ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 953

Chapter 953

Published at 20th of January 2023 07:45:39 AM

953 I Can't Think of a Title Anymore, Let's See What the Officials Do

She said, Dad, did you see something tonight?

Gary's eyes seemed to flicker.

It was nothing. Monica comforted him, Ever since Finn and I divorced, Finn has completely given up on me. And since I've discovered the ugly side of Michael, I feel like I've become much stronger instead. With no one left to love me, I feel fearless and invincible, so what Michael did doesn't affect me much.

Gary's heart ached for her.

Dad, love is a thing of the past for me, and I no longer have any high hopes for it to find me again. Perhaps a relationship will naturally find its way to me in the future, but if not, I won't force it or look forward to it. All I know now is that when I can see everything clearly, nothing can hurt me. Monica explained everything to her father.

Even if Michael did something to her, it did not affect her much.

I should also report to you about the company's matters. She kept it simple as it might feel like she was trying to cover up the situation if she said too much. The company's situation isn't as bad as you think, dad. I've already settled the board of directors. I told them they will go down with us if we go down, and if they don't want that, everyone should think of a way to tide over the difficulties with Cardellini Enterprise. It's safe to say that they were threatened by me.

As she spoke, she smiled proudly.

Then, she continued slowly, As for the report, I've already forced the quality inspection department to produce the result within a week. That was the reason Michael came to look for me today. I think I must've provoked him. He probably didn't expect me to be so smart, so he used such a nasty method to take revenge on me. I'm suddenly a little excited. Tell me, how can I make the sinister and cunning Michael suffer?

Gary shook his head, seemingly helpless against his daughter.

Others would be scared to death if they provoked anyone, but she, on the contrary, was excited.

As the saying went, newborn calves were not afraid of tigers, and that saying proved to be true.

Once the test result is out, and if there are no problems with Cardellini Enterprise, we will be able to clear our name. Then, I will work with Mr. Warren to think of a way to put the new product on the market. With our status in the medical industry, I don't think it will be difficult for Cardellini Enterprise to rise again. However, don't ask too much of me, dad. As you know, I'm a little stupid. I don't know if I can really turn things around for Cardellini Enterprise. If I can't, we won't force it, okay?

Monica looked at her father's expression to see his reaction.

In the end, she saw the disappointment in his father's eyes, or it was probably the sadness of his inability to help her.

She said, I know Cardellini Enterprise has been passed down from generation to generation and that you don't want to ruin it. But businesses, even family businesses, are just decorations in life, not necessities. What we need are strong, healthy bodies and family, right?

Monica was trying carefully to tell her father that she was not finding an excuse for herself because she did not want to work.

She just wanted her father to let go of the burden in his heart so that it would not trigger his illness again.

She was pretty sure she could accept anything else except losing her parents.

It was the only thing that kept her alive.

You and mom are so close, and you've loved each other all your life. Do you want to see her sad because of you? Mom has never been a worldly person. She even complains a lot that you are often too busy with work and spend too little time with her. She is always envious when she hears her rich friends travel with their husbands and children. Monica said, Dad, I know you love mom very much, but in the name of love, you still owe her a lot. You really don't give her enough of your time.

Gary felt a little guilty too.

As he thought back carefully about his life, work had taken up more than half of his life, and he did take his job too seriously.

Dad, take good care of yourself and get back all the time you owe my mom, okay? Monica asked him and then waited for his answer gently, seriously, and eagerly.

Gary smiled and said, Monica, you understand things better than I do.