ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 735

Chapter 735

Published at 21st of November 2022 05:45:19 AM

He wondered whether Edward would be beaten to death.

He stretched his back and felt that staying here was boring. With that, he got up, left Bamboo Garden, and drove back home.

He was woken up by his grandfather early in the morning, and in the end, he made the trip for nothing.

Just thinking about it made him a little angry.

However, Nox then put on his wireless bluetooth headset and dialed a number.

The call went through. Nox.

How's his face?

It's not a big problem. He'll be healed in a week, Finn replied.

Okay. Nox said, How's his condition now?

I can't tell, Finn said bluntly. And I don't want to speculate.

That's true. Nox nodded. You have to be careful not to be discovered.


Then, Nox hung up the call, and Finn put down his phone.

At that moment, in a private villa in the suburbs of South Hampton City, Finn was tidying up his medical kit.

The man sitting by the window turned to look at him. Did Nox call?

He's asking about your recovery. Finn appeared to be very respectful.

Are all of you afraid of me? The man's lips curled into a smile.

In fact, his smile did not carry much warmth.

Finn put down the medical equipment that he had not finished tidying up and turned to face the man. After all, our statuses are different.

I suddenly feel a little envious of Edward, the man muttered.

Finn did not reply.

He is living a more comfortable life than me, the man said, his tone cold.

In fact, one could not hear much emotion from his tone. He had probably gotten used to it all these years, of treating everything without any emotions.

He doesn't have a comfortable life, Finn retorted.

The man looked at him.

If he did, he wouldn't be living like this.

Is that so? The man's lips curled upward. It was not a smile but a facial expression. I thought being able to marry someone he liked would be considered freedom.

But you don't know how he fought for it, Finn said straightforwardly.

That's true. The man nodded.

It seemed he approved of what Finn said.

However, Finn did not say anything more. He packed his things and said, You can rest here for the next few days. When the scar on your face is healed, Fourth Master Swan and Nox will expose your 'identity'.

Okay, the man replied.

I left some ointment behind. There will be a special person here to apply it for you. It's inconvenient for me to come in and out of this place often because then, others might find out. Once they find out, your true identity will be easily exposed.

The man nodded in response.

Have a good rest. I'll be leaving now.

The man then looked out of the window.

For his entire life, he had been locked up in his room for far too long. He almost forgot what kind of world it was outside.

Finn left that villa in the suburbs.

Naturally, he did not drive his own car over, so he left in one of the cars here.

After he left, he detoured to a few more places, afraid that someone would discover his tracks.

After all, the Sanders already knew of his existence and knew that he was related to the Swans. Since he was Fourth Master Swan's personal doctor, he would naturally become the target of their surveillance.

After avoiding many layers of spies, Finn finally returned successfully. Just as he stepped into the main entrance, he saw a person standing there, seemingly waiting for him.

Finn's expression darkened.

Finn. Sarah pulled on his arm.

At that moment, Finn opened the door and wanted to go. He clearly did not want to talk to her.

At that moment, Finn glanced at Sarah but did not let her go. Instead, he said, Come in.

For a moment, Sarah thought she had heard wrong, so she looked at Finn in disbelief.

Finn moved his arm, and Sarah quickly let go of him.

You can keep your shoes on, Finn said.

That was because he had no women's house slippers. To be more precise, he only had one pair of men's house slippers as he had thrown away the extra one.

Sarah followed Finn into his house.

However, she still took off her shoes and walked into Finn's house with her socks on. She felt that Finn was a clean freak and even a germaphobe, so he probably could not stand her wearing her shoes in and making the floor dirty.

Finn sat on the sofa and watched as Sarah stood in front of him obediently. She looked as if she had done something wrong.

He glanced at Sarah's feet.

Although tt was late autumn, and the floor was cold, Finn chose to ignore it at that moment.

He looked at her indifferently. What's the matter?

That night It had been almost a week, and Sarah had not summoned up the courage to look for him.

After kissing her that day, he left in the next second, and his footsteps were erratic.

She knew he must have gone after her cousin.

However, they did not reconcile. Did it mean that it was impossible for them to be together again?

I'm sorry about what happened that night, Sarah apologized. I It was me who drugged you. I thought I could get you like this, but I didn't expect

Sarah's words were unclear. Even though she had rehearsed it many times, seeing Finn made her so nervous that she could not explain herself clearly, and she did not know how to get his forgiveness.

I don't like you, and I won't be with you, Finn said bluntly.

To him, many things were no longer important.

Sarah's tears streamed down her face.

In fact, she knew he would say that.

Go back, Finn said. Forget about what happened that night, and I don't want to see you again in the future.

Sarah bit her lip and said slowly, The best way to forget a relationship is to start another one. My cousin gave up on you like that.