Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi - Chapter 528: Should Overturn the Board II

Chapter 528: Should Overturn the Board II

Chapter 528: Should Overturn the Board II

House Schmidt Banquet Hall (God Dragon Room)

Ariba Midoreselle-dono, 12th head of the Midoreselle baron family, is making his entrance!

The name of a noble unknown to me is announced.

Meanwhile, I am being asked to wait at the front door.

We were the ones who arrived first. Supposing the order was reversed, it would be natural to give us priority based on rank. This must be another form of harassment.

Sekrit says and grins, causing me to unconsciously smile as well.

How fussy.

If Nonna was here, she would already be red in the face and fuming.

Im glad I had her wait separately.

Isnt it my turn next? There isnt anyone else behind me.

When I step forward, a servant of the Schmidt family politely bows to me.

Preparations to welcome Hardlett-dono are not complete. If I could ask you to please wait a bit longer

I turn to the smirking Sekrit, the trembling Kuu, and the panting Felteris, and smile. I guess Ill have them wait here a little more.

Now dont say that. Im hungry. You can at least let me pass first.

Wai-!? Eh?

I push the servant aside, open the door and raise my voice.

First generation of the Hardlett margrave family, myself, I am now entering!!

The smiles of some nobles, who are giggling because they know I am the only one being asked to wait, suddenly freeze.

This God dragon room is one size larger than the banquet hall in my mansion and the number of participants including the women is approximately 200.

High-ranking individuals are accompanied by their escorts, but they are not wearing armor and only have a ceremonial dagger on their hip.

I see merely eight knights acting as security for the hall who are dressed in formal wear and are equipped with just a thin saber.

If a fight breaks out, they wont stop me from running.

Gosh, its cold outside. Let me warm myself up first.

I say loudly as I take two glasses from a server boy and gulp down their contents, then grab a piece of meat from the table and tear off the entire chunk in one go with my mouth before returning empty glasses and a bone to the tray.

Fuu, Im revived.

Nobles stare dumbfoundedly and their faces warp in disgust at my savage behavior.

I showed no form of manners or respect.

Such a display would be frowned upon even in a rundown bar.

But if I stand out this much, it cant be said that they realized too late.

Sure enough, a tense-looking Mr. Pot-Reval comes over.

The invitation came from him so he has to greet me, whether he wants to or not, otherwise it would be rude to the other nobles.

Well well, if it isnt Hardlett-dono! Im impressed you fearlessly accepted by invitation. As expected of the courage possessed by someone of low birth.

Revals face is twitching and his speech is disturbed.

He is also the kind of person who is weak to provocation. I feel a slight affinity to him.

Reval sees nobody by my side and acts surprised.

Oya? I heard your wife came with youthough it appears she is not here. Dont tell me she is no longer fond of you, that would be horrible.

His follower piles on.

Someone of Margrave Hardletts status should have at least one or two attendants or your status will fall. I will say its admirable that you humbled yourself, thinking that having the same status as the Schmidt family is excessive

Although if you lower your head too much, people will think of you as an ignorant oaf. Please be careful. Look, you have a button in the wrong place.

Here comes the fault-finding.

Thanks for pointing out the button.

I have attendants. They just ate too much for lunch and went to shit-I mean, went to the restroom.

A noble wife wearing heavy makeup is surely glaring at me.

The other nobles cant hide their gazes that look at me like Im an idiot either.

At the perfect timing, Yakov, Christoph, and Mack stomp in, making no efforts to silence their footsteps.

General, we ran late!!

Sorry boss, forgive me.

My bad, boss.

I turn to face the three.

You damn fools!

I shout and kick Yakov.

He tumbles on the floor, crashes into the wall and groans.

I told you to call me feudal lord! Dont embarrass me!

The entire contemptful atmosphere freezes.

All the snickering and whispering also stops.

This is obviously an act.

I kicked Yakov in such a way that would deal no damage and would lift him up into the air, plus he also jumped.

What an absolutely vulgar subordinate.


I change my tone and turn back around with a beaming smile.

Was there any other impoliteness?

T-the necktie of your follower

I kick Christoph in a similar way.

He slides across the floor, but goes further than I expected and bumps into the leg of a table.

Forgive me, that was an accident.

Hahaha, what a problematic guy.

When I smile at them, Reval and his follower take a few steps backward, and a young noble lady bursts into tears when she coincidentally makes eye contact with me.

Nobody else says anything further.

This is a method of threatening that thugs use, but based on how petrified the follower is, it seems to have an effect.

In the first place, this dinner party is a farce.

No matter what I did, they were going to gossip about me and my people behind my back, saying how this is bad and that is bad, and then come to the conclusion that new nobles are no good and they are correct.

In that case, I just have to start trouble before they discuss etiquette and the like.

They wont acknowledge me no matter what so Ill just dominate the room and scare them to avoid the hostility.

Of course Id be a hoodlum if I did only that, so I thought of another move.

You guys can go back to the carriage.

Kay! By the way boss, what should we do with this girl we picked up on the way?

Mack is holding up Zillia.

You guys can do whatever you want. Ill be having a taste too so dont break her.

Waahwhy am I playing this roleIm not letting anyone except Christoph mount me, you hear!

I reply like a bandit and then turn back to the nobles with a smile.

Nobody dares to say anything.

While Christoph and the others are playing, the girls enter.

And then the guy without courage to mess with me heads over to them.

Oh my, the madam is quite lucky. I hear you fell in love with her at a questionable positioneh?

Nonna isnt here.

Only Kuu, Sekrit and Felteris are here.

E-eerr, I am not Nonna-sama, my name is Kuu. I am the daughter of Mel, a concubine of Aegir-san-sama.

The daughter of a concubine? Well arent youaah, youre a child from the previous marriage.

Ara ara, youre as beautiful as a prostitute. Tee hee.

It isnt scandalous for a great noble to have concubines.

However, its a different story if that concubine has children from a previous marriage.

Not to mention, tonight Kuu is dressed in a sexy outfit on the border of whats acceptable in high-class society.

A child from a previous marriage ara ara, my my.

You must be in such a tough position.

Ladies with heavy makeup and worthless nobles grin, looking at her as if theyre thinking of how to cook her.

I obviously didnt bring Kuu here so she can be ridiculed.

Now Kuu, time to use the trump card.

I-I am also receiving Aegir-sans affection!!

Affection? Eh? Being a child from another marriage is one thing but arent you his daughter?

Good, they swallowed it up.

Kuu has turned red and looks like she can spit fire.

I walk over to Kuu, hug her from