Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi - Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390: Central Plains Unification War O King

Translator: Nat

Aegir POV

A Few Days Later . Goldonia Capital .

Your marching is too slow . Thats why youre useless on the battlefield .

I say to the escort captainapparently named Bolf as Goldonia finally comes into our view .

Arent I supposed to your hostage?

Why does the hostage have to walk in front of you? You better follow like your life depended on it .

Rather than us, the carriagewell .

Bolf glances at the carriage, where a familiar voice can be heard .

My bottom hurts! Cant you go at a gentler pace? This thing is already cheap and shakes a lot as it is!

If we increase the speed, the madam complains

Nonna is riding the carriage .

It was one picked without much thought from the headquarters, so she ended up with a military-style carriage with nothing done to minimize rattling .

Stupid idiot, dont complain about a womans selfishness . You still call yourself a man?

When I glare at him, Bolf twitches .

T-then well slow down .

Moron, I told you to hurry up!

Nonna-sans ass is roughed up a little now . Your march is really clumsy!

Celia, who is riding in front of me, twists her body to berate them too .

Her face is slightly flushed because Ive been rubbing her ass the whole time .

Not to mention my hand is inside her shorts touching her buttocks directly .

I can also hear the other girls .

If laying out cushions doesnt help, would you like to use this? Its a potion that eliminates pain .

No thanks, Im scared . Also, Sekrit-san, dont lie down sideways in this already narrow carriage ah, dont pretend to sleep! You opened your eyes just now, didnt you . How could you ignore me as the legal wife

It seems everyone has come along too, although Sekrit is in an extremely bad mood because of that .

She has stopped coming close to me and simply drinks alcohol for the entire day before going to bed in a huff .

What a cutie, becoming withdrawn because she cant monopolize me .

When I think about that, I get happy and my finger naturally slips into Celias asshole .

Aauu! Aaaa hauu

Celias body stiffens, her face melts and she lets out an erotic voice like shes in heat .

Bolf and company have doubtful faces as expected .

W-what are you looking at!? If you have the luxury to watch, slap your subordinates asses instead!!

Celia is so cute when she yells in embarrassment that my finger sinks in up to the knuckle .

We continue pulling Bolf, who mumbles something about unreasonableness, towards the capital .

Along the way, were fortunate, or lucky, not to encounter any hidden enemy soldiers or ally forces .

It goes without saying that I dont want to see enemies, but in this questionable situation, I dont want to meet allies either .

If theyre on the side of the rebelling feudal lords, they might do the same thing as Bolfs group, and if theyre on a different side, they might accuse me of being a traitor as well for going to the capital against orders .

In other words, both would cause trouble .

Goldonia Royal Palace .

Who are you people!? I didnt hear about such a crowd being summoned to the palace!

Eei, its an emergency situation related to the kingdom, a mere servant should not say anything!


A feudal lord and most likely his subordinates kick the maid out of the way and try to enter the palace .

I throw those men out the window before entering the palace myself .

It appears the palace is in a bind too .

At least the city is peaceful, so it doesnt look like we are leading soldiers for a revolt .

This is the Military Commissioners private room! You absolutely cant enter without permission!

That guy is a villain who wronged the kingdom, and it is my duty as a feudal lord who received land from His Majesty to inspect the room! I have consent from a court minister, move away!


The noble wearing fancy clothes slaps the cheek of the female soldier and tries to enter the room .

I grab the man by the collar and slam him into the wall before walking toward the throne room .

Theyre aiming for Erich and things related to him after all, meaning they arent planning to directly rebel against the king .

Although what theyre doing is still pretty questionable .

During last year, you told me you would divorce your wife and be with me its going to be summer soon, how long do I have to wait? I even offered you my virginity and did so much for you!

Its wartime right now, plus things arent looking promising, besides, it seems this year will get hot look, the palace is in disorder today too, let me see how the situation develops a little longer okay?

The man resembling a guard is desperately trying to avoid eye contact with the maid pressing him for an answer .

I step in between the two of them, steal the maids lips and then place my hand on the door of the throne room .

You fool, do you understand what youre saying? The actions of the feudal lords are clearly rebellious, what other way is there to deal with them than stripping them of their status right away and exiling them!?

I hear Erich yelling angrily .

