ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 973

Chapter 973

Published at 26th of January 2023 06:58:47 AM

973 How Should She Repay Jeannie?

So you're saying Michael approached me with the intention of taking away my family's business? Monica was so disappointed that it hurt.

It was not to make the Sanders think that he was not ambitious. He just wanted to make their family go bankrupt.

Michael, that man, really disgusted her.

She did not know how to describe her current feelings. She did not even think that she was worthy of being called blind.

It's just my guess, but it's about right. That's why I suspect that this wasn't an accident but a long-planned scheme.

So, if you hadn't come back, I would have been played by Michael. Monica laughed at herself.

If not for Jeanne, she would really be played by Michael.

She finally understood why Michael said that she would take the initiative to climb into his bed one day.

If he succeeded because she went with whatever Michael said to save her father from going to prison

She was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

It's fine if you've been played once, twice, and even ten times, Monica. Jeanne said, As long as we counterattack on the last try, we'll be good.

I won't be soft-hearted anymore. Monica said firmly, I will never be soft-hearted to Michael again!

Not just to Michael. In the business world, you can't be soft-hearted to anyone who is a threat to you or a competitor. If you're soft-hearted, others will step all over you!

Yes. Monica nodded.

Sleep early. Jeanne said, We have more things to do tomorrow morning.


Monica. Jeanne suddenly thought of something.


When you went on your knees in front of the child's parents today Jeanne hesitated.

Monica bit her lip, not knowing what Jeanne was going to say.

At that time, she did not want to see Jeanne helping her all the time and always rushing to her side to shield her from harm.

On the contrary, she wanted Jeanne to see that she had grown up and could deal with many things on her own.

In the future, don't kneel to anyone so easily. Jeanne reminded her. Although playing the emotional card will win you sympathy, it won't help you in the business world. After all, in the business world, there's no such thing as feelings!

Alright, Monica agreed.

She did not tell Jeanne why she knelt.

But I can't deny that your kneeling today was very effective. Jeanne did not forget to acknowledge her. Monica, you've made me realize that you're all grown up. You're no longer the little girl who would only cry or hide whenever something happened. You've even started to take the initiative to deal with your problems and solve them.

But I still need you to help me. Monica smiled faintly.

Ultimately, she was still not capable enough. Without Jeanne, she was useless.

No one can succeed overnight. Moreover, you've improved a lot. Don't always put yourself down. Jeanne encouraged.

Jeannie. Touched by what Jeanne said to her, Monica choked. What would I do without you?

No. You can be just as good without me.

Monica's eyes reddened.

Did that mean Jeanne was going to leave no matter what?

Rest early. Jeanne did not say anything else because she did not want to hurt Monica.

Some feelings, once spoken, could not be taken back.

Not only did it apply to Monica but also to Jeanne.

You should rest early too. Monica hung up the phone silently.

Then, a stream of tears flowed out from the corner of her eyes.

She did not know why she was crying.

Jeannie said that she had learned to take the initiative to deal with things, which was true.

She was trying her best to learn to take responsibility for herself and trying her best to grow up to become a person who could truly take charge of things on her own!

Yet, in the end, she was still a crybaby who could not control her tears no matter how hard she tried!

How long would it take for her to change her habit of crying?

A lonely smile appeared on her face.

She wiped her tears and was about to return to the ward when she suddenly saw Finn in the corridor.

He was only a few steps away from her, so he should be able to see that she was crying.

She did not even know when he was there and how long he had watched her cry.

Fortunately, there was nothing between them anymore.

Even if she cried, Finn would turn a blind eye to it.