Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? - Chapter 335

Chapter 335

"Eh? They disappeared?"

On our way back to Baldukk Miduchi said that while sitting on a bed in the inn we stopped at.


This morning before leaving the inn it was there when I was going through our bags.

Last night, didn't we just open a new one.

I properly tied the opening of the bag shut so the seaweed lotion wouldn't spill right?

"I don't know."

I know I had put it into my bag.

"But, it's not there right? Then, did you drop it somewhere?"

Was it when we were taking a break at noon?

"Isn't that the case? But, since we don't have any should we stop for today?"


Shouldn't around today be a safe day?

"Aren't you the one who said that you don't know whether it's the same as humans or not."


That's true, but you, aren't a human right~ You're a dark elf~

Though I'm not a human either.

Supposedly it's a bit easier between reincarnated people but even then isn't it difficult to conceive between different races...

"That might be the case but you never know right? In the first place, aren't you the one who said we need to put into order the foundation of the territory before having kids."


Even though they're my own words I'm very sad.

Can I endure it?

I'm sure I can.

..We only did it once.

But, we properly make sure to be careful so I'm sure it'll be fine.

Even when using {Identify} on Miduchi afterwards it was {Condition: Normal} after all.

I still have the experience of using {Identify} on sister-in-law Shani when she was pregnant.

It was a relief.

But, I remembered afterwards.

I only used {Identify} on sister-in-law Shani after her morning sickness started...

Morning sickness only starts around one month after getting pregnant I think it was.

I wonder if it's possible that I had gone a full month without using {Identify} on sister-in-law Shani when she was training the village's squires back then?

I completely forgot about that.

Ah, well, in the end Miduchi didn't get pregnant this time though.

It was at this time when I ended up with the misconception that, "If the condition shown with identify isn't pregnant then they're not pregnant".


Year 7448, Month 1, Day 18

We took quite a few detours on our return trip but just as expected it was still fast.

In the end it didn't even take us three weeks to do a round trip.

Everyone who didn't know the exact distance to Lail Kingdom just said, "Aren't you back quite a bit earlier than planned?" and weren't very surprised.

However, during dinner when Gwine discussed the distance and speed we were moving they were all shocked.

It was so fast that Toris said he wanted to bring Bel home with him once, Rodrick wanted to return home once as well.

Also, Misu and Jeru wanted to make a trip but these two aren't used to riding horses so it would be unreliable with just Gwine. I guess it would be fine to send Ralpha. Since she seemed to want to go after all.

Obviously I received an immediate reply from all of them.

First off it was decided that Toris would go together with Bel to greet his family.

Toris and Bel have used Miduchi and my horses so they're reasonably familiar with riding.

Their combat strength is also high so it should be plenty if I just send Gwine along.

After they get back Gwine can accompany Rodrick to his home town..Eh? It's in the place called Robamorusu that we pa.s.sed when we came back?

Then just as I was thinking it's fine if Gwine doesn't accompany him on that end they said it might be fine to try going down a different route so in the end Gwine will follow along with Rodrick and the others as well.

Under Rodrick's guidance his combat slaves Denda and Karimu are learning horsemans.h.i.+p as well so Gwine can focus on grasping the geography.

After that, when Misu and Jeru go back to Misu's home town it'll take the shape of Ralpha teaching them how to ride so Gwine won't have much of a burden on that end either.

During that time everyone who remains in Baldukk will continue exploring the dungeon.

Of course, to earn money.

There would be nothing more to say if we can obtain more useful magic tools and magic items that go along with it.

Also, at the inn there was contact from various directions including Sandak Company.

It's about the {Invisibility.Ring} and {Loincloth.Of.Daring} that I left in their care.

It seems that there's a high probability of the {Invisibility.Ring} with charges remaining reaching a price of over 1,5000,000,000 if it's put up for auction.

It's expected that the one without any charges remaining will only be worth about 1,000,000 or so.

Also, the {Light.Saber} will easily sell for over 2,000,000,000 so that was quite excellent.

Incidentally, Sandak Company itself decided to buy the wrist.w.a.tch for 8,000,000.