That is not for you to decide . They still ultimately swore allegiance to the kingdom and His Majesty . The only thing you can bring about as Military Commissioner is a request to change personnel . Of course, Im not saying that I condone their behavior, but I hear that you treated them like sacrificial pawns . In that sense, I can see where the backlash is coming from .

The one who offered a reply was Kenneth .

Someone who hasnt stepped onto the battlefield should not be speaking like he knows what happened! If the Royal army matched their pace and marched sluggishly, all our tactics would fail . In actuality, the armies of the feudal lords that are highly skilled and have capable commanders survived .

Erich retorts .

Hmm, timing my entrance is difficult .

I see, its true that a certain amount of coldheartedness is required on the battlefield . If it brings victory, the vassal lords might also accept such treatment . But you have lost Arkland and are forced into a major retreat . Arent the lords simply asking you, what was our sacrifice for?

I can tell Kenneths words left Erich speechless briefly .

the loss of Arkland was a great failure . However, the primary cause was the alliance between South Yuguria and the river fleet of city state Meldora, which was difficult to predict on the frontlines . In fact, isnt it your job, as the person responsible for foreign affairs, to tell me?

That was unexpected .

As the dispute becomes more heated, it is harder for me to step in .

Im already here against orders, so messing up my timing would undoubtedly result in a cold reception .

I admit that some blame falls on me there . Regardless, there is nothing to gain by arguing over whose fault it is . Right now, we must determine how to resolve the war .

This isnt a matter to be solved, its win or be destroyed . You had previously displayed your comprehension in front of His Majesty .

The conversation has changed from dealing with the feudal lords to the war as a whole .

Yes . However, I should have said to think about negotiating after earning a grand victory . In our current state, with Arkland lost and unable to protect the western coast of North Teries, can I even expect anything close to a victory?

In order to protect the capital, our forces needed to be dispersed, which honestly stretched us quite thin . If you consider how far the enemy has stepped into our territory, chances are high that winning a single battle could reverse our predicament . This situation is still salvageable .

Its almost time no, not yet .

Still salvageable is it? Youre going to bet the fate of the kingdom on an unreliable feeling like that?

Our enemy will not agree to a half-hearted peace . Either way, we have to fight to the bitter end .

Nonna, having gotten tired of waiting, pats her chest and adjusts her dress .

Celia picks lint off my clothes .

Let that become my role . Obviously, we can no longer negotiate from an advantageous position, but it should still be better than fighting .

Before Erich could counter, the ministers interrupt .

The Government Affairs Commissioner is right! Shouldnt we try to make peace even if we have to cede some territory?

If we are defeated in resistance, the kingdom will be finished!

Lord Radhalde should stand down after failing militarily! Defer to tbe Commissioner .

At the rate were losing, theres a possibility that the vassals will change sides and ally with South Yuguria!

Those who Erich befriended chime in one after the other .

There is no way the enemy will accept peace in this situation! We should prioritize maintaining hostilities until more substantial talks!

Im certain there is more we can do! Young men can be recruited from the capital and each of the cities .

What can vassal lords do without their army!? If we strip their ranks, theyll be nothing more than blockheads .

People are arguing over each other and I cant distinguish the voices anymore .

Celia and Nonna help check each others appearance .

Celia gets upset when a canteen emerges from between Nonnas breasts .

Eventually, the other side of the door quiets down and Kenneth addresses everyone in a calm voice .

Gentlemen, yelling at each other will bear no fruit . In the end, His Majesty makes the final decision

Not good, my role will disappear if the king gives his judgement .

I humbly suggest that we refrain from further proactive attacks and stick to defense while searching for a way to attain peace . It may be a harsh negotiation, this Kenneth shall put his all into rectifying the uncertain problem .

I have to go soon .

First, we must appease the dissatisfaction of the vassal lords . A divided nation will only get taken advantage of thus we will follow through with their request of punishing the Military Commissioner

Unsettled murmurs fill the room .

No, I wont go so far and say that, since some blame rests on me . Instead, my foolish thinking involves temporarily relieving Lord Radhalde of his duties and ordering him to rest . Similarly, those who started the rebellion will also be suspended . The vassal lords can accept such a consequence for the Commissioner and order can be kept at the same time .

Ridiculous . Leaving myself aside, dismissing commanders during war is the height of madness, is it not!?

It sounds like Erich has also approached the king .

