ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1209

Chapter 1209

Published at 23rd of March 2023 06:50:57 AM

1209 Edwards Compromise

George was still young and was related to Alex by blood. Once he was successful in his studies, he would be the best tool for the Duncans.

She knew very well why George had to be sent away, so she did not blame Edward. Rather, she blamed herself.

She thought that killing Warren would set them free. However, she did not realize that politics had never been as simple as she thought.

Once they were involved, they would be involved for a lifetime. After all, the winner takes all, and those who failed never had the right to make their own decisions.

With that, she turned around and left.

There was no one she could blame.

Edward stared at Jeannes back and watched as she left coldly.

He thought, perhaps it was good for her to lose her temper at him. At least, she still had hope for him.

In the afternoon, George returned from school and saw his long-lost father, whom he actually did not miss at all.

The moment his father came back, it was either his father who would snatch his mother away, or his mother would snatch his father away. In any case, neither of them would belong to him.

Hence, he walked into the hall arrogantly and sat beside Edward, not wanting to greet him.

However, he found it strange. His mother was not in the living room, so why was his father there alone?

Should the two of them not be glued together?

George, Edward suddenly called out to him.

While little George was still confused, Edward called out to him.

Yes. George sat up straight.

He did not look like he was expecting his father to call his name.

Ill send you away from here tomorrow, Edward said.

Where to? Georges disguise broke, and he looked at his father with wide eyes.

That was not right of his father! He could not send him away just because he was afraid he would snatch his mother away!

To a place, Edward mumbled.

Are you going to throw me away? Georges face was full of resentment.

Edward seemed to smile.

As a smile tugged at the corners of his smile, he said, Yes, because youre going to have a sister soon, youre not really needed anymore.

Georges face was puffed up with anger.

Edward looked at George, touched his head, and said, I was lying. I can bear to do it, but your mother cant.

George was still angry, so he did not laugh at Edwards joke at all.

But I really have to send you away tomorrow.

Im not going.

I have no choice.


I dont have a choice. Edward enunciated every word.

George frowned. He felt that his fathers words today were difficult to understand today.

Im sorry that Im not that powerful. Edward smiled bitterly and caressed Georges soft hair with his large hands. Dont be like me in the future.

Why should George not be like him?

Have a good time together with your mother tonight. Ill send you off tomorrow morning.

Do I really have to leave? At that moment, George realized that his father was not joking with him.

Yes. Edward nodded. But I will bring you back.

I can come back?

Do you really think I dont want you anymore? Edward smiled, but George did not think that his smile was sincere at all.

Im going to see your grandfather. Edward suddenly stood up.

George frowned. Whats wrong with Grandpa?

Hes not feeling too well.

After that, Edward left the hall.

George pouted.

He suddenly felt so angry. He did not even know where his father was going to send him tomorrow!

In Universal Garden, Edward walked into Zacharys bedroom, where Zachary was lying on the bed and Wade was accompanying him.

After his fall, Zachary suddenly looked much older. He looked completely different from the man who could whip Edward until his skin split open.

At that moment, he was like an old man in his twilight years. He no longer had the drive, nor was he as high-spirited as he once was.

Youre back? Zachary asked.

Edward nodded.

At the same time, Wade brought a chair for Edward.

Edward thanked Wade and sat beside Zachary.

It was a little quiet in the room.

Zachary said, I heard Alex is going to send George to the training base.


Is Jeanne against it?

No. Edward said, She knows that we have no other choice now.

Whats the current situation? Zachary changed the topic.

It seemed like he did not want to get too hung up on certain things.

Everything is peaceful. Alex has given me three months, Edward said bluntly.

At that moment, Zachary heaved a heavy sigh before he said, I never thought that my greed back then would bring you so much harm.

Edward did not say anything.

Ive never regretted a single thing in my life, except your birth. Zachary mumbled, As a loyal minister of the Duncans, I was determined to help the descendants of the Duncans regain their power at all costs. I always thought that I would do anything to restore the Duncans great cause! I could even sacrifice my own son! But now that I think about it, I can sacrifice myself for my leader, but why must you sacrifice yourself with me? What does the rise and fall of the Duncans have to do with you? Your so-called birth, or your so-called mission, were all given to you. You never had to accept them!

Edward pursed his lips.

In fact, he was already indifferent to his fathers regret.

He had once hoped that one day, his father would tell him personally that everything he had done was not something he had to do that he had the right to choose and that he could give up. He had even thought about giving up the so-called Duncans and his identity as the younger brother of the Duncans descendants.

In the end, he accepted his fate time and time again; it was a fate that had been set for him from the very beginning.

Now, he was numb to it.

Zachary said, Edward, Im sorry.

Edward looked at his father and replied bluntly, You dont have to be sorry because this is what I want to do.