Shen Tian was still sitting at the chair while explaining to them. What happened a while ago he explained his emotion was unstable because of some reason but Asuna comforted him. At the other side of the table Nanami,Griselda and Yuna was there sitted themselves on one green couch listening to him.
"So thats what happened.." Yuna said as she understand why his emotion become unstable because Griselda already explained to Yuna and Nanami what happened to her and Shen Tian this morning before going to his house.
"Tsk.. What a sly woman attacking Shen-sama when he is in his weak state" Nanami whispered to herself.
Shen Tian didn't heard what Nanami was mumbling asked "what is it Ruri?"
"Nothing!! Sh- i mean brother" She said in fl.u.s.tered manner.
Griselda was silent on her sit as she lowered her head because she felt really unfair this morning. When she was saved by Shen Tian she was really happy but he left her alone there in the forest.. even thought she is an adult. she is still a girl experiencing that killing spree she was shocked and scared when she tried to find someone to support her but Shen Tian already left her there alone in the forest....
Shen Tian pretended to not notice it he asked " so Nanami whats your purpose for coming here...?"
"Brother do i need a purpose to come here?!?!" Nanami shouted because she still felt jelous about what happened a while ago.
Shen Tian wearily smiled he said "haha..... no i think i heard when you just came here you said someone want to speak to me?"
"Ah.. right Griselda said she want to talk with you brother and by the way I and Yuna already know what happened this morning its good that your ok now" Nanami
" im really ok now its all thanks to Asuna" Shen Tian smile but he noticed that Griselda is still lowering her head and still silent he said to her " Griselda you don't nee-"
Griselda suddenly rushed to Shen Tian side and pulled his collar to closer to her face the distance between their face was so close that their nose almost touching to each other Griselda eyes is over shadowed by her hair.
Shen Tian was surprised being holded like that he tried to struggle but he stopped when he felt something wet dropped on his face then he see Griselda beautiful face that is filled with tears she's crying...? but why...?
"eh.. Griselda why are you cryin-....? " He said feeling confused
Griselda who is crying right now her emotion explode she shouted at Shen Tian face "I just want to say!! Thank you for saving me!!! and why did you suddenly leave me alone there in the forest!?! do you know that i felt so lonely when you leaved!?!?!
Yuna and Nanami was shocked even Shen Tian can't respond to this sudden development.
Griselda see Shen Tian is still not replying she shouted in her tears "you hate me or what?!?!"
Shen Tian recovered when she shouted at him he thought so its just my misunderstanding that she's afraid of me...d.a.m.nn he sigh while standing up from his sit he was a bit taller than Griselda so when he stood Griselda was surprised she backed away a little but Shen Tian stepped forward and hugged her.
"Griselda im sorry... i didn't know you felt that way.. because i thought your afraid of me when i killed him...." He whispered to her.
"You two what are yo-!" Nanami who is at the side tried to stand up because she wants to seperate them but Yuna grabbed her shoulder stopping her.
Yuna holded Nanami and making some motion on her hand to Nanami while winking she whispered "Shhhh be quiet big sis ruri...."
Griselda who is inside Shen Tian hug buried her head on Shen Tian shoulder to feel his warmth as she cried " No im not afraid of you... im just shocked at first... but when you left me i felt really afraid...being alone..."
"Its ok now... you won't be alone.. anymore.. " Shen Tian said as he patted her smooth back to comfort her.
After a while Grisleda calmed down on his shoulder she didn't move but Nanami couldn't take it anymore her beloved young master is being hugged at her front. Her jealousy emotion ignited again.
"*Cough!! Cough!!* Ehem! Ah~~ Its really getting late now..." she said while pretending to look at the window.
Yuna who noticed her childish antics felt funny as she giggled at the side "pffft hehe"
Shen Tian pretended to not heard what Nanami said but Griselda who is inside his hug was embarressed she thought ah!! What a mistake im alread a old woman but right now i cried here and throwing a tantrum like a child to my savior. Griselda slowly seperate herself from Shen Tian but her head is still lowered because she was really too embarressed to face someone now.
Shen Tian was confused as he lowered his head as well trying to peek at Griselda face checking if she's alright "Griselda are you ok now..?"
Griselda avoided Shen Tian walking toward the door fast to go outside while shouting "Im already ok lets meet later i remember i have something important to do right now!!!!"
Shen Tian shouted "Griselda wait!!"
Griselda who was at the door stopped she said in low voice " what is it..."
"Griselda your asking me if i hate you right? my answer is i don't hate you at all" Shen Tian said with a smile.
When Griselda heard what Shen Tian said she was astonished then she smiled but the others didn't see it because they can only see her back she turned around and walking towards Shen Tian front then she suddenly kissed his right side cheek " Turtle thanks.."
Shen Tian was in daze
Nanami jealousy aura was released as she pointed at Shen Tian and Griselda "you....."
Yuna was in daze while imagining she was the one kissing Shen Tian "kissing big brother..."
Griselda escape from the her crime scene while saying " Bye Turtle ~ "
Nanami lowered her head as she thought my young master is being taken away from me.... she said in low voice "Yuna can you go to the guild headquarters first i will talk with brother a bit more here"
Yuna see Nanami is releasing scary aura so she complied she walked towards the door " Alright but.."
When Yuna was already near Shen Tian she suddenly kissed left side of his cheek then continue her walk towards the door while saying "But i don't want to be left out~~"
Shen Tian smiled wearily he didn't know what to say anymore then He heard a feminine voice.
"Shen-sama sit here..." Nanami who is still sitting on a couch said while signaling him to sit at her side.
Shen Tian complied sitting at her side because The nanami now is acting weird and its a bit scary.
"Shen-sama how many girls do you want to fall in your hands..? Until you become satisfied..? " she said while forcing a smile at him.