Radhalde I have

Its now or never .

Wait just a minute .

My hand pushes the door open as I shout .

This is the perfect timing if I do say so myself .



What are those cries I hear?

Oh, I pushed the door too far and sent the two guards standing in front flying .

They were always there, huh . The only difference from what I usually do is that I entered without making a noise prior to pushing open the door .

I have no time to worry about them though .

Because of their shouts, everyone, including the king, focuses their attention on me .

I think I managed to avoid a cold reaction .

Nonna trails behind me and shows concern for the fallen soldiers holding their faces in pain .

Lord Hardlett! You

Erich stops himself short .

He probably wanted to reprimand me for disobeying orders, but realized that starting an argument with me now would be useless .

Thats right, I came here to save you .

Lord Hardlett? What are you doing here?

What is going on on the frontltines!?

I dont answer the annoying ministers .

Lets see, where are Bolf and the others dammit, that guy is hiding himself in the shadow of the door .

He was barking about taking me to the capital and now hes spineless .

I grab Bolf by the collar and drag him with me .

This subordinate of Count Greydobal came to my place, and I came running after learning the situation .

Youre from Viscount Cetafidils house curse him, what kind of unnecessary plan is he trying to pull from the frontlines?

I toss Bolf aside like I have no more use for him .

Then I step forward and stare at the ministers .

Apologies for being rude, if I may say one thing .

The king directs a doubtful look to me, yet doesnt tell me to get out .

How idiotic can you guys be?

It felt like time stopped around me .

Nonna is frozen with a strained expression .

M-mind your manners!!

It doesnt matter if youre Hardlett, berating those appointed as ministers is unforgivable!

Dont speak with such a vulgar tone in front of His Majesty!

The ministers bursts out furiously, though not loud enough to reach Irijinas volume .

Shes truly a boisterous one . When she greets me in the morning during a hangover, my head feels like its splitting apart .

So loud!

Just remembering her made me shout out on instinct .

Shocked, the ministers reel back, while Nonna falls over .

I furrow my brow and stare silently at them .

What do I do now?

Eh? You didnt think of anything!?

I feign being quiet and whisper softly so only Celia, who is beside me, can hear .

I know peace and negotiations are futile, but if Im asked to explain the reason, the only thing I can come up with is, its impossible .

Although Im slowly learning more about being a skilled general, my oral communication is poor and thinking about various troublesome issues isnt my strong suit .

Errr errr

Seeing Celia panic as she tries to find a way to help me is soothing .

In cases like these, theres no turning back .

Lord Hardlett . I assume you arent including His Majesty when you used you guys, but could you please clarify to us idiots what you mean?

Kenneth uses a quiet tone, his eyes sharply fixed on me, meanwhile Erich doesnt look like he knows what to do . Most importantly, the kings widened eyes are locked on me .

I am not proficient at negotiations nor do I have the standpoint to speak about foreign affairs . But first

My level of anger rises in my eyes toward those in front of me .

To be honest, Im focused on the space between the ministers, more specifically on the breasts of the maid carrying the water jug . She doesnt seem to realize .

Shall we remove the traitor before starting the discussion?


Traitor!? Impossible!?

Nonsense! Nobody here is less than a minister!

After the initial surprise, disparagement and denials fly from all directions . Nevertheless, I state without hesitation and without averting my gaze .

I received a report from my subordinate . A secret messenger traveling from the capital to South Yuguria was captured, and after questioning, confessed the name . The reason I came to the capital, going so far as disobeying Lord Radhaldes orders, is for this reason .

My claim was spoken with some murderous intent mixed with my anger .

Crap, that caused the maids hips to give out .

Youre saying such an individual is in this place?

Haha theres no way

The ministers awkwardly look at their colleagues .

Outwardly, they deny my accusation although its clear some doubt is seeping into their minds .

Aegir-sama, is what you said true?

No, I made it up .

Celia looks like shes about to cry .

If I didnt say something like that, my flow would have been cut off .

there are traitors here?

The kings eyes sparkle .

It seems like my plan worked .

No need for preamble . Disclose what you know at once .

The king calmly pieces his words together, neither enraged or shaken .

Right this instant .

I take one step back, a slight smile on my face .

Hey, what should I do?

Err uuhhh!

abbhbhbh .

Celia becomes more frantic . Nonna is on the verge of fainting from the tension .

