ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196

Published at 23rd of March 2023 06:48:12 AM

1196 Finns Company

Yes, I know. Finn had already taken the tools from the nurses hands. Then, he held Monicas hand and carefully looked for her veins.

The nurse was still a little worried. After all, injections were never a doctors business. It could be said that many doctors did not even know how to give injections as they were all done by the nurses.

At that moment, Dr. Jones seemed to have already found a vein. He tied a tourniquet on Monica before applying iodophor on her skin and doing the injection.

Monica frowned.

In fact, she did not quite believe Finn at that moment either. She had been hospitalized many times but had never seen a doctor give an injection.

She had actually wanted to get the nurse to do it several times, but when she saw how confident Finn looked, she held her tongue.

Ow! Monica bit her lip.

Fortunately, it only hurt for a second.

Finn seemed to have succeeded, and the nurse at the side could not help but clap and cheer. Dr. Jones, youre really all-rounded.

Finn did not have much of an expression on his face. He just focused on adjusting the intravenous needle.

Youre a cardiologist, but you know how to perform craniotomy and emergency trauma surgery The nurse said, Youre really amazing.

Finn was still busy making sure that the intravenous needle was ready before he began to give Monica a nutrient infusion.

When the nurse did not get a response, she was a little embarrassed, and in order to ease the awkward atmosphere, she said to Monica, Ms. Cardellini, did you know Dr. Jones was the one who performed your surgery?

Monica was stunned.

She looked at the nurse, clearly unaware of that fact.

When you came to the hospital, your life was hanging by a thread. You were already very weak when you were sent to the emergency room to be resuscitated. Coincidentally, our specialist doctor was not in the hospital at that time, so it was Dr. Jones who did the surgery. After opening your head, the blood clot was pressing on your central nervous system. If there was a slight deviation, it couldve made you lose consciousness during the surgery. In short, it was very dangerous. Even Dr. Jones didnt dare to do it, but at that time, your heart suddenly stopped. Dr. Jones kept using the defibrillator to save you. All the doctors and nurses thought that you might not be saved, but Dr. Jones didnt give up, the nurse said excitedly.

Monica could not help but turn her head to glance at Finn.

She thought that, according to Finns character, he would stop the nurse from continuing. However, he did not seem to react at the moment. He was very focused on helping her with the IV drip.

The nurse got so excited that she continued, After Dr. Jones saved you, he made up his mind to remove the blood clots in your skull and clean them up bit by bit. If there was even the slightest mistake in that process, you might not have been able to wake up. Later on, our specialist doctor, the doctor who just examined you, looked back at the surgery Dr. Jones performed on you and praised him repeatedly. He even said that he might not have been able to do as well as Dr. Jones. Now that youre awake and you still look exactly like a normal person, Dr. Joness surgical skills are truly superb!

Monica just listened quietly.

Finn listened quietly too and did not tell the nurse to keep quiet just because she complimented him.

On the contrary, it seemed like he wanted Monica to know.

Im a little hungry, Monica suddenly said.

She really did not want to listen anymore.

She thought that was the responsibility of a doctor, and as a patient, she would be grateful. However, she would not be touched.

The doctor said you can have some plain porridge now. The nurse quickly said, Ill get the nurse to send it over.

Thank you.

The nurse quickly called for a nurse.

Finn also left a little after he had sorted out her IV drip, but he did not leave the ward.

After a short while, the caretaker brought over some porridge.

Ruby quickly took the initiative to feed Monica, and Sarahs attention was naturally on Monica.

Finn, too, stood at the side and looked at Monica move, smile, and speak. He also looked at her eyes, which were not looking at him.

He stayed in the ward for a long time. Since no one told him to leave, he did not leave. Instead, he just stayed in the ward, accompanying her.

He would always accompany her.

Finn. Finally, Ruby noticed him.

Finn looked back at her.

You should go back and rest. Itll be fine with just the two of us here, Ruby said.

Its nothing. Im not tired. Ill stay with you guys for a while.

Your eyes are bloodshot, and you say youre not tired? Ruby whispered, Go and rest. Dont tire yourself out.

Finn glanced at Monica, who was chatting with Sarah in a low voice. The corners of her mouth would occasionally reveal a smile.

Other than that, she did not even look at him. It was as if he did not exist.

Im the only one Monica needs, Ruby said.

She was making it clear to him that Monica did not need him anymore and that he should not bother her anymore.

I really dont want to see anything happen to Monica again, and I dont want to see her get hurt because of anyone. I just want her by my side. Rubys eyes were red as she added.

Perhaps her words were a little too harsh, but Finn nodded.

Then, he turned around and left the ward.

When he left, Monica seemed to have raised her head to take a look, but it also seemed like an illusion.