt have the ability to block Asuras attack, so sacrificing someone was inevitable.

[Do you deserve to call yourself a savior when you use the weak as scapegoats?]

[Asura, the G.o.d of Fighting, criticized Grid for turning a blind eye to his subordinates death.]

The content of the epic was still proceeding in Asuras favor. This wasnt the system manipulating it. Asuras intent, which had become stronger, was affecting Grids epic.

This was theoretically possible. The powerful intent of an Absolute intervened in the world. That was why it was said that an Absolutes intent was engraved around them. Asuras intent was just as powerful or greater than Chiyous, and could distort Grids epic.

However, he shouldnt have openly lied.

Who turned a blind eye to the death of a subordinate?


Asuras eyes widened. Huroi, who was expected to die from the spear of Annihilation energy, was still alive. He was surrounded by an indigo s.h.i.+eldMultiple Weakening Barriers. This was Judars power.

It has ten layers.

No matter how powerful Annihilation energy was, it was difficult to pierce through all ten layers at once. It was almost the only counter to the Falling Moon Sword.

This was why Grid hadnt used Multiple Weakening Barriers throughout the battle. He didnt want to give Asura a chance to learn it.

[Grid revealed the lies of Asura, the G.o.d of Fighting.]

The distorted epic was finally restored. It praised Grid and gave him a powerful boost. Meanwhile, Asura paid the price for telling a lie in the epic. He was weighed down by a debuff that even an Absolute would find hard to resist.

Just in time, the stone statue of Grid in the Behen Archipelago was emitting a light that had never been seen before. A miracle had been created by the prayers of countless people who believed in Grid and cheered for him.

[All your stats are tripled thanks to the acc.u.mulated prayers!]


Nefelina finally arrived on the battlefield. Cranbel and Navaldrea were sitting on her left and right. She was late because she brought them with her.

I am once again receiving everyones help.

In retrospect, it had always been like this. Due to the nature of MMORPG games, new powerful enemies would appear no matter how strong he became. Grid couldnt solve everything by himself. He had always received other peoples help.

There were times when he didnt like this. Sometimes, he thought it wasnt worth it to be strong if he couldnt do everything alone, but now, he was very grateful and happy. Everything would have been in vain if he had solved everything by himself. He wouldnt have had the opportunity to realize the importance of relations.h.i.+ps. He wouldve been just as lonely as he used to be before he started playing Satisfy.

Youre here.

[You have mounted the old dragon candidate, Nefelina.]

[All your stats are tripled due to the effect of Dragon Knight.]

[The unique skill Nefelinas Breath has activated!!]

Grid felt his strength boiling. His colleagues, who surrounded him on the ground and in the sky, had rea.s.suring expressions on their faces.

s.p.a.ce Sword.

Biban kept up with everyone perfectly. The moment Grid boarded Nefelina, he swung his sword and destroyed Asuras armor once more. Hayates combo attack also dealt extra damage.

I told you not to be overconfident using Annihilation energy. Why are you deliberately countering yourself like this?


Asura was frustrated.

The previous generation Sword Saints Biban and Muller, as well as the current day Sword Saint Kraugel were present and inflicted as much damage as possible. On top of that, Marie Rose had copied their swordsmans.h.i.+p by absorbing their blood. It was hard to believe that s.p.a.ce Sword, which could easily destroy the armor of Annihilation energy, would fly a total of six times in such a short period of time. Grid also swung his Falling Moon Sword...

Its over, Asura.

Baals disgrace!

[You guys...!!]

Hurois second provocation occurred at a bad timing. Asura had been despairing over the fact that he was too immersed in the Annihilation energy and dug his own grave. Now, he regained his senses because he was so angry by what Huroi told him. Asura gave up on his defense and attacked Nefelina, who was carrying Grid.

It was a good decision.


Nefelina was seriously injured and fell right as Grids sword slashed through Asura, so the slash wasnt affected by the buff of Dragon Knight.

Still, this was enough. Grids attack power was three times higher due to the prayers, so he was unimaginably powerful. It destroyed Asuras heart even without the Dragon Knight effect.


Humans could survive two to three minutes even if their hearts were destroyed. Asura was a G.o.d. There was no direct connection between his heart and him being alive. He persistently survived and swung his Annihilation Sword at Grids throat.

It was very intimidating to face an enemy with really high Strength and survivability. Asura told Grid something he had heard many times before. You are like a c.o.c.kroach.

Grid had to retreat for a while. Asuras Annihilation energy stretched out like the spines of a sea urchin. He was determined to keep enemies away until his heart was restored, but his actions were in vain.


Grid had protagonists on his side who would lead the next era together.

[You have mounted the old dragon candidate, Navaldrea.]

[All your stats are tripled due to the effect of Dragon Knight.]

[The unique skill Navaldreas Breath has been activated!!]

Nefelina and Navaldrea, the descendants of the old dragons, owed their lives to Grid. Before he knew it, they became stronger and were willing to help him.


Navaldreas Breath contained all the magic power she had acc.u.mulated in her dragon heart. It coincidentally resembled Traukas Breath, not her mothers. The sea urchin-shaped Annihilation energy wrapped around Asura was greatly shaken, but it wasnt destroyed. Instead, the barrier stretched out in the form of tentacles and attacked Navaldrea.

[Dragon Knight is no longer active.]

Asuras instincts were telling him not to allow Grid to cooperate with the dragons. Therefore, he intensively targeted the dragons, who were weaker.


Navaldrea and Nefeline had become quite close in no time. Nefelina screamed when she saw the other dragon falling along with fragments of her scales. However, she gritted her teeth and turned away.

Without rescuing Navaldrea, she flew in front of Grid and blocked the attack of the tentacles. Thanks to this, the tentacles were unable to block Grids path.


Grid was on another dragon now.

[You have boarded the old dragon candidate, Cranbel.]

[All of your stats are tripled due to the effect of Dragon Knight.]

[The unique skill Cranbels Breath has been activated!!]

Unfortunately, Item Combination was on cooldown. The cooldown reset skill had been consumed for the six-fusion sword dance.

But that was okay. Grid had his stats tripled and invested his enormous number of stat points into Strength.


Finish him!

He even carried the buffs of his colleagues on his back.


Cranbels Breath obscured Grids sword.

[d.a.m.n...! Aghhhhhh!!]

Defying the Natural Order tore through the sky. Twilight emitted a particularly red afterimage resembling a sunset. This was due to the blood that flowed from Asuras wounds like a river.

[I...! Do you think I will die like this...?!]

Even when they first met, Asura had survived despite his horrible wounds. The same was true now. Despite being cut into hundreds of pieces, he persistently survived and tried to escape. Hundreds of pieces of his flesh scattered in different directions. Grid alone could never block all of them.

However, Grid wasnt alone. The Overgeared members, the Tower members, and the Apostles were by his side.

On top of that...

[Asura, do you think I will let you go?!!]

Raphael and the angels had resurrected in their spare vessels.

[I will surely repay this debt.]

In addition, Dominion and the G.o.ds came to their senses while Asura was weakened.

[Lets show him the power of magic.]

Mumud and Brahams large-scale spell combined with Eupheminas and many other magicians.

The relations.h.i.+ps that Grid had built up over the years spread out like a spider web, completely blocking Asuras retreat.


Grid used Annihilation energy to repeatedly burn the fragments of Asura that his colleagues held captive.

[G.o.d of Fighting Asura has been extinguished.]


The last raid was over. Grids cheering colleagues looked happier than ever. Maybe everyone could feel that this fight had been the last one.