Year 7446, Month 6, Day 30
First off is investigation. The range of this {Anti-Skill Area} and whether it be magic or Unique Abilities the conditions for it's activation and effects. The result of that, we were able to identify the below points.
1. It has a range of around 500 meters from the center of this room (Probably. We just wandered around about 100 meters in the surroundings).
3. It works shooting spells inside from outside.
5. However, {Summon.Insect} and the various missiles or other spells that require maintaining concentration were no good.
7. {Status Open} was possible but it was painted out with ■■■■■ characters.
Now then, next is?
Obviously, it's reconnaissance.
Since it's said that there's a possibility of some kind of monster being there, if possible I want to avoid reconnaissance with force. And, in that case it will be scouting reconnaissance. It's crucial that we can scout things and observe the enemy without being detected.
Going from how she carries her body Miduchi is ideal. However, we don't know what kind of enemy will be there. The job of a scout is to make it back alive to the main group with the information. Even if they take independent action if they can't make it back alive it's no good. Here is the all powerful my turn since I have over 200 HP.
"Wai..Wait, why are you suddenly getting naked!"
Since I suddenly started taking my armor off starting with Ralpha, everyone was fl.u.s.tered.
I guess not.
"Shut up~ idiot. Listen quietly."
I yelled at Ralpha and said while taking off my protectors.
"I'm going to scout things out. Depending on the case I might come back pulling monsters. I want everyone to setup a battle formation around 40~50 meters from that boundary and wait."
"Master, if it's scouting then please order myself or Maruso."
Zulu proposed but that's rejected.
"That's no good. It will take a lot of time to take off and put on Zulu's {Banded-mail} and putting it frankly Angela might die in a single hit. There would be no meaning in scouting like that. I'm going."
In no time at all I was down to just my under armor and boots.
I advance forward while trying not to make as much sound as possible. I've already used up around 90 seconds. Another 210 seconds remaining. If I think about the time it takes to get back then I guess about 3 minutes.
I continue advancing forward while hiding behind the rocks.
The same as usual I barely have 50 meters or so of sight.
After continuing for about 100 meters, I looked back once and in the distance, about 100 meters back there's an area with some light. A bit beyond that I can see a bit more light as well. It should be both of the areas I left the rocks. It's vague whether that light would be noticed. It's pitch black and while there's only around 40~50 meters of vision, the ground being stepped on gives off light. This interferes and makes it difficult to notice light in the distance.
Having nothing to hide behind, causes a bit of anxiety.
Thanks to that it's somehow cold.
I can't see so I can't tell but I'm sure it's shrunken.
Since I came to for reconnaissance I need to obtain some kind of information.
It would probably be best not to run anymore.
This, is it a wall?
I'm getting a bad feeling.
It's thinner than the pillow I saw on the 14th floor in the past. Additionally, somehow it seems a bit rectangular.
Looking from the direction I was approaching from there's an entrance on the left.
That is a monster right?
Yeah, it's a monster.
The distance between us is about 50 meters.
Normally it's a distance which can barely be seen from.
Simultaneously I heard a loud banging sound like the atmosphere was being torn from a considerable distance.
Obviously I had stopped moving and put my hands over my eyes because of the brightness.
However, it's a bit sad, I guess because I was invisible even if I put my hands over my face the light that comes through just got even brighter and it didn't block it out at all.
It felt tremendously bright at first but it seems it was at most the same level as the 7th floor and my eyes adjusted to it right away.
Of course I still can't use Identify as usual.
Though it doesn't seem it has completely discovered me yet.
However, the current situation is bad. I've already confirmed the monster, I guess I'll return?
Not by monsters.
I think it's probably around several hundred meters from the pillar but there's a 20 meter or so wall made of {Lightning Bolt}-like lightning connecting the floor and ceiling.
If it's around there then I should be able to pick up my bayonet.
At the same time I was glad I didn't send Miduchi to do reconnaissance.
I quietly turned around while making sure not to make any sound from my footsteps and returned the direction I came.
After returning a couple tens of meters, when I hid behind a rock, I quietly picked up a rock from the ground.
I was just preparing a rock to throw in the worst case.
I'll quietly return without being noticed.
Thank goodness.
I could see everyone about 100 meters ahead on the other side of the {Lightning Bolt} wall like cage.
This, looks like an Anti-Magic Field.
I'm sure it's impossible.
Probably only an arrow or so would pa.s.s through. Even whether that would pa.s.s through the s.p.a.ce in this electricity is up for question.
I have the feeling that metal-based items wouldn't be any good against this electricity.
If it's a magic weapon then it might be fine but it would suck if it breaks.
Would it work?
However, it seems they left behind my rubber protectors when they came over.
The effect duration of the spell {Invisibility} will probably end pretty soon.
It would be best to get in one blow as a surprise attack before it ends.
If I can decide the match with that then it's fine if I slowly think about things after.
It seems it's not moving from protecting the entrance to the pillar.
I wonder how many more seconds the {Invisibility} will last?
It's a waste of time just thinking.
I threw the rock I still had in my hand. In order to avert the attention of the monster.
The monster is one even I knew about.
It's a giant Minotaur.
It's upper body is naked and it has a loincloth made of some kind of beast's leather, and is barefoot.
It's chest hair is extremely thick and going down it's stomach it's even connected inside of it's loincloth.
Happy trail.
I endured letting out a war cry while charging at it and just ran as fast as I could.
Of course I'm not mortified at all or anything.
Author's Note:
"Invisibility" {Illusion}.{Phantasm}
Turn a single living creature that's being touched invisible for 50 seconds. It's possible to use it on yourself as well. Unable to use it on non-living objects. The target can still see the same as normal and it's possible for them to take actions. It's also possible to talk and eat something. In the case of eating if the mouth is closed then the food will no longer be seen. However, if the moment the target attempts to use a spell during the duration of the effect the effect will be released. Also, if they take any sort of action towards attacking that moment the effect will be cut off as well. Such actions are swinging a weapon, pulling bow strings, the immediate action before attacking and approaching the target from behind while holding the handle of a sword is fine(obviously unless the sword is a magic item just it will be visible).