Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi - Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Translator: Nat

Aegir POV

Theyre behind us!? What is the scouting unit doing!?

Did they breakthrough? Or did they go around?

Our allies run around in a flurry .

More importantly, a full scale attack is coming . We should focus on dealing with that first .

You must be joking, you think we can fight with the enemy behind us!? We should change our location!

Angry yelling fly back and forth .

If tens of thousands have circled behind, then that should mean the force in front has thinned . We can launch an attack

The report said it was the eastern army . In that case, the armies are two separate entities . Simply put, we are being pressed from two sides!

But wasnt the eastern army located far away from us? How did they detour

In a panic, hurried plans get suggested left and right .

It was utter chaos .

So, what should we do?

Hggh mrrghso hot

I raise the question to Brian as I wrap a third blanket around Myla .

The only one who can put an end to the disorder is him, the Supreme Commander .

Brian and David waited about ten seconds in silence before standing up .

Everyone will focus on stopping the attack in front of us . Do not worry about what is going on behind us .

There is no need to spare any arrows . Hit them with everything .

When the commanders look like they were about to say something, David adds an order to seal their mouths .

As for Commander Hardlett, I want you to use your high mobility army to engage the enemy to our rear .

You want me to defeat them on my own?

Compared to the tens of thousands of enemy forces, my army consisting of bow cavalry and the royal army adds up to a mere 5000 .

If possible, yes if not, at least uncover more details about the enemy .

In other words, this is like a brute force scouting mission .

What kind of a strategy is that?

Puhah! Power scouting?

Myla pops her head out from the blankets .

She looks sexy with a slight bit of sweat glistening on her skin, however I dont have time to embrace her now .

Right now, we are in a situation where we dont know if they actually have tens of thousands or whether it actually is the eastern army any information would help .

Understood .

The difference in the strength of our armies is large, although I guess its fine considering we dont need to fight to the death .

Let me check with Leopolt .

Well, he isnt saying anything, which probably means he has no problem .

Then the quicker the better . Lets go prepare Celia, what are you doing?

Ill be right there .

For some reason, Celia is covering her head with a blanket .

We separate from the main force, who will begin their fierce fighting soon, and head north .

Enemy sighted . It doesnt look like theyre trying to hide anymore theyre marching in the middle of the road .

Split up into several smaller groups, the enemy army marches boldly with their flags held high .

Libatis light cavalry can also be seen running around the perimeter, although they cant do anything .

There looks to be 30 000 . It wasnt a miscount .

Yeah .

Leopolt and I exchange a few words as the attack order is given .

Bow cavalry rush forward while the royal army cavalry also charge with their swords drawn .

A defense formation is being taken by the enemy .

Without any sense of panic, our opponent transitions into an anti-cavalry formation .

For arguments sake, it doesnt seem impossible if everyone was on horseback like the bow cavalry

Based on what I see, their ratio of cavalry is not that large . At the very least, more than 20 000 are some kind of infantry .

Many spearmen and crossbowmen set up in front with archers shooting arrows from behind them .

Our allies stop charging and the bow cavalry return fire as they distance themselves .

I dont see the countless carts from the initial reports . Everything from this point will be purely conjecture .

Tell me .

Light cavalry run out from the enemy lines to cross swords with the royal army cavalry .

Being at a numerical disadvantage, our allies fall back and rely on support from our chariots .

I believe the enemy has a unit dedicated to transport, which maintained its composition of large carriages .

So youre saying they transported the entire eastern army?

The barrage of giant bolts from our chariots quickly made the enemy cavalry, who had no intention of chasing deep, pull back and reorganize themselves at a location were they can keep us in check .

Our bow cavalry also contribute to shootout with arrows, however Luna has told them to keep casualties to a minimum and therefore are firing outside enemy range .

Naturally, that would mean a decrease in power, accuracy and fatal blows inflicted .

Even if they used large carriages, dont you think they got here too soon? A little more than a week has passed since the start of this operation . The eastern army was transported from that far away?

Wagons are definitely fast, but not as fast as cavalry .

Besides, horses need water and food to move too, so its not like they can run non-stop .