ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 835

Chapter 835

Published at 13th of December 2022 05:35:02 AM

Chapter 835 Successful Escape: Letting Go To Stay Alive

Dad, can you not talk about it anymore? Monica interrupted Gary and was very unhappy.

Ruby quickly pulled her husband back. Give Monica some time.

Gary sighed and asked, Did we owe you something in our past lives? You've been going against us ever since you were born.

Monica bit her lip.

When I let you be with Finn in the past, you were so desperate to be with Michael. Now that we've agreed to let you be with Michael, you're dead set against it. Monica, what do you want? Gary could not help but add.

I want to handle my own relationship matters.

If you had handled it well, why would we be so worried? You said you committed suicide for Finn. If you really died Gary could not continue.

At that moment, his eyes were a little red.

Ever since Monica was young, she had always been scolded by her father. Her father had never been like this because of her.

Monica felt that she was very unfilial.

Even so

She said, Michael is not a good person. I won't marry him.

What's wrong with him? Gary was a little flustered. Your mom and I have seen how much effort he has been putting in in the past two days to care for you. What's wrong with him?

In short, don't have any hopes for him. I'll prove to you whether he truly loves me or if he's doing it for his own benefit. Monica was very determined.

At this moment, Gary seemed to be unable to hold back his anger.

Ruby quickly pulled him back. Enough. Monica has just been discharged from the hospital, and yet you're forcing her again. Since she thinks there's something wrong with Michael, let her prove it to us. Don't always disprove her.

Gary did not say anything more.

Ruby comforted her daughter. Don't worry about what we think. Just do what you think is right, but you have to promise that you won't do such stupid things again. If something happens to you, do you think your father and I can still live?

Monica was very touched.

She was just touched by her mother.

I won't. Monica shook her head. I'll never do this again. Ever.

Mm. Ruby smiled and patted her daughter's head. She said, go back to your room and rest. I'll bring your food to you when it's ready. The doctor said that you should rest well at home for the next few days. I must make sure that all the blood you lost is replenished.

Thank you, Mom. Monica leaned over and kissed her mother.

Ruby had a doting look on her face.

As Monica was leaving the living room, she suddenly paused. She turned around and leaned closer to her father, kissing his cheek. Dad, thank you.

She was glad to have such a family.

Even if they beat or scold her, they would still pamper her.

Gary was obviously stunned by his daughter's actions.

Her face was a little red.

He was clearly a little excited, but he was trying hard to control it.

Monica looked at her father's expression and could not help but laugh. Dad, what are you shy about?

Who says I'm shy? Gary retorted. He could not help but yell at Monica, How old are you? You're still doing this kind of thing. Aren't you ashamed?

I'll always be a child in front of you, Monica said proudly.

How shameless.

If I can't get married in the future, I'll rely on you and let you support me for the rest of my life.

Monica, aren't you motivated in life at all?

With the best parents in the world, there's no way I can be motivated.

So it's our fault. Gary pretended to be angry.

Yes. Monica nodded.

Are you itching for a beating? Gary had a fierce look on his face.

Monica smiled and left.

She returned to her room and lay on her bed.

The smile on her face faded away.

She was not as happy as she appeared to be.

Despite that, she was afraid that her parents would worry about her, so she had to act in front of them.

She stared at the crystal chandelier above her head.

She would do anything in the future, but she would never marry Michael.

Monica could not find a better way to stop Michael from marrying her at the moment. The only way was

To make Michael take the initiative to dump her.

Michael did not say it out loud, but he expressed it very clearly.

They would never separate unless he gave up first.