"i can't really breakthrough no matter what ays..."
The young man opened his eyes because the night is already over, The sun already about to rose as the sunlight started to brighten the horizon, he get up from his sit and stretching his body a bit.
"yes master" a voice resonds besides him.
"follow and guard Natsume again today im really feeling laz-"
"master you need to attend the school too!" the female voice said coldly, she didn't even let him finish his sentence because she already know what he wanted to say.
"are you trying to disobey your master?" The young man said plainly but there's some authoritative tone in his voice, he didn't even turn his head to the direction where the female voice came from.
When Arturia heard that she fled while feeling embarresed because there's a time when she is in bad mood, she disobey his order after that Shen Tian punished her.. *cough*
"its a new semester now if i remember correctly s.h.i.+zuka will appear in the cla.s.s opening ceremony ah nevermind...."
Shen Tian sitted again on the rooftop observing the blue sky with some white clouds he have a dazed expression on his face as if he is in deep thought.
After a while a memories started to flash back inside his mind that time when he was sitting above the sky while observing the Aincrad floating Castle as it colapse on the vast blue sky.