However, since the effects of the {Loincloth.Of.Daring} are still unknown it was written that the price will at best be around 30,000,000.


They most likely asked Marquis Dasurain the head court magician to look at it but I guess even using his so-called "special spell" it ended up with this conclusion...

Thinking about the price it was clearer than day that it'd be a lot better to just let Zulu use it.

The next day I went to Sandak Company in the capital and said we would sell the {Light.Saber} and wrist.w.a.tch. Ah, also the two {Invisibility.Rings}. Putting aside the one with no charges left, the remaining one had lost 16 charges as well.

Aft hearing his expectations that they would sell by the summer I returned to Baldukk.

I have a lot of things I need to do after all.

There's organizing all of the ores we're carrying to the surface and some things I need to make using them.

I want to make some more guns in the dungeon as well.

I also need to decide what to do about Greed Company from here on out.

I've already decided most of it after sorting through the results of the information the dark elves and Kuro brought me but I need to start planning the policies for the current time while thinking of whether I really want to decide on that place as my future territory.

Also, I need to order more slaves.

This isn't just me but Toris and quite a few others all want to purchase slaves as well.

If we were to order them all together I'm the madam from Ronslail would be pleased.

After that, it can't be helped thinking about recruiting immigrants from those above commoners before I've finished deciding my territory.

In regards to that I'm not actually bothering with it very much.

In the first place I have no intention of making some strange person into a squire so even if I were to actually do that it would just be in form.

For the next few months, I don't think I'll have any time to rest.

In some meanings this could be considered like my final holiday.


Year 7448, Month 2, Day 14

Today is the 20th birthday of us reincarnated people.

Going off the common sense from our previous lives it's a day that should be celebrated.

But, since we've all long since adjusted to the way of doing things on Orth for us it's nothing more than a day where our age goes up one.

Even then we threw a pretty flashy birthday party.

Obviously, we invited all of the other members as well.

Rokko was partying as he said, "It's nice and easy to remember all of you reincarnated people's birthdays because they're all on the same day".

Certainly including myself there's 10 people, almost 1/3rd of the people are have the same birthday.

We all exchanged looks and made a bitter smile but it's pretty late to bring up at this point right.

Ah, we've already told everyone in the {Slaughterers} about the fact that we had reincarnated.

They were shocked at first just like Kamu and Kimu but soon after seemed to lose interest.

Though it seems there's some that think it was a joke as well.

It's not like we particularly care if they believe it or not and it's not that sort of matter so we just mentioned it in pa.s.sing and that was the end of it.

Of course, there were those like Misu, Hisu, and Ginger who were considerably interested in it so I responded to their questions as best as I could.

But, several days later all of our lives were on the line as we entered the dungeon.

Since there's no time to bother with things like that everyone stopped focusing on it.

Well, even if I were a pure Orth person and I heard about something like this, I'd probably only be interested at first and sooner or later I'd just start to think, "So what?" I'd say that's about all there is to it.


Year 7448, Month 4, Day 1

The royal palace got into contact with me.

It seems his highness Richard's portion of the armor made using the wyvern's scales was completed so they can put a price on it.

Thinking about how it will be several billions and I can't help but grin.

I'll be in attendance at the castle on Tuesday of next week. It's planned for April 8th.

I guess we should announce  it around here.

In regards to the precious metals we obtained from the dragon, I've already long since paid off everyone's portion.

The remaining portion is stashed away in my safe at the shrine.

In regards to the other items we got anything that isn't being used in the dungeon is stored in my warehouse on the surface.

It's finally time to bring out the dragon's head, scales, and magic stone.

I entered the dungeon with Miduchi and my slaves and we went up to the teleport crystal room on the 8th floor.

Different from them it's been a month since I last entered the dungeon.

Though I never missed out on my training and running roughly 20 km a day in 2 hours so there was no problem with maintaining my stamina.


Year 7448, Month 4, Day 8

"Master, as you please."

Zulu humbly knelt in front of the dragon's head frozen in ice.


