Year 7442, Month 6, Day 4
There's no other response than he obviously does right?
"Of course. Out of the many slaves I was chosen. I'm very satisfied with how I'm treated as well."
"Hmn. I see. Then I guess it's fine. But. I feel sorry for you but for today would you return early? Right? Al?"
Why do you throw it to me there? Well it's fine though.
"Yeah, Zulu. We're going to have a meeting on our plans from tomorrow on after this. Also, we need to go over the details of Bel's contract as well. Sorry about crus.h.i.+ng your break for this afternoon. Feel free to go and rest first."
I said that and told Zulu to go ahead to the inn before us. Don't worry about what Ralpha said.
"Yes, I understand master. Then, I'll go and rest ahead of everyone else."
"Ah, we'll meet tomorrow at the same restaurant and time as today."
After saying that and waving and Zulu left the restaurant. Now then.
"Bel, just now was close to clearing people out. Since Zenom knows about our situation you can relax. Also, after we finish eating let's change locations. I guess we can talk at my inn."
I say that and then tilt my remaining beer mug.
"Bel, you can relax. Since Zenom is my father. I've talked to him about it since the past."
After Ralpha said that as well she bit into her remaining skewer.
"Yeah, I know the majority of it. I don't know the small details though. Well, things won't go badly for you, I can guarantee there's nothing to lose in just listening."
Zenom says while throwing the rest of his cooked meat and vegetables.
After hearing our conversation Bel said,
"I'm wouldn't feel uneasy at this point. It's fine."
After responding like that she ate the rest of what appears to be a type of bird meat. Were rabbits carnivorous? No, I don't know though.
After changing locations we immediately got to exchanging information. Starting from each other's Unique Abilities (I'm still pa.s.sing it as Magic Acquisition as usual), and we fundamentally talked about things related to this world. In particular it was a big harvest that we were able to hear the names of some Unique Abilities from Bel. Out of "Identify", "Resistance (Poison)", "Scale", and "Predicted Evasion", the only ones I didn't know were "Scale" and "Predicted Evasion". Putting "Predicted Evasion" aside, I'm interested in "Scale".
Eh? If my attacks are predicted and evaded then won't I not be able to hit? Don't say stupid things. Unless they can teleport there's no way to evade guided magic or depending on the situation burying them in wide-area dirt or ice. Though going off the name it does sound useful in close combat or shooting combat. There's no need to idiotically stand in the opponents ring.
Also, there was the information that the location she reincarnated to was at the Southeastern edge of the range that reincarnated people appear. Since it seems that I was on the Western edge if we can find one more person who was on a different edge then we should be able to roughly figure out the range. There's no accurate map. It's fine even if it's only general.
However, Bel is living proof that there's reincarnated people in the Kingdom of Devas as well, so this is big. Depending on the situation there might even be reincarnated people in the Kingdoms of Kanbitt, Bakuluni, or Guranan Empire.
Furthermore, the things they found out about this case with Dereonola through torture (though it was just cute stuff like kicking him or threatening him with a sword) was,
- He just happened to find Bel on a street corner.
- Since she was searching for someone named Semayousuke he guessed that she was j.a.panese.
- He paid the man who he asked to deliver the message.
- After she finished climbing the hill he got her to drink water with the paralysis drug in it.
- He tied Bel's limbs to stakes that he had already prepared in advance.
- Right when he was about to get to enjoying himself I charged in.
That's how it seems to have gone. Well, it's pretty much entirely as expected.
"And, Ralpha, you made sure to secure it right?"
"Eh? Secure what?"
Hey now, don't joke with me.
"The paralysis drug he used and the antidote for it!"
It's only obvious.
"Eh? There wasn't any left and in the first place it's evidence right?"
Aaaaaaa, if there was even a drop left I could of identified it...Well, if a slave can get their hands on it then I'm sure I could find it if I try as well. Since it seems they make various drugs using magic stones in this world. I'm sure there's some sort of store that deals in that stuff here in Baldukk.
"I guess that's true. It can't be helped."
