Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi - Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Aegir POV


Today is the day we celebrate our victory, please feel free to enjoy yourselves .

Zilgray addresses me, Wittmann, and four other corps commanders in his resounding low voice .

Hey, why are the guys who just arrived here in the house, acting like they were invited?

I dont know . Please keep your voice down . Theyll hear you .

Myla, who is also attending in her formal uniform, whispers to me . It doesnt bother me, I was just curious .

All the commanders I see are old men .

Arent there any pretty female commanders with big boobs or a nice ass?

Of course not . Theyll look at you .

Celia, standing on my other side, warns me as well .

Celia is attending as my adjutant so shes in her soldiers uniform .

She applied make-up again and it looks good on her as expected .

I want to take them both home quickly and flirt with them, but then the commanders as well as the new Governor General are focusing their attention on me .

Aww, they didnt have to come over .

Ahem . Lord Hardlett, how is the party?

Zilgray approaches me with an unwilling expression . If you didnt want to come, you didnt have to .

The food and drinks are delicious . Did they bring this stuff all the way from Goldonia and think why not provide reinforcements while were at it?

The moment I said what I did, the atmosphere in the room froze . Did I say something weird?

Lord Hardlett! That sarcastic comment makes it look like they never intended to fight in the first place!

Myla warns me .

Oh I see, Ill correct myself .

My apologies . I didnt mean to sound sarcastic . It just automatically came out of my mouth, hahaha .

Zilgrays face turns red .

There shouldnt have been anything in that exchange just now which would make him fall for me .

Fu, fufufu, my my I knew that . I heard about how Lord Hardlett was a straightforward man . Its in your nature to say whatever comes to mind

Zilgrays face is warping . I wonder whats got him so irritated .

Being frank is completely fine, although I also heard many rumors about your relationship with women . Im sure theyre nothing but baseless rumors, but please be careful as ridiculous things like that can lower Lord Hardletts dignity . For example

Zilgray looks at Myla beside me with a detestable gaze .

I hear vulgar rumors about Baroness Hyuutia and how she has an unusually friendly relationship with Lord Hardlett .


Myla grits her teeth .

As expected, it was discovered . I guess theres no use hiding it at this point .

Hahaha, so you found out . I certainly have an intimate relationship with her .

I pull Myla close to my body .

Seeing how Celia gets upset, I also grab her with my other arm .

Wha-!? how wonderful

Zilgray makes a frustrated face for some reason . I dont get it .

I hear youre keeping plenty of women in your mansion too

Yeah, theyre all splendid women who fell in love with me . I intend to protect all of them .

Zilgray looks at me with a blank expression . Whats with this guy?

A-about how you conquered Karudia, I hear you used gunpowder to blow up the walls and the waterways . B