I deploy an {Anti-Magic Field} and erase the larger portion of the ice surrounding the thick dragon's head.

With this it should be possible to carry it with the strength of a few people.

It's only for a short period when teleporting so even two people should be fine.

We regrouped with everyone on the 7th and 5th floors just as previously planned and then made our triumphant return to the surface.

Different from when we carried back the wyvern, we chose to carry it back in the early morning when traffic was it's peak and the streets were filled with adventurers and stalls.

Obviously we didn't do anything to try and hide it so the moment we appeared from the entrance plaza a huge uproar started as if poking a bee's nest.

"Hey, that!"


"What in the world is that..!?"


"It's huge~!"

"Did they defeat it?"

"Of course they did."


Muhihi. It sure feels good to be exposed to so many looks of shock, admiration, respect, and envy.

"Supposedly the {Slaughterers} defeated a dragon."

"Just how big~ is it!?"

"So..Something like that, how in the world did they defeat it?"

"Since just it's head is that big, what about it's body.."

"That is~ I'm sure it's huge right."

"I wonder how much the dragon's magic stone is worth?"

"Like I would know. But I'm sure it's worth quite a bit."

I feel like everyone is praising Angelas and my achievement seeing the dragon's head.


"Yeah, quite literally they're {Dragon.Slayers}."

Naturally from the ma.s.ses surrounding us people started to bring up the words "{Dragon.Slayer}".

Those words spread around the entire entrance plaza in no time at all before everyone was using them.

"Congratulations, Greed-san! You're quite impressive!"

Church-san who was acting as the guard of the entrance plaza today praised me.

"Is it alright to shake your hand?"

"Ya~ Church-san. Thank you very much."

I thanked him and gripped the hand he was holding out.

A large and st.u.r.dy hand covered in sword blisters firmly gripped my hand.

But, his hand was warm.

"Uooo...A {Dragon.Slayer} has appeared from Baldukk!!"

"It's the {Slaughterers} who just brought down a huge wyvern a while ago!"

"As expected of Greed-sama! The number one adventurer in Baldukk!"

"Even among the top teams they're a full head above the rest~"

"Greed-sama! This time for sure, this time for sure let us Boton siblings join you!"

"I'll follow you to the depths of the abyss!"

"Gekudo-sama~! Marry me!"

In response to the cheers I waved my hand.

Half of these voices are for Angela.

I need to be proud  of her portion of the achievement as well.

"Kya!! Kalstalan-sama~~! Face over here!"

"Rokko~! Come over tonight!"

"Iyan~ designate me!"

"What are you saying!? Rokko is my best customer you know!"

"Kimu! After all you were a good woman!"

"I wonder if it's just as expected and Firefreed-san finished it off in the end?"

"Isn't that obvious! He's so cool! I look up to him!"

After sevel tens of minutes pa.s.sed the crowd finally split in the direction we were moving and a flower arrangement was made.

"However, that sure is~ amazing!"

"That's right, dragon's sure are huge."

"Gwine-cha~~n! We've got a new beard grooming set!!"

"Karimu! The pride of Berosu Village!"

"Faruergaz-sama! Please let me serve you!"

"No, me! I who was once the second company commander of Viscount Yoraizu's knight group!"

"Ginger-san! We've got some good vodka!"

I walk forward standing at the lead.

I waved my hand at the surroundings and acted courteous.

"Kamu! After all you were first-rate, no super first-rate!"

"But, just as expected if you don't have this many people there's no way to defeat a dragon like this right.."

"I wonder how they regrouped?"

"Ruttso yo~!! Ehe the greaves you ordered will be done by this weekend!"

"That's the guy who created the baldoggie right? Saji was it, he's a genius!"

"Hey~hey~hey, Ralpha!! Aren't you~ amazing~!"

"It's the triumphant return of the {Dragon.Slayers}~!!"

Zulu is following me from behind.

"Oh! Zulu! The star of the Laios!"

"Sanno! Pay your tab!"

"It's that dark elf right? She's supposedly an amazing magician."

"Not just that I've heard her skill with the sword and bow are impressive as well."

