ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 914

Chapter 914

Published at 3rd of January 2023 05:42:52 AM

914 The Sudden Fire Rescue

I'll bring you out. Jeanne carried Monica up from the ground.

Fortunately, Monica still had a coat on her. At the very least, the flames did not burn her skin when she shuttled through the fire. Monica tightly hugged Jeanne's neck.

This way! Lucy was clearing the way for Jeanne.

Jeanne had not noticed that Lucy had followed her into the room, but she did not have time for words. The two of them worked together and rushed out of the banquet hall in the shortest time possible.

At that moment, a figure walked past them, seeming like an illusion. After all, everyone's only thought was to escape in moments like these.

After that figure rushed in, he suddenly rushed out again. He looked straight at the few figures in front of him. It was as if he had seen them clearly before he turned around and walked to the other side.

Jeanne and Lucy placed Monica in the ambulance. As many people had been burnt due to the fire, the Sanders arranged for ambulances to carry out the rescue. It was also at this moment that mighty fire trucks appeared in the wedding hall and began to put out the fire frantically.

Monica grabbed Jeanne, who was about to leave after putting her down. She said softly, Jeanne.

Jeanne's heart skipped a beat and had a lump in her throat. Monica still recognized her.

Was it because of familiarity, or was she who Monica wanted to see? Either way, she still recognized her no matter what she looked like!

I don't want you to go, Monica said with tears falling from the corners of her eyes. She was too weak and could not open her eyes.

Jeanne's eyes watered. She was speechless.

Lucy looked at them and wanted to urge them several times, but she held back. When the doctors and nurses in the ambulance covered Monica with an oxygen mask, Jeanne pushed Monica's hand away.

Monica did not have much strength, but she could see the tears in the corners of her eyes, flowing even more clearly now.

Jeanne said, Take good care of yourself. She could not make any promises to Monica, only that she learned to take care of herself.

She got out of Monica's ambulance and watched as the ambulance door closed and left. She turned around, needing a moment to recover her emotions.

Let's go, she said.

George, Lucy suddenly said.

Jeanne's eyes flickered. She looked in Lucy's direction and saw little George standing not far away from her. He just stared and did not approach her. Even though his eyes were filled with anticipation that she would pass, he held it in and did not say anything. He only looked at her silently.

Jeanne's emotions, which she had been suppressing, suddenly fluctuated. She knew that one day, she would abandon George. However, she had always thought that it would be the day she died, never intentionally.

When she turned around, George's calm little face still showed a little discomfort, and his big eyes began to turn red. He was clearly reluctant, but he bit his lip and did not say a word.

His small action moved even Nox, who was at his side. He had originally planned to give George a blow, saying his mother did not want him. Now that he had been touched by this little brat, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Jeanne, this cold-blooded woman! She did not even want her husband and son and left just like that.

Do you want to leave with George? Lucy asked her.

Jeanne shook her head. She felt safer with George by Edward's side.

She and Lucy quickly got into the private car parked outside the banquet hall. Once they got in, the car instantly drove away.

George just watched as the car disappeared in front of him. The tears in his eyes were obvious, but he did not cry.

Stop looking. Let's go. Nox said in a light tone. He was afraid to agitate George.

George only bit his lip.

Let's go find your dad. I heard he's injured. Nox deliberately changed the topic. This little wimp made his heart ache for no reason.

He was not like other children who would cry and make a scene if things did not meet their requirements. Though, it might be better to cry and make a scene. After all, children should have the nature of children.

Nox did not know what George had gone through to be able to endure such things. He stroked George's head as if to comfort him, and George did not refuse his touch. He took the initiative to pull Nox's hand. Nox's heart softened. He had an inexplicable urge to protect George.

F*ck. As if George was his son.

He led George to the other side and saw Finn supporting Edward as they walked over. Nox sped up with George. He scanned Edward from head to toe. Everything alright?

I'm fine, Edward said. Then, he added, Everything has been burned.

It was true. The hair that the guards had collected had all been burned. This was all the preparations they had made in advance. If the Sanders only collected DNA in secret, they would mess with them and switch the DNA. However, if they took the risk and chose to use force, they would create chaos and burn everything they had collected, completely destroying it and leaving them with nothing. Even though he was injured, it was obvious that they had succeeded.

The four of them returned to the car and left the scene. In the car, Finn was checking on Edward's physical condition. George sat beside him obediently, and Nox sat in the front row, turning to look at them.

How is he? Nox asked.

Just need to take the bullet out of his leg. The others are light burns. Nothing serious, Finn said.

Nox gave a slight nod.

By the way, did anyone die today? Nox asked. Other than the few guards we killed, did any of the guests die?

Finn did not answer, nor did Edward. It did not really matter to them whether or not anyone died. After all, some things required a certain amount of sacrifice. It did not faze them anymore.

Did you guys see Monica? Nox frowned. When they saw Jeanne, Monica had already been in the ambulance, so they had not seen her.

Finn said nothing.

I've been waiting for you guys outside. I don't remember seeing Monica. Nox recalled.

She couldn't have burned to death inside, right? Nox suddenly felt a little excited.


Monica did not deserve to die. Moreover, they had known and dealt with each other for so many years. If she had burned to death because of them, they would definitely feel bad.

She's not dead, Finn said. Jeanne saved her.

Nox looked at Finn. How did he know?

Before he could question Finn further, the car arrived at Bamboo Garden. Finn immediately changed the topic. Nox, come and help Fourth Master.

He saw that George had already taken the initiative to go over and hold Edward's hand.