ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Chapter 165: Fourth Master Swan's Act of Romance Translator:EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor:EndlessFantasy Translation

Melody could not believe what she heard.

She stared at Micheal with her eyes wide open. You mean that my dad is afraid of Jeanne!

I don't know if Chief is afraid of Jeanne, but there's one thing that I am sure of. He doesn't want us to have a direct conflict with her.


He won't tell me, Micheal said straightforwardly.

I'm going to ask him!

I advise you not to! Micheal stopped her. If Chief would tell you, he wouldn't have grounded you and not said anything.

Melody gritted her teeth.

Mel, you grew up in a complicated environment in the Sanders. You should know very well that a moment of mistake can lead to eternal damnation. Now that you're so favored by Chief, many people are jealous of you and would love nothing more than for something to happen to you. So, you have to be careful in everything you do! Micheal sounded serious. Luckily, Chief didn't really pursue this matter this time. If he were to pursue it, it would be very difficult for you to walk out of this room again.

Melody was shocked for a second.


It was risky to stay with someone of high position.

Melody had known this since she was young.

She looked at Micheal.

Micheal said, If you calm down, get someone to help you pass on a message to Chief so that he'll lift your grounding. However, don't confront Jeanne directly when you get out.

Should I just watch her develop and deliberately fall in love with Edward then?! Melody could not bear it in the end.

When she thought of how Edward and Jeanne slept together that day, she could not calm herself down.

She wished that she could kill Jeanne!

For the time being, let's wait and see, Micheal suggested.

Melody could not bear it.

I skipped work to come here. I still have many things to deal with, so I'll be leaving first. Micheal did not say anything else after that.

Many things needed to be thought through by Melody herself.

Melody grew up in a special environment, after all. She knew how to protect herself.

Micheal, Melody called out to him.

Hm? Micheal nodded.

I'll definitely kill Jeanne, Melody enunciated each word clearly.

Micheal frowned slightly.

It doesn't have to be done by me, but I won't let her have it easy.


Don't try to persuade me. Melody was straightforward. I know how to control myself. I won't be so stupid as to sacrifice myself.

Micheal looked at her.

Can't we use Eden? Melody sneered. Let Eden fight with Jeanne. What do you think?

Eden can't defeat her, Micheal gave a positive answer.

Not to mention that they did not know Jeanne's identity before, now that they knew her identity was extraordinary, it was even more impossible for Eden to defeat her.

If I can't do it openly, I'll do it covertly, Melody said coldly, I'm just using someone else to kill her.

Micheal still wanted to persuade her.

In the end, he fell silent.

Micheal could not persuade Melody to let go. He knew very well that her personality was strong. She had lost badly to Jeanne, so she could not just let it go. As such, it was useless for Micheal to say more. Instead, it would make Melody think that he was timid and afraid of things, which would affect their relationship.

That said

In dealing with Jeanne, Micheal would not interfere too much.

Compared to Melody, the person he should be fawning over was the chief.

Melody was just a stepping stone in his power and career.

At Swanhaven Bank.

Recently, Eden was also in a state of extreme anger and depression because of Jeanne's news.

It was even to the extent that he was teased due to Jeanne suddenly being in her prime.

Eden was teased about why he chose Jasmine back then!

Was Jeanne not a good catch?

Was Jeanne, who was both beautiful and capable, not good enough for him?!

Eden gritted his teeth.

He knew he would be tied up and trampled on once Jeanne developed!

Eden then thought about how Jeanne had seduced his fourth uncle

If his fourth uncle really married Jeanne

He would not be able to accept it!

Eden could not accept that Jeanne was stepping on him.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

It was until his phone rang.

Eden looked at the incoming call and quickly tried to calm himself down.

He picked up and said, Ms. Sanders.

What happened to what I told you? Melody asked straightforwardly.

Eden was stunned.

'What did Melody say?!

'I heard from Micheal that she's been grounded these few days!

'She must be sleepwalking!'

About killing Jeanne, Melody enunciated each word.

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Eden was shocked.

He quickly reacted to the situation after that.