"She's a beautiful woman but a dark elf huh..."

"She doesn't look elvish right."

"Supposedly she's Greed's woman."

Behind that Henry, Mekku, Rubi, Jesu, Denda, and Karimu are carrying the dragon's head as they slowly follow along.

"Ransun! You're looking great again today!"

"Hey now~ do you want to get yourself killed by Jeru!? You're sure reckless with your life!?"

"Ge?..Jeru! So you were there."

"Just relax since there's no way he'd bother with someone like you."

"Hisu! As expected of the archer of the demon shot! Is it true that you don't have a man! Then with me"

"No with me!"

"No~no with me!"

The dragon's head being carried by six large men was sparkling as the light from the entrance plaza reflected off it's scales and seemed almost like a portable shrine.

"Denda! Do you remember me!? It's me! Me!"

"Kevvin! Let's have a toast tonight! I'll treat you to a drink!"

"Bernadette-cha~~n! You're cuuu~te again today, so cuuuute!"

"That combat slave, he's called Henry right? Is it true he was a knight?"

"Let alone that the Laios opposite from him, the one named Mekku, it seems he was a knight as well."

"Amazing~ slaves right. According to what I've heard that fellow named Rubi is pretty impressive as well."

"Jeswu!! Come to big~ sisters place again today!"

Ha? Just now was..that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Jesu, even though he's just a slave...

Further behind us the other members all followed along carrying bags filled with the scales.

"I~ was expecting it right from the start, that the {Slaughterers} would some day do something huge!"

"You, didn't you always say they were no good because they were just a bunch of brats?"

"Ha? When it comes a veteran watcher of my level I say things like that intentionally."

"Who was it that said they lost a lot of their combat strength since that female slave died?"

"I don't know, a conversation like that."

"You, are you not embarra.s.sed saying that?.."

"Not really? It's fine if I just complain about whatever when it comes to that time as long as I enjoy myself."

Hn? Maru, Rinbi, and Cathy came to greet us.

Then I guess Cathy came over to Baldukk last night.

She's being dragged along by the crowd trying to get a glance at the dragon while waving her hand high up.

It took us quite a bit of time to regroup and arrive at Boil Manor.


In the afternoon I arrived at the royal castle.

Obviously I'm wearing the {Dragon.Slayer} on my waist and I have the {Utility.Ring} on my finger.

Of course, I chartered a carriage so the dragon's head is here as well.

I covered it with some cloth when transporting it so it wouldn't stand out but obviously they checked the luggage when I was pa.s.sing through the gates of the royal castle.

It was just as I expected that there would be another huge uproar here.

It was even more than the time with the wyvern.

Nevertheless, after telling them my business I was let through into the outer citadel.

I was made to wait for a bit in front of the audience room of the outer citadel but after a short while I was allowed to enter.

"Greed. Raise your face."

Her highness Queen Morin gave me permission so I raised my face.

In the audience room other than her highness, the King, and prince Richard, there were several knights acting as guards.

And then to the side from the throne there was a stand for armor with magnificent set of armor hanging on it.

"Greed. Just look at it. This armor, it's amazing~"

Black Sky Scale

Pure Breed Wyvern Scales.Cowhide

Condition: Normal

Manufacture Date: 29/3/7448

Value: 1

Durability: 1625147

Ability: Body Restriction Rate: 7%

Ability: Average Penetration Rate: -38%

Ability: Armor-Protection Area Average Damage Reduction Rate: 69%

Effect: {Half Effect.From.Breath Weapon}

Effect: {Weight.Alleviation}

Effect: {Impediment.Minor.Magic}

..Well~well, this is quite impressive.

It has a penetration reduction rate on the level of splint mail and a higher defensive rate than full plate mail.

On top of that the body restriction rate is on the same level as leather armor.

The special effects are excellent as well.

Additionally, just as the artisan expected it has a unique name attached to it.

"Thus, this armor. About the price.."

I was given permission so I stood up and started acting as if I was using {Status Open} while the King was putting on airs as he said it.

Ah, I couldn't help but be charmed by it.
