ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 661

Chapter 661

Published at 21st of November 2022 05:47:45 AM

I feel sorry for you, Michael, Reese said through gritted teeth.

Mom, don't worry. Even if I don't marry the Sanders' daughter, I can still get their help.

Reese was surprised. Melody, whom you were closest to, is dead.

It's not her Anyway, now is not the time yet. Just wait and see, Michael sneered.

Since Warren wanted to use him without helping him, he would make him pay!

Just like what his mother said, he could not let the Sanders take all the benefits!

In the future, he wanted to have a dominating presence and not rely on someone else!

Monica returned to the Cardellini family's villa with a bunch of flowers she bought for her mother.

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The sound of her mother and Sarah giggling came from inside the house.


What did her father say about her mother worrying about her? Was she not laughing happily?

Monica snorted, thinking that she could never trust what an adult said.

With that, she walked into the living room with the flowers in her hands.

Cousin. Sarah immediately saw Monica.

Don't you ever go to school? Monica asked Sarah in a harsh tone.

It's sports day today, and I've always been bad at sports, so I didn't sign up for any events and came back. Moreover, it's my aunt's birthday today. I have to accompany her no matter what, Sarah said like a spoiled child.

Ruby hugged Sarah in her arms affectionately.

Monica felt that her eyes were burning. She placed the bouquet on the coffee table unhappily. This is for you.

Ruby looked at her daughter's angry expression and smiled. You remember that it's my birthday today!

Of course. She would never admit that it was her father who told her.

Has the cast on your leg been removed? Compared to Gary, Ruby was much gentler toward Monica.

It was removed yesterday.

What did the doctor say?

The doctor said we can remove the steel nails after some time.

That's good. Ruby smiled softly. Be careful in the future.

Alright. Monica nodded.

Your father said he would be back for lunch at noon. I wonder where he is now? Ruby looked at the door. Monica, call your father for me.

I don't want to. If she called, she would definitely be scolded.

Sarah volunteered. I'll do it.

You're not as reliable as your cousin.

Monica was furious at that comment.

Sarah made the call. Uncle, are you home? Your wife misses you so much.

Oh, child. Ruby blushed.

Gary, on the other end of the phone, seemed to be in a good mood, and his voice was gentle. Sarah, tell your aunt that I'll be there in five minutes.

Okay. Sarah quickly passed on the message. Uncle will be back in five minutes.

In that case, I'll get the servants to set the table.

With that, Ruby left the living room, leaving only Sarah and Monica together.

Monica ignored Sarah. The relationship between the two cousins had always been disproportionate anyway.

The main problem was that Sarah was trying to please her parents.

As for Monica, her father always looked down on her.

Cousin. Sarah knew Monica did not like her, but she still took the initiative to be friendly to her.


I saw the news about you, Michael, and Finn today.

Why are you kids reading those things?

Our entire class saw it, and everyone thought Finn was evil, Sarah said unhappily. I even got into a fight with my classmates. Look, I'm all scratched up here.

As she said that, she stretched out her arm for Monica to see.

Indeed, there were a few obvious scratches on her fair arm, and they looked hideous.

Didn't you report it to your teacher?

How old am I to report it to the teacher? But don't worry, I won in the end, Sarah said indifferently.

Monica rolled her eyes. In that case, why are you telling me all this? To prove that you're good at fighting?

No, I just want to tell you that no matter how Finn behaves, I like him very much and want to be with him in the future.

Sarah! Monica threw a fit.

Sarah's gaze was firm. I like him very much.

You're 12 years younger than Finn! Are you crazy? Do you think your parents will agree?

I don't care about them. I like Finn and must be with him.

I won't allow it! Monica's voice was loud.

Was Sarah trying to piss her off?

Monica, what are you doing? Why are you throwing a tantrum at your cousin? Ruby came out of the kitchen with an annoyed look on her face.

Monica did not want to say anything, but Sarah said frankly, Monica got angry when I said I liked Finn.

When Ruby heard that, she was shocked.

Can't I like him? Sarah blinked.

No. Ruby came back to her senses. It's just that

It's not wrong to like someone.


Anyway, I like Finn. Now that Monica and Finn are divorced, I'm going to pursue Finn.

Shut up! Monica was furious. 'Who says you can have feelings for my man?'

Hmph. Sarah was also a little angry.

The moment Monica wanted to go up and strangle Sarah to death, she suddenly saw Gary appear in the hall, and beside him was Finn.

Monica was stunned.

Why was Finn here?

On the contrary, the moment Finn saw her, his expression darkened.