ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 600

Chapter 600

Published at 17th of October 2022 07:20:18 AM

Jasmine's crying and Jeanne's indifference were a huge contrast.

Jeanne looked askance at Jasmine who was crying her heart out.

Jasmine should be glad that she could take advantage of this opportunity to temporarily get out of the Snow family's home, where she was living a life worse than death.

In fact, Jeanne did not need to ask around or think to know how badly Eden could treat Jasmine.

Jasmine was only crying for herself crying about how she had been living a life worse than death.

Nevertheless, Jeanne did not care about her.

After all, karma would come back and bite Jasmine in the *ss. She brought it upon herself, and Jeanne did not have to feel sorry for her.

She walked past Eden, not bothered by the evil smile on his face.

In any case, when the truth was finally revealed, she would definitely not be the one to be humiliated.

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With that, she dragged Monica along and walked away in front of everyone.

Eden's gaze was the same as most of the others. They were all looking at her back and seeing how determined she was to leave.

Alexander was overjoyed with the outcome. In front of so many people, Jeanne's reputation was destroyed. He had even bribed the reporters to write all sorts of negative things about Jeanne on the news. That way, the next time he chased Jeanne out of the Lawrence Enterprise, it would be a matter of course. No one would think that he had done something wrong.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he was.

However, he still had to put on a particularly sad expression on his face.

His eyes turned to look at the coffin.

Never in his father's wildest dreams would he think his son would do something to him and kill him while he was caught off guard.

When Alexander thought of the grievance his father had caused him and how Jonathan died with his eyes wide open tonight, Alexander felt very happy.

One day, the family would truly be his, and his word would be the law!

He would no longer be controlled by his father!

Jeanne brought Monica back to the car.

The entire thing had taken more than an hour.

Monica could not hold it in anymore as soon as she got into the car. Irritated, she said to Jeanne, Jeanne, is it appropriate for you to leave like this? Everyone will think you're disobedient! They'll think you have no respect and don't care about your grandfather's death. You're

I've never cared. Jeanne interrupted Monica, who looked at her in a daze.

Jeanne smiled. Monica, I'm not as kind as you think. Jonathan deserved to die.

But Monica wanted to say, 'He was your grandfather.'

However, she swallowed her words in the end.

Back then, Jeanne believed that, no matter what, they were a family. Even if there was hatred between them, she could not continue to hate that person when he died.

It was later on that she found out some hatred was irreconcilable. It could make people lose their rationality and become cruel.

Even so, Jeanne did not explain herself to Monica.

She did not want to lie to her, but neither did she want to tell her directly how dark this world was.

Monica could trust a person so much and do what she felt was right without hesitation because she had lived in a very happy environment since she was a kid, so she did not think anyone would harm her. She had never thought about it.

In fact, a person had to experience it for themselves before they knew how terrifying the world was.

However, Jeanne would rather Monica not suffer at all! That way, Monica would not have to force herself to endure it and grow!

After all, the process was too cruel.

Jeanne sent Monica home first before returning to Bamboo Garden.

Then, she lay on the bed, looking at the video Kingsley sent her on her phone.

She did not open it for a long time or know how much time had passed until her phone rang.

When Jeanne snapped out of it, she looked at the time.

It was 4 a.m.

She picked it up. Hello.

I thought you should be awake. Edward's sexy voice came from the other side of the phone.

Yeah, I'm awake.

Jonathan is dead. Edward went straight to the point.

He fell to his death from the second floor.

I'm sorry for your loss, Edward said.

Jeanne smiled.

The man knew that she did not care about Jonathan's life.

She asked, When will you be back?

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I won't be able to make it back in two days, Edward said apologetically.