ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201

Published at 23rd of March 2023 06:50:55 AM

1201 Noxs Deliberate Torture

What? Dont you want to please me? Cant you take this? You even said you wanted to fight for your own happiness. How funny, Nox mocked. He was being sarcastic.

Shelley actually knew that everything Nox did was on purpose. He was deliberately making things difficult for her and giving her a bad attitude so that she would give up and not marry him.

In fact, she had sometimes thought about not marrying him. Nox was not the only rich person in the world anyway.

However, she later looked in the mirror and felt that rich people might not like her, so she decided to endure it.

After all, she really could not bear to part with the Winters wealth. After being poor when she was young, she was now a money-minded person.

She said, Alright. Ill go back and make it for you. You can stay here and call the nurse for help if you need anything.

Do I need you to remind me that? Nox sneered.

With that, Shelley stopped talking, turned around, and was about to leave.

Are you leaving without cleaning up? Nox asked her.

He was obviously referring to the soup on the ground.

Shelley did not hesitate. She immediately knelt and wiped up the soup from the ground. Then, she mopped the floor, washed the dishes, and used a tissue to wipe the floor dry. After doing all that, she asked Nox, Is that okay?

Nox glanced at Shelley and began to make another request. I want pepperoni on the pizza.

The round trip to the butcher will take four hours.

You dont want to do it?

Im afraid youll starve to death, Shelley said bluntly.

I wont starve to death. Hurry up and go.

Shelley turned around and left.

She did not feel particularly upset because she was used to it. In any case, Nox would torture her in different ways every day.

As she walked out of the ward, she saw Sarah standing at the door, her face pale with fear. She was probably frightened by Nox.

Shelley, on the other hand, was calm. She even smiled. Are you looking for me?

Sarah came back to her senses and quickly said, I wanted to hang out with you, but I didnt expect to see Nox throwing a tantrum. I didnt even dare to go in.

Oh. Shelley nodded and said, Im leaving the hospital now. Do you want to come with me?

To cook for Nox?

What else?

Hes too hot-tempered. Sarah was still a little indignant.

Arent all rich kids like this?

Not all. Sarah retorted, Only Nox is like this.

I guess Im just unlucky.

By the way, do you really have to marry a rich man? Sarah did not understand Shelley.

If she had met someone like Nox, she would have left long ago.

Thats right.


Because he has money.

Is money that important?

Its important to me.

How much do you want? How about I lend it to you? Then, you dont have to serve Nox anymore. Sarah could not stand seeing Shelley like that anymore.

Can you lend it to me for a lifetime? Shelley asked.

...Cant you earn your own money?

I dont know if Ill be rich in the future, and since Im not sure, I have to leave myself a way out.

Sarah was speechless.

By the way, do you want to come with me? Shelley did not seem to want to continue the topic.

She admitted that being greedy for money was not a noble character and naturally felt embarrassed about it.

Sarah thought about it before saying, Alright.

She would rather be with Shelley than see Finn and her cousin being intimate. She was afraid that she would cry her eyes out.

Just like that, the two of them left the hospital.

Sarah accompanied Shelley to a faraway place to buy the pepperoni for Nox. Then, they returned home to make the pizza that Nox requested. After a long time, they finally returned to the hospital.

Back at the hospital, Sarah expressed that she was exhausted.

She did not know how Shelley had so much energy. All she had done for the entire afternoon was follow Shelley around, sit in the car, and watch Shelley make pizza. After an afternoon, she was so tired that she wanted to lie on the bed. Shelley, on the other hand, had done so many things, but she was still so energetic.

Sarah watched as Shelley brought the pizza that Nox requested to Noxs ward.

She felt that if Nox did not eat the pizza that Shelley had put so much effort into making, God should punish him.

In reality, God did not have much time to care about mortal affairs.