The last time they left his fourth uncle's courtyard to send her back, she had said that.

Eden responded, You can't kill her just because you want to. Jeanne is very smart now. Besides, aren't you in a special situation now?

Do you think I'm grounded by my dad just like that? Eden, you have to understand that I'm my dad's favorite daughter. Even if I did anything, he wouldn't pursue it! I'm telling you now that I've regained my freedom.

That's not what I meant, Eden quickly explained.

Think of a way to help me get rid of Jeanne. Whatever you want, I'll agree to it, Melody enticed.

I'm very honored to be able to work for you

After killing Jeanne, I'll get my dad to discuss the real estate project with your grandfather. The project will be hand-picked by you, Melody directly stated her conditions, I heard that 30% of the Swan Enterprise's profits are in real estate. If you can manage them, together with the Swanhaven Bank that you're currently managing, it'll be easy for you to take over half of the country from your fourth uncle's hands!

Eden was a little tempted, but he did not agree at that moment.

Melody said, No matter how developed the Swans' economy is, the territories in Harken still belong to the Sanders. If the Sanders don't give you land, how can the Swans develop?! Eden, I can even promise you that if you succeed, I'll give you a piece of land!

It's not that you're giving me so much, but I just can't bear to see Jeanne having a good time either. Eden obviously agreed.

Melody sneered.

As expected, no one in the business world was good.

All of them were profit-oriented.

Melody said, Eden, you'll have endless benefits if you work with the Sanders!

Thank you, Ms. Sanders.

I'll leave the matter of dealing with Jeanne to you.

Don't worry, Ms. Sanders.

Melody directly hung up the phone.

Eden also put down his phone.

He had to admit that the benefits Melody gave him were too tempting. He could not refuse.

At the end of the day, he just wanted to take more sovereignty over the Swans from his fourth uncle.

His family

No, it was not just his family.

The rest of the Swans did not want to submit to his fourth uncle all the time as well.

Even so, the others could only compromise because they were incapable.

Now, it was up to Eden to break his fourth uncle's legend!

Eden's eyes moved slightly. He picked up the phone to make a call. Micheal.


Ms. Sanders called me just now.

Micheal pursed his lips. Yes, I know, but you'd better think it through.

What's wrong? Eden also noticed something strange.

Jeanne isn't easy to deal with right now, Micheal said.

He would not tell Eden more information.

I know, but this time, I won't go head-to-head with her, Eden said sinisterly, I'll catch her off guard.

In any case, you have to be careful.


I might be a little busy during this period. There are many things that I might not be able to help with. Micheal was apologetic.

I know your current difficulties, Eden expressed that he understood very well, You can focus on your things. As for dealing with Jeanne, I'll handle it.

Okay. Micheal nodded.

It was not that he could not help, but he did not want to be involved!

Jeanne did not work overtime tonight.

After arranging her work, she even got off work ten minutes earlier.

She got work earlier to avoid Fourth Master Swan.

Jeanne did not know if he would be crazy enough to come to the Lawrence Enterprise to pick her up, so she left early just in case.

She admitted that she had no choice but to listen to Kingsley.

As such, she could only choose to avoid Fourth Master Swan on her own initiative.

Despite that, just as Jeanne went downstairs, she saw Fourth Master Swan's gorgeous sedan parked there.

It was as if he knew.

It was as if he knew that she would leave early.

Jeanne gritted her teeth.

She gritted her teeth and looked at the man who got out of the car.

He was unusually formal today.

In actuality, he was also very formal before, but he seemed to be more formal than usual today.

Clothes, tie, and hairstyle?!

In short, Fourth Master Swan was dressed in a suit and had an imposing bearing.

Just as Jeanne was lost in her thoughts about Fourth Master Swan's stunning appearance, she saw Teddy suddenly hand over a bouquet of dazzling red roses to him.

It was a very big bouquet.

Jeanne estimated that there were 99 roses.

Fourth Master Swan walked up to her and handed it to her.

Jeanne looked at the roses, then at Fourth Master Swan.

She looked at his sudden act of romance