ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1106

Chapter 1106

Published at 3rd of March 2023 08:46:34 AM

1106 You Can Have Any Identity But Not The Daughter of the Sanders

Yes, father, Jeanne said respectfully.

Edward. Warren smiled at Edward. As I said, were a family.

Yes. Edward was also very respectful.

Arent you going to call me that too? Warren smiled gently.

In fact, there was no way to resist, so Edward did not hesitate as he said, Father.

Warren smiled in relief. Dont forget our agreement just now.

Ill do my best.

You guys havent seen each other for a long time, so I wont disturb you guys any longer. Have a good rest.

Take care, father.

When Warren left, Jeanne turned around and looked at Edward. She watched as his eyes stayed on Warrens back until Warren disappeared from his sight.

Then, he turned around and met Jeannes eyes.

There were so many things they wanted to say, but nothing could come out of their mouths.

He held Jeannes hand, walked into the room, and closed the door.

The room was huge. It was exquisitely decorated and looked very clean and tidy.

The two of them stood in the room in silence. It was so quiet that they did not know how to break the silence between them, or rather, to break the ice on that long-awaited reunion.

When did you find out? Finally, Edward spoke.

He brought Jeanne to the sofa in the room as if he wanted to have a good talk with her.

However, Jeanne did not answer him.

Has it been long? Edward asked her.

Have you known for a long time that youre Warrens daughter?

You knew when you married me, didnt you? In fact, Edward already knew the answer when he asked her.

Jeanne still chose to remain silent.

However, the silence was a tacit agreement.

After she had been saved by Kingsley overseas, he told her everything about her identity. He had told her about her mothers identity, the cause of her mothers death, and the existence of her biological father. It turned out that she really was not a member of the Lawrence family. She suddenly understood why the Lawrences had treated her that way. However, Kingsley had never been a good person. He told her that the Lawrences did not know that she was not their daughter, so the Lawrences were cruel to her in a fundamental sense.

The cruelest thing was that he killed her mother with his own hands.

She naturally had to come back to take revenge for that.

Therefore, under Kingsleys arrangements, she learned a lot of self-defense skills and a lot of business deception. After learning it, she was sent back to South Hampton City under an opportunity.

Taking revenge on the Lawrences was only one of Kingsleys arrangements. The other was to help the Sanders take over the economic power of Harken, which meant that she would first take over Lawrence Enterprise. After all, in everyones eyes, she was still the daughter of the Lawrences. Hence, it was only natural for her to get the company, and of course, it would be easier for her.

On the other hand, Kingsley and the Sanders had always kept in contact.

Every year, the Sanders would spend a large sum of money to hire the Hills to do things for them. Back when the Sanders overtook the country, the Hills had also contributed to their success.

For many years, they had been working together. Other than money, the Hills also needed the support of the Sanders power, and the Sanders naturally needed the Hills to do many things that could not be exposed to the public.

One example was helping the Sanders kill the descendant of the Duncans and wipe out all the forces of the Duncans.

In fact, wanting Jeanne to marry Edward was one of the Sanders orders.

Jeanne did not have the right to refuse. From the Hills perspective, she naturally could not reject the Sanders request. After all, they needed to work together for both parties to benefit. From the Sanders perspective, she could not reject their plan because she had the obligation to contribute to the Sanders regime.

Hence, she married Edward.

On one hand, she could help the Sanders investigate whether the Duncans descendant was related to the Swans. On the other hand, she could help the Sanders better control Harkens economy.

The Sanders had a good plan.

They wanted her to use her beauty to win over Edward.

In reality, it was impossible to succeed.

After a few exchanges, Kingsley knew that Edward was already out of their control. In order to prevent Jeanne from being truly hurt, he thought of a way to bring her back, which completely destroyed his relationship with the