ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 419

Chapter 419

Chapter 419: Fourth Master Swan Is Jealous

Did you say you encountered some troublesome matters at work? Edward asked nonchalantly.

Oh, it's a small matter.

You don't need my help?

No. Jeanne refused.

Edward looked up at her.

Jeanne said, I'm also a person who likes to show off. I can't allow you to steal the limelight from me, can I?

Edward smiled as if he had accepted her rejection.

Jeanne looked at him and at his neat short hair a few more times before lowering her head to eat.

She just did not want to owe him too much.

Over the next few days, Jeanne was a little busy.

It was very easy to find the cause, but it was not as easy as she thought to find the cure.

They went to the local merchants, but the other party rejected their suggestion, stating that they knew they were making a loss.

It turned out that things were indeed not as simple as they seemed.

Hence, Jeanne and the project team sat together for a meeting.

Forrest was a little angry. I don't understand. They know they're not earning anything, yet they're still doing it. Are these people stupid? Sooner or later, they will go bankrupt!

It's not stupid. Jeanne's eyes were cold. It's just that someone is playing tricks behind our backs.

What do you mean?

Someone is doing this on purpose.

Who is it?

That's not important. What's important is that we have to find out why the merchant rejected our proposal. Jeanne analyzed the situation. Actually, it's very simple. There are only two reasons. One, they were forced and do not dare to go head to head with the Chamber of Commerce. However, on second thought, all merchants are interested in money. If they don't want to earn money, there's no way they have no objections or aren't moved by our proposal. If they were forced to do so, they would definitely feel indignant. But now, they are not at all interested in us. In other words, this point can be disproved.

Everyone on the project team looked at Jeanne, who said, If that's the case, that leaves us with the second option. They can make a profit!

I'm sure there's no problem with my data. They may not make a loss, but they definitely won't make a profit. Forrest was very certain.

I'm not doubting your data. What I'm saying is that someone might be secretly subsidizing their profit.

Do you mean that the Chamber of Commerce will use the money to subsidize these merchants' profits? This isn't a small amount. Does the Chamber of Commerce have so much money? Forrest was a little surprised.

They don't, but that doesn't mean other people don't have it! Jeanne's face darkened.

Eden did.

Swanhaven Bank could use any name to allocate a sum of money, and those profits would be made up.

What should we do? Forrest did not know how to go on from there.

If that was the case, their path was blocked.

This matter seems like it can't be resolved. The campaign is nothing more than a win-win situation. The merchants get profits, the consumers get benefits, and the Chamber of Commerce gains a reputation. Right now, we're sowing discord, and it's actually damaging Lawrence Enterprise's reputation. It's not worth it, Jeanne concluded.

So that's it? Forrest was still a little unwilling.

They had been on that project for so long and put so much effort into it, yet it still ended in failure.

Of course not. Jeanne's eyes narrowed. She was certain.

Everyone looked at her.

They were all hoping that she could turn the tides.

But you guys should leave this matter alone for now. I will handle it.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Director Lawrence, don't you trust us anymore? Hans said with some disappointment.

No. Jeanne smiled, This matter has already gone beyond the scope of the Lawrence Enterprise. I'm going to have to jump out of this place and choose another path, so you guys don't need to worry about it for now.

Oh. Hans nodded.

Everyone, continue to do the work that I've assigned you. Forrest, Jeanne instructed, you still have to continue talking with the merchant. If they don't agree with this, we'll talk to the next one. I want the other party to think we're still on this path.

I understand. It's just a diversion. Forrest smiled.

More or less. Jeanne stood up. Everyone dismissed.

She never beat around the bush.

When Jeanne returned to the office, she thought about it for a moment before picking up the phone.

Did you miss me?

The words that she was about to say got lost for a moment.

You don't miss me?

I miss you.

I miss you too. The person on the other end of the phone laughed softly.

Nox, who was sitting in Edward's office, could not stand Fourth Master Swan's mushiness anymore.

How could a person change so much?

How could he smile so lewdly?

Is there something you need from me? Edward asked.

Can I take back what I said yesterday? Jeanne was a little nervous.

The part about not wanting to have a child? Edward raised his eyebrows.

Jeanne was speechless. She had reminded him she did not want any last night when they were intimidated.

That fellow really knew how to make use of every opportunity!

She said, I need your help with work matters.

In fact, Edward had guessed it too.

He smiled and said, How would you want me to help?

When will the Swan Group's senior management have a meeting?

Whenever you want.

Nox could not help but take another look at Edward, thinking what a stupid husband Edward was.

Is tomorrow okay? Jeanne asked.


Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. Jeanne said bluntly, I will be there.

In the name of the wife of the Swan Group's CEO?

No, as a shareholder.

I hope that Eden will be there too.

Are you sure you want Eden and not me? Edward asked.

Sitting at the side, Nox was dying of laughter.

It turned out that a certain someone knew how to feel jealous too!