Suddenly I remembered. Come to think of it the Scavenger Crawler we defeated this morning had a special skill called Paralysis. I think it was written on the window that in order to remove it if you've been paralyzed you need to use either magic or magic-based drug. I don't know paralysis magic or the magic to remove it. I've never used it after all.. I wonder if the general antidote magic works?
I somehow have the feeling that a combination of earth, water, and void magic would work but how much mana you need to pour into each of them... Being unable to use them when I need them or taking 15 minutes for them to activate isn't a joke. It seems it's necessary to practice it later. Going off of the identify window then probably even when paralyzed you might be able to use magic though. Since you have consciousness. But, it's not that sort of problem.
"What is it, suddenly going quiet...are you angry?"
Ralpha called out to me slightly nervous.
"Ah, no, I'm not. I'm not particularly angry. I was just thinking a bit. Since I've never tried using paralysis or remove paralysis magic I might need to practice them."
"Ah, I see...I'm sorry. I didn't think that far.."
"No, it's fine. Don't worry about it. If that guy can get his hands on it then I'm sure we can get it somewhere as well. If a slave can buy it then it's probably not all that expensive as well."
I cheerfully say that to Ralpha who seems apologetic and continue saying.
"And, this is changing the conversation, but I think I'll have Bel show us her abilities a bit before we go to the dungeon tomorrow morning. Also, some shopping. We'll buy enough hair dye or something like that for the three of us. Since Baldukk is a large town we should be able to find some."
After I said that I looked at Bel. I thought it might be possible she's against it.
"Of course I don't have any problem with showing my skill but why is the hair dye necessary?"
Bel asked me as she finds it strange. And then Ralpha said something that I previously told her. That's why I said, why are you saying it so proudly? It's fine but you know. It seems that Bel has consented to it but with that expression I'm sure she's worried that it will make it harder for Semayousuke to find her.
"Bel, this is just my thinking but until today including you I've met 5 reincarnated people. Putting me in and the total is 6 people. I noticed it on the first guy I met but I'm already sure of it now. If the reincarnated person is a j.a.panese then they're all probably black hair and black eyes. It might be possible if there was a foreigner in that accident then it might be different for them but you guys saw the "television report recording" like thing right?
That's why it's fine to think that all the reincarnated people have black hair and black eyes.
However, it's not limited to not being the case. That's why this is something like "insurance". It's not a problem of whether a foreigner who was "nationalized" in j.a.pan was in that accident or if someone reincarnated as royalty."
After I said that Bel made a face like she comprehended it.
"It's true it's just as Al-san said. I knew that I had black hair and eyes but I didn't know that the other reincarnated people would have the same black hair and eyes. If Yousuke hasn't met any other reincarnated people then I'm sure he doesn't know as well."
Yeah, until I saw Kuro's face, putting aside the facial features, I thought it was just a coincidence that I had black hair and eyes.
"I guess so. I'm the same. Since I was surprised when I met Al and thought he was probably j.a.panese. And black hair and eyes are unusual but there's just black hair and black eyes as well. There's also red hair and red eyes. Isn't a red hair, red eye person just as unusual as a black hair and black eyed person? I think that brown hair and brown eyes are also unusual for the same reason, and the same for blue hair and blue eyes. Above all, the fact that all three of us have black hair and black eyes, this is already "dangerous" right?"
What's "dangerous"? Young girl. But, what you say is quite true.
"That's right. It's true it's just as Ralpha says, there's not much of a reason to get neurotic over it. But, I'm sure if they start searching based on physical appearance they'll look for black hair and eyes first. It would be a good idea to change everyone's hair color."
After I said that and Bel and Ralpha started worrying about what color they want to use. Does it really matter what color?
It's gotten quite late at night and I'm going to wake up before 5 tomorrow morning. I'm sure everyone's starting to get tired. There's a bit of something that I want to think about by myself as well so I guess we should split up here.
Year 7442, Month 6, Day 5
In any case since I don't know our current position I just drew a pair of parallel lines in the middle of the paper(the direction of North that Ralpha pointed out wasn't the direction the cave goes but into the wall on our side). While thinking that it's urgent to level up Ralpha's magic special skills I finish drawing the lines and since there's nothing to decide which direction to go I say "Then~ let's try going this direction first" and walk off.