ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1424

Chapter 1424

Published at 5th of June 2023 11:06:22 AM

Chapter 1424: A Small Change in George

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Thank you readers!

Nox and Zoe left the nightclub together.

In the car, Nox remained silent.

Zoe felt a little guilty as well. She did not know what was wrong with Nox since he did not say anything, so she asked carefully, Are you feeling unwell?

Nox shook his head and looked out of the window. He was a little frustrated, as with every time he saw Shelly. Even after thinking about it carefully, he did not know why he was so frustrated.

Zoe hugged Nox's arm intimately and pressed her body against his. I'll go home with you tonight.

It was obvious that she was hinting at something from her posture.

Nox refused. It's fine. You should go back. It's so late, and you've been with me for most of the night. Go back and rest.

Zoe was stunned. That was the first time Nox had rejected her. In the past, Nox would never reject her initiative.

At that moment, Zoe did not show any dissatisfaction. She simply smiled gently and said, Okay, you should rest early too.

Nox nodded and could not help but turn around to look at Zoe.

The reason why he liked Zoe so much was that, besides her looks and background, which satisfied his requirements, Zoe was very sensible in all aspects and was very obedient to him.

To Nox, that was the kind of wife he was looking for. As they said, a wife should be able to take care of her work outside and the house chores at home. He admitted that he was very old-school in that sense, but he did not think there was anything wrong with that.

Should two people not be of equal status to be together? Was that not the general advice the older generation of people gave?

Nox. Zoe pulled his arm coquettishly. She felt that Nox was acting strange today. What are you thinking about?

Nox came back to her senses. I'm thinking about when we'll get married.

Zoe was a little surprised as she did not expect Nox to suddenly mention marriage. Their relationship was stable, but they had no intention of getting married. If they got married

Let's find a time to discuss marriage with your parents, Nox said bluntly, not noticing Zoe's reaction.

Alright. Zoe smiled.

In front of Nox, she was extremely obedient.

Nox pulled Zoe into his arms and thought Finn was right. Since they were getting older and their relationship was stable, it was time for them to get married.

The car drove Zoe to her villa before Nox returned to his high-class apartment.

He walked straight into the bathroom. The moment he took off his clothes to take a shower, he suddenly saw a bite mark on his neck, which was deep. At that moment, the skin was bruised and swollen, and it looked a little ferocious.

Nox touched it and suddenly remembered who had left that behind. His mind also seemed much clearer then. For a moment, he recalled what had happened in the private room, that Shelly did not seduce him. In fact, she was resisting the entire time.

Nox suddenly punched the glass in front of him, feeling inexplicably annoyed. He did not understand why his mind was filled with Shelly. It did not matter to him whether she did or did not seduce him tonight because Shelly was not important.

Was he crazy? From the moment he left the private room until now, his mind had been filled with Shelly. He wished he could strangle her to death!

The next morning, Candice woke up with a sore body.

She could not even seduce a man, let alone a drunk man. At that moment, she did not even have the strength to turn over, but she still got out of bed with her sheer will.

She had to make breakfast for George every day. Other than wanting to get along with George peacefully, she also wanted to treat him better. No matter how much he rejected her, or the more he rejected her, the more her heart ached for George.

She lifted the blanket and carefully got off the bed to not disturb someone's sleep. However, the moment she got off the ground, someone grabbed her body.

She Imew that no matter how careful she was, he would wake up if she made any movements.

Where are you going? The man's eyes were closed, and his voice was low and husky.

Make breakfast for George.

A certain someone hugged her body even tighter. Why does it make me a little jealous?!

Candice was speechless. She whispered into Edward's ear, How do you have the cheek to be jealous of your own son?

Of course, I do..