ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227

Published at 13th of April 2023 05:08:43 AM

1227 George Breaks Down

She said, George, I'm sorry I let you down.

It meant that she had admitted to all of George's accusations.

She was not brave enough. When she encountered difficulties, she would turn around and leave. She was a weak person.

'In the future, don't be like me. In the future, you must learn to protect yourself well.'

When George heard Jeanne's words, he burst into tears. So, you're not going to fight for yourself?

I won't, Jeanne answered, because I don't want to get hurt. That's why I'd rather live like this and muddle along.

I really am very disappointed. Tears rolled down George's cheeks.

There was no disappointment on his little face. It was sadness.

It turned out children could be sad too. It was just that adults thought that children did not understand.

I always thought that as long as you stay by dad's side, as long as you face your feelings for him bravely, as long as you let dad know that you're fighting for it, he can change his fate for you!

How did George know what fate meant?

He was seven years old and in the second grade of elementary school. Could he have learned such a broad vocabulary?

What she did not know was that for a long time, George had been reading books on strategy.

His father had told him to read it, saying that it would be useful in the future, and there were many things written in those books about changing one's fate.

Still, Jeanne chose to remain silent.

She would not tell George that his so-called changing of fate was because there was still a possibility. As for her death, at least for now, there was no possibility of it changing within the short span of three months.

Even if Edward rebelled against Alex's regime, it would be impossible to achieve in a short three months.

Moreover, Edward would not resist Alex because his resistance would bring about many catastrophic events.

The smallest sacrifice to prevent a disaster from happening was her death. Hence, her death was an inevitable result. Once it was a fact that could not be changed, she could not give anyone hope or any expectations.

George ran out of her room.

Perhaps after today, George's feelings for her would fade, and then he would accept the other women.

The moment George opened the door, he saw Edward outside the door, standing at the door. He had probably heard their entire conversation.

At that, George's eyes turned even redder. He was like a little rabbit that had suffered a lot. He felt so miserable and so helpless.

Edward opened his arms to tell George to come over.

George had never gotten close to Edward because he always felt that the man would steal his mother away. Hence, he had to be alert at all times.

Yet now, he suddenly felt like Edward could really snatch his mother away from him when they could be a family of three No, including his sister, they would be a family of four, living together forever.

At that moment, he did not hesitate to throw himself into Edward's arms.

The man who was holding him did not move at all, giving him the most solid support.

George grabbed onto Edward's clothes and burst into tears in his arms. He was crying helplessly.

Edward held George in his arms and then looked at Jeanne inside the room. He watched as Jeanne looked at George's sadness coldly and then shifted her gaze to the balcony, leaving them outside.

George cried for a long time. He had never indulged himself like that before, and it made him feel a little awkward after the crying.

By then, Edward had already brought George back to his room.

Looking at George's expression, he could not help but laugh. He said, Isn't it a little too late to regret it now?

George did not say anything, but he looked embarrassed. Genius children were usually more concerned about their reputations.

Edward said, Haven't you seen me cry too?

George looked up at Edward.

He suddenly remembered that his father might have overheard his conversation with his mother about him seeing his father crying when he sent him off.

George could not help but mutter, I didn't expose you either.

Haven't I come clean now? He was using his embarrassment to ease the awkwardness.

George pouted.

However, the way he cried just now was a little too unseemly.

That's why men can cry when they're sad. It's just a way to vent our emotions. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Edward comforted him.

George nodded.

Since he had already cried, he could only bite the bullet and endure it.

Alright. Edward caressed George's head, but the latter had already calmed down. He said, Pack your things and get ready to leave.

Must I go? George asked him.

You must. Edward nodded.

George bit his lip. It was clear that he was unwilling to leave.

I'm sorry. My abilities are limited. Edward apologized.

He was apologizing to him deeply.

No. George shook his head. I know you're not. You're just more emotional than that person called Alex.

Who told you that? Edward laughed.

Grandpa told me, George replied.


What? Edward raised his eyebrows.

The night I came back, Grandpa told me to go to his place.

Is that so?

Grandpa told me not to blame you for sending me to that place. He said that you're helpless and you have no choice. George cleared his nose and calmed down before he continued, You also said that it's not that you're not strong enough to protect us. It's because you think Alex is more humane and that you're greater than him. What Alex wants is power and status, while what you want is to have a prosperous country and a peaceful family!

Edward's throat moved. That was probably the first time in his life he had heard his father praise him.

Ever since he was young, he was told the most that he had to be loyal by sacrificing his life. Therefore, he had never thought that his father would acknowledge him so much.

Even the last time they met, it was only because his father felt guilty toward him, but he never said he was proud of him.

Grandpa also said you've been to that place. Not only you, but Nox and my godfather have also been there. He said that the three of you grew up there and became very powerful people. He said that one day, I would be like all of you and become a man of indomitable spirit! I'd become a big shot who can protect my family and country! George repeated Zachary's words.

After all, he remembered everything, and that was why he could repeat it.