I guess its pretty pathetic of me to rely on my women .

Pardon my impertinence .

I unsheathe the Dual Crater, which I was carrying with me because I was intruded .

Wha-!?Drawing your sword in the throne room!?Have you gone insane!?

Shut up, traitor .

I advance forward, staring at everybody aside from the king and Erich .

The king holds up a hand, stopping the spear-wielding guards who were unsure whether or not to step in .

A single set of footsteps resounded with every step I took .

The ministers, Kenneth, and Erich are all frozen still .

Follow along with my bluff .

Bring on whatever happens!

Celia also turns defiant when I whisper secretly to her .

I walk through the middle of the ministers .

Peeking at the face of each one of them, I see that everyone appears secretive, yet also wary simply because of the presence of a man holding a drawn blade .

Thinking deeper, it wouldnt make sense for a person who can be a minister to be unable to hide secrets .

What should I do if nobody reveals their faults? I can only continue walking and exit out of the back entrance .

Guh .

While thinking of such stupid thoughts, pain shoots up to my brain from my foot . It seems like a pebble got into my boot .

Since the sole is made of steel, it hurts more than a normal shoe and my legs naturally stop moving .

Nu .

It so happens that I stopped before an elderly minister .

I exchange looks with the man .

The elder clearly tries to pretend he is calm, but when I stomp my foot to shake loose the pebble, his face turns white and sweat uncontrollably drips down .

uuu uwaaaah!!

The old man shouts and takes out a knife hidden behind his back .

Jackpot .

I get into a ready stance, trying hard to suppress my smile, except the man runs toward the king instead .

Thats to be expected . Its clear who would win in a fight between me, wielding a full-fledged sword, and an old man carrying a knife .

His only option is to take the king as hostage .

In the end, that guy doesnt intend to fight .

I could easily slice him in half, but not getting him to talk before that would inconvenience me .


I turn my sword and use the butt of the sword to hit the ministers back .

A strike with the relatively lightweight Dual Crater wont do much damage .

Still, its enough to knock over an old man .

The minister tumbles forward, his momentum carrying his body across the floor as if hes trying to polish it .

Uu ugugh

He comes to a stop right before the king .

The king doesnt give a single glance to the groaning man, instead he turns backward to the cage and says something .

The man extends a hand to retrieve his dropped knife .

Of course, nobody would allow him to do so . Erich steps between the king and the man and kicks the man in the face with his heel . Blood squirts out from his nose and splatters onto the pristine marble floor .

Gubh m-mortifying

Before the man with a smashed nose could finish, Erich kicks him in the side and reaps his consciousness .

Good work, Hardlett . I will show him hell on earth .

The king says as he watches guards drag away the fainted man .

I guess that guy was trembling because of anger .

Yes Sire, I thought it best if the details were spoken from that individual .

Somehow, everything worked out . It was quite the tightrope act .



Celia soothingly rubs her chest, while Nonna falls on the floor in exhaustion .

The ministers dont have the luxury to concern themselves with the two women .

W-who would have thought the minister of trade, Marquess Supaiye was the traitor .

No wonder we couldnt get information on the city states I cant believe Marquess Supaiye

Its something unimaginable . That Marquess Supaiye!

Kenneth looks at me, then awkwardly averts his eyes .

Was the trade minister someone he recommended? Well, it doesnt matter now .

You saved me once again .

Erich says to me before smiling and raising his voice to address everyone else .

Having a traitor in our midst doomed us from winning, but now we know South Yugurias method . Now tell me, is there anyone who still wants peace in order to placate the vassals?

Kenneth cant seem to agree with what happened and stays silent, the fact that a traitor was found among his subordinates contributing to his inability to speak, meanwhile the other ministers think to themselves if a decision would be made without expression of their opinions .

Please wait . I have one more thing to say .

Everyone focuses their attention to me again .

Nonna trembles, feeling a bad premonition from my use of polite language .

There is something I must say no matter what .

I direct my gaze to the king as Nonna feared .

Ive had enough and got a little annoyed .

you are saying it to me?

Yes Sire .

The king raises his hips and adjusts his sitting position on the throne .

I kneel down, my eyes fixated on him .

Even Nonnas boobs are shaking .

Does Your Majesty have any intention of winning?

