ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 864

Chapter 864

Published at 21st of December 2022 08:51:45 PM

864 Jeanne and Monica's Joint Counterattack

Monica meant business too.

She really felt that her conversation with Jeanne had opened up her entire world. She used to think that Jeanne was very capable, but she never knew just how capable she was.

This time, she had been willing to give it all up.

Jeanne spoke to Monica for a long time. She explained that Monica was not actually stupid. She just did not want to work hard and was content with the status quo.

If she honed her potential, Monica would surprise everyone.

When Jeanne put down her phone, Lucy appeared beside her and handed her a cigarette.

Lucy was the one who taught her how to smoke. She said that the life of an assassin would be rather boring. Therefore, she used cigarettes to relieve that boredom.

They each smoked one.

After half a month of recuperation, Lucy's body had recovered a lot.

They stood on a large balcony, overlooking Delta Island.

Was the person you were chatting with just now, Monica? asked Lucy.

Mm. Jeanne smiled.

Best friend?

Yep. Jeanne nodded.

That's great. Lucy smiled. She seemed envious.

Nothing awaits an assassin. Family, friendship, and love were all extravagant hopes.

You didn't contact George? Lucy asked.

Not yet.

Don't know how to face Fourth Master Swan? Lucy was very smart. There had been many times that she had given Kingsley advice beyond the scope of an assassin.

Right again. Jeanne did not hide it.

The cruelty she had previously shown to Edward could at least be forgiven. He, in turn, stabbed Lucy's heart.

Now, It seemed like they were too embarrassed to face each other.

In fact, she had told George before, when she decided to keep him by Edward's side, that if she left one day, regardless of whether she died or returned with Kingsley to turn against Edward, her departure would be her choice. She had told him not to blame anyone, and that he should not wait for her. If she could come back one day, she would return by herself. If she didn't, he would have to take care of himself.

George was more mature than the average child. He also knew much more than kids his age. As long as she told him, he would accept it.

Besides, George had grown up in the Hills. Although he was not exposed to the bloody world, she did not deliberately hide the existence of the Hills from him either.

From the moment George could remember, he had already seen many cruel scenes. Therefore, his ability to accept things was much stronger than the average person.

In the future, you and Fourth Master Swan Yu Jia extinguished her cigarette. The woman in her thirties still had her charm. Are you really going to fight each other?

What choice do I have? Jeanne asked.

From the moment she returned to the Hills, she had no choice.

At least her mother had been courageous enough to leave and did not return, even until her death.

However, she could not. There were too many factors, and so she was forced back into living this life.

Maybe you do, Lucy said. Mr. Hill would give it to you.

Jeanne smiled.

That depends on the outcome. National hatred and family feud, the winner would always be the King.

Lucy did not say anything more. She turned around and said, I'm going to look for Mr. Hill.

Alright. Jeanne nodded.

Before Lucy left, she turned to glance at Jeanne. She was envious of Jeanne. She was the cleanest woman she had ever met, even if she did live in a murky world.

She walked to Kingsley's room.

With her having recuperated for half a month now, she should report to Kingsley. Regardless of whether or not Kingsley allowed her to come out, she still came out in the end.

She knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

Lucy waited at the door for a long time before Melinda opened the door. She casually wrapped herself in a bath towel In Kingsley's room. While Kingsley was not there at that moment, the sound of someone taking a shower could be heard from the bathroom.

He had just probably finished.

Sister Lucy? Melinda said, deliberately respectful and affectionate.

Just call me Lucy.

You're a senior, after all. Melinda appeared very humble. Besides, I'm only twenty-five this year.

Lucy's lips curved into a faint smile.

She could gather what Melinda meant. It meant that she was old, and she could forget about peeping at Kingsley.

However, she did not need Melinda's reminder. She, at least, still had this bit of self-awareness.