ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 796

Chapter 796

Published at 6th of December 2022 05:18:46 AM

However, she was alone, and it felt a little lonely.

There were countless nights when she would return home in the middle of the night and cry when she was faced with how empty her home was.

Sometimes, she would cry for an entire night, but she did not dare to tell her parents as she was afraid that they would be worried.

She also did not dare to tell Jeanne too much. After all, she still had her pride at that time. She felt that everything she did was right and that one day, everyone would see her efforts and how virtuous she was. Thus, as stubborn as she was, she did not want others to see her sad. She believed that when that day came, she would show off to them with confidence.

Of course, she would not tell Finn either that she missed him dearly because Finn would not care.

Yet now, the perseverance she thought she was holding onto was suddenly gone.

She really did not know what else could keep her going in life.

However, she would not kill herself. If she did, what about her parents? Moreover, many people would be sad if she were dead.

Even if Finn was not one of those people, she could not be so selfish as to live only for herself.

She walked into the bathroom and looked at herself through the large full-length mirror. Only then did she realize how terrifying and ugly she looked.

Did she go to meet Finn looking like that just now?

Her hair was a mess, her makeup was smudged, and her clothes were torn, exposing the scratch marks on her neck and the back of her arms.

It seemed she was always showing Finn her most embarrassing side.

Would Finn even wonder what happened to her? Would he be worried?

He would not. His cold eyes and his cold attitude would only make her stay away from him.

She took off her clothes and walked into the bathroom to wash up.

Then, she showered and went to bed, feeling emotionally numb.

As she lay on the bed, she took out her phone and posted a message on her Facebook account.

She had originally planned to write, We'll go our separate ways. However, she changed it to, We'll never contact each other again!

After posting it, she put down her phone.

From then on, she and Michael were over.

She had never thought of revenge, nor had she thought of getting any compensation from Michael.

She was the stupid one, and that was the outcome of being stupid.

She did not blame anyone, not even Michael.

All she wanted was to live in her own world like a snail.

Under the same night sky, in a remote suburb far away from South Hampton City, there were no signs of life, and it was so quiet that it was suffocating.

A car was alone in the night.

Edward sat in the co-pilot's seat while one of his skilled men was sitting in the driver's seat.

In the past, it had always been Nox, but today, Nox was not here. Therefore, he had arranged for someone else.

There were two more of his men in the back seat of the car, making it a total of four people in the car.

It was obvious that they were waiting for someone.

The night was getting darker, and it was so quiet that no one dared to breathe.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a helicopter above them.

Edward's eyes narrowed, and he opened the door to get out of the car. The other three people in the car immediately followed Edward and walked behind him.

The helicopter was getting closer and lower until it stopped completely in front of him.

The man who came down was Kingsley, and two unknown bodyguards were beside him. At the very least, Edward did not know then.

He remained calm as he watched Kingsley walk toward him.

They both looked at each other.

In the dark, they were about the same height and had strong auras, refusing to give in to each other.

Kingsley said coldly, Jeanne was taken away under your watch?

Edward looked straight into Kingsley's eyes and chose to remain silent.

There was a moment of silence before Kingsley suddenly picked up his gun and pointed it at Edward's forehead.

With that action, the three men behind Edward immediately raised their guns and pointed them at Kingsley.

Kingsley's two bodyguards also immediately aimed their guns at them.

As the two sides confronted each other, Edward said, I'm looking for you because I want to work with you.

You're still not qualified. Kingsley put away his gun.

Edward said bluntly, I've checked the surveillance cameras. If I'm not wrong, they should be from M's underground organization.

Kingsley stopped in his tracks.

The sworn enemy of the Hills. Edward made it clear.

What are you getting at?

I want to work with you to save Jeanne.

To be able to confirm that they're from M's underground organization in just one day, you're indeed more capable than I thought. But Kingsley suddenly turned around.