ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184

Published at 23rd of March 2023 06:48:10 AM

1184 Nox, Youre Meant To Achieve Greater Things

It was also because of Warrens death that Warrens men were already out of their wits and were quickly under control. Some of them even chose to surrender the moment Warren died.

At least on that battlefield, the Duncans had won a big victory.

However, Nox was dead.

Was he dead?

Jeannes vision was blurred by her tears, and she suddenly saw a familiar figure, who quickly supported Noxs body and checked his condition.

Then, he placed a pill in Noxs mouth and whispered in his ear, Nox, hold on.

Noxs seemed to move a little, and it made Jeanne a little excited.

She looked straight at Finn, who had suddenly appeared, and asked him about Noxs situation.

I dont know if hell die. Finn said bluntly, Lets leave this place first.

With that, he picked Nox up and walked to the helicopter not far away.

Jeanne quickly got up from the ground. The moment she got up, her body went limp. As she fell, she tried her best to stabilize herself and quickly caught up with Finn.

The helicopters ladder lowered and pulled them up into the helicopter in the air.

Finn placed Nox on the helicopter and laid him flat. Then, he quickly took out a respirator and put it over Noxs mouth.

He immediately ordered the pilot in the cockpit to fly to South Hampton City Central Hospital.

While Finn was focused on treating Nox, he was also contacting the hospital and making all the necessary preparations to save Nox.

After explaining everything, Finn raised his head and glanced at Jeanne. How are you?

She did not expect that Finn would still care about her at that moment.

She said, Im fine.

What about the baby? Finn asked.

I dont know. Jeanne shook her head.

She really did not know. Moreover, she did not seem to feel any pain now.

Give me your hand, Finn suddenly said.

Jeanne slowly stretched out her arm.

Even though Nox tried his best to protect her, her arm was still covered in wounds, and her body was covered in blood.

Finn took a stethoscope and gently rested it on Jeannes belly as if he was checking a pulse.

Jeannes throat moved slightly. She did not know what kind of emotions she should be feeling at that moment.

Seconds ticked by, and after a long time, Finn retracted his hand.

Jeanne did not ask him for the result, and Finn did not tell her either.

All he said was, Fourth Master is also in a coma now.

Jeanne was stunned.

It was caused by the drugs. Finn explained, In order to protect Alex, he was given hormonal drugs again. When the battle on the other side ended, Fourth Master fainted, and he told me to save you.

She bit her lip, and her eyes were extremely red. After all that she had done, did he not blame her for it?

The Sanders has been defeated. Finn didnt say too many emotional words and just described the results. Stacey died on the spot because she didnt receive timely treatment for her cerebral hemorrhage. Justin was shot dead on the spot because he resisted. Quinn didnt resist and even chose to surrender, but she was still shot dead by Alex!

Jeanne listened quietly.

In fact, she did not feel much for the Sanders.

Kingsley was right about how everything was the result of natural selection. If the Sanders were defeated, they would naturally suffer the same fate as the losers.

Now that Alex has control over half of the government, and the Sanders has been defeated, Alex will soon be able to return to the stage of the Duncans history. All he needs is some outside push to the fore. In other words, the world will belong to the Duncans in the future. Finn looked at Jeanne and said bluntly, Jeanne, its not safe for you to stay in South Hampton City and Harken.

Jeannes throat moved slightly.

As a member of the Sanders, or even if she was not one, she was still a member of the Hills. She should not stay in South Hampton City.

Fourth Master told me to send you away, but now, I need to save Nox first. Finn freed one hand and handed Jeanne a gun, a cell phone, and a car key. Mason escaped during the chaos, so you can try to contact him. Once the helicopter leaves this forest, Ill arrange for a car for you to leave. Right now, Edward and I are surrounded by Alexs men. The only one who is flying the helicopter is Teddy.

Jeanne was stunned.

She did not realize that Teddy was the one flying the plane. In fact, she never knew that Teddy could fly a plane!

Teddy quickly turned around, feeling aggrieved. I just learned it. I learned it on my way here.

That night, he received a call from Dr. Jones, who told him to come out and meet him.

He did not know what had happened, but since it was Dr. Joness order, he had no choice but to hide George in the Lawrence familys manor and meet up with Dr. Jones himself.

That was right.

Dr. Jones had told him to take George to hide, but he did not know where was safe. After thinking about it, he remembered that no one lived in the Lawrence familys manor and that it was a good place to hide. Hence, he brought George there.

It was really quite safe, and at least no one had found it.

However, when he was suddenly called out, he found it strange too! He was even told to fly a helicopter for no reason.

Fortunately, technology was advanced now, and the helicopter had an unmanned function. All he needed to do was sit in the cockpit and make sure that nothing went wrong. Other than that, there was not much else to do.

Jeanne looked at Teddy and swallowed the words that she wanted to say.

George is safe now. Finn said, George is Fourth Masters child. As long as nothing happens to Fourth Master, Alex wont do anything to George, so hes safe in South Hampton City. You can leave without worry. Once you feel better, Fourth Master will bring George to meet you.

Jeanne frowned.

You didnt hear wrong. Once youre safe and Fourth Master has settled the matters here, hell give up working for the Duncans and come to look for you, Finn explained.