A silence so deafening that I could hear my own heartbeat enveloped the room .

what do you mean by that?

The kings doubtful expression transforms into one of irritation .

Erich gestures for me to stop, but things will worsen if I dont continue .

I dont think Your Majesty wants to win this war against South Yuguria .

I do not understand what youre trying to say . Dont uncharacteristically beat around the bush and say clearly what you mean .

Neither anger nor distrust is on the kings face anymore .

Nonna embraces Celia to escape from reality .

Hmm, Im not good at speaking in a roundabout way . I cant say it like that .

It may be a little direct, but Ill say it outright .

This is Your Majestys war . If you have no desire to fight, there is no way to win . I would like it if you clearly indicate whether you want to win or lose . If you want to lose, please say so quickly, since that would give me more time to run .

As I am saying it, a rush of adrenaline courses through my body .

Im not scared of anything anymore .

Lord Hardlettdo you know what you just said!?

Criticizing His Majesty no, its verbal abuse!

I ignore the ministers who interrupted, continuing to stare only at the king .

you are not concerned of Goldonias collapse . You do not obey me . Is that what you are saying?

I shake my head .

Far from it . I do not intend on forgetting the gratitude Your Majesty has shown by granting me land and status . Even now, I am fighting with my all to bring victory to Goldonia .

I stand up as I speak .

I, as well as the Military Commissioner and others, are risking our lives to win for Your Majesty . Nevertheless, the war is ultimately Your Majestys fight . Unless you exert the same effort, we will certainly not win!

I have many thoughts towards the kings attitude recently so the last part was said with a little more spirit .

Erich and I have been working unnecessarily hard because of that . Half of Erichs struggles are my fault though .

You are saying that I am not fighting seriously!? Who do you think you are!?

The king stands up from his throne and bellows .

Hes completely enraged at me, which is in a sense easier for me to deal with than a silent anger .

I can see Rebecca making a horrified face behind the throne .

Im merely a single feudal lord . However, as the ruler of Goldonia, what has Your Majesty done since the start of war!? You ignored the enemy in front of you so you could search for traitors and sent a poorly trained army to the front lines!

If he had some sort of strategy planned, my remark would be unbelievably careless, but if I cant sense anything on the frontlines, its fine to assume he doesnt, right?

With all due respect, us feudal lords dont understand the meaning of our sortie

By no means am I lamenting my own sacrifices . I just feel pathetic accompanying the Royal army and not contributing, only dragging Lord Radhalde down .

We are training up soldiers in our own way, but aside from defending the rear or scouts, it is clear we are no match when it comes to fighting against great powers . Your Majesty, you are also aware of this, no?

The poor trio also chime in nervously .

I completely forgot they were here .

In regards to the enemy crossing the river, that is outside the scope of both me and Erich .

Normally, it should have been prevented through foreign affairs or a scheme of some kind, and even if it wasnt possible to prevent, with information officers on hand, it would be appreciated if we were notified at the very least so preparations can be made in advance .

The king could not respond despite his anger .

Reasoning aside, it seems Ive been declared the winner through the volume of my voice alone .

Ive been on the other side before where I give in to Irijina purely because she spoke in such a loud voice .

If that fault lies with us involved with foreign affairs and also the information officers

Then if the Military Commissioner and Lord Hardlett won during the initial engagement, Trisnia would not have fallen and the enemy would not have crossed the river

The ministers are still interfering .

I stomp my foot to silence them .

Nonna is cowering with her head buried in her own bosom . She might actually have fainted .

Your Majestys duties encompasses all of that . If you believe I am incompetent or Lord Radhalde is incapable, you can dismiss us . If the information officers know nothing, you need only give the order to send them out . Your Majesty should be able to do everything and no matter what blunder is done by anybody, the final blame should be accepted by Your Majesty .

Lecturing the king like Im a better ruler is pretty laughable .

Even if hes about to explode, I have to tell him what I think .

After all, I dont think the current king understands .

Arklands fall, the landing in Stura, theyre all my fault huh? Its because I was worried for my own safety and did not exert a complete effort .

It seems the kings anger has somewhat diminished .

I may pass off domestic duties to Adolph, but responsibility comes to me if a rebellion breaks out .

If the army entrusted to Leopolt loses, the responsibility becomes mine .

The king looks downward slightly and Erich, with a rigid expression, nods subtly .

Celia, on Claires recommendation, had begun to invest in futures, but failed and that loss was also covered by me . Irijina had destroyed a table when she became drunk at another households banquet and that had to be compensated by me . That is what responsibility is .

The king closes his eyes and thinks and Erich nods once more, his head tilted to one side .

If my lower half commits a wrongdoing to a married woman, whether I want to or not, half of the responsibility is mine .

you dont take all of it?

My subordinate came to discuss the state of his wife after introducing you to him

That should be good enough .

Before I knew it, the king retracted his anger .

I dont know if it was my advice or my abuse or my desperation, but the king accepted my explanation .

Hardlett I-

The king was about to say something .

Urgent report! Its an emergency! Please take a look!!

Someone shouts from outside the throne room .

Wait a no, come in .

Permitted by the king, the guards open the door, allowing a knight in full plate armor to rush in .

The enemy has made a move . It is thought to be the central army with an army of 30 000 strong . They are on their way to the headquarters in Vesla!

Erich groans .

They are moving after suffering that extent of casualties!? We are still in the middle of reorganizing

If Erich is here, that means the position of Supreme Commander is vacant .

Not good . That means my disregard of his orders had a big influence .

If he says my orders being ignored is also Your Majestys fault, Nonna and I would be hanged together .

I have to find a way to shift their attention elsewhere .

Your Majesty .

I keep calm and collected, even going so far as smiling confidently, as I step before the king .

Since I acted rudely, I will be the one to drive away the enemy . If I could kindly ask, Your Majesty and the Military Commissioner can come up with a plan for our victory on a larger scale .



I stand up without letting the king say anything .

Now then, if you would excuse me as I am in a hurry .

I bow once and leave the throne room .

Great, I nailed it . They should forget about my disobeyal of orders . I want to think that anyways .

A-Aegir-sama is so intelligent! I didnt think you would consider something like the duties of a king!

Your head did you hit it somewhere?

Celia and Nonna are being rude to me .

I dont know about my head, although I think I hit my crotch when I dismounted from a horse .

Thats it! Aegir-samas brain is no limited to hngyaah!

I lift Celia by the nape of her neck and pinch her cheeks .

Perhaps the cause is related to you not being able to ejaculate lately if thats the case, what youre really releasing in large amounts is your gray matter

Nonna just said something terrifying .

In any case, I hope the king has woken up after that .

I dont want him to get upset and order my execution after .

Surely, Erich can cover me if that happens . Ill trust him .

Ah, I left Bolf in the throne room .

Im not going back to get him, so lets pretend I forgot .

A Few Days Later . Near Vesla . Goldonia Royal Army Headquarters .

This is bad, really bad .

Its bad, indeed .

Um, the snacks ran out .

Celia and I mumble in like mind .

Sekrit simply says she lost before going back to bed in a huff .

What we are referring to goes without saying .

Exactly like the messenger at the capital said, an enemy force of 30 000 is on their way, though that much is within expectations .

The problem is I only have 5000 ally forces .

How did things turn out like this?

Err firstly, a few tens of thousands of soldiers were split apart from the north in order to protect the capital .

The tea leaves taste cheap .

That much cant be helped . As long as the river is under enemy control, there is a possibility that they will detour around our headquarters and directly target the capital .

What else?

Then we have the corps which suffered major losses and retreated to the rear in order to regroup . They wont make it in time .

There isnt a tea set here .

That cant be helped either . A corps without soldiers, especially commanders, wont be any help on the battlefield .

Its natural to attempt reorganizing since we forecasted more time until the enemys next attack .

Anything else?

Well, rumors of the feudal lords rebelling spread and caused disorder within the corps

Spring water is definitely needed for it to taste good .

This was unnecessary .

However, many noble feudal lords have family in the army . Unrest was unavoidable whether the rebellion was a lie or the truth .

Still, there cant only be 5000 .

If Erich came along, things might go better .

But I cant say Im close to those in the Royal army .

Im sure Agor is doing his best, except he unfortunately doesnt have the experience to mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers, so there is a limit to what can be done .

The sun will rise soon . They will probably attack in time with the daybreak .

It was evening when the enemy appeared in front of us, however they did not attack and set up camp instead .

They probably have a spy within our army and have a good grasp on our situation .

Rather than forcing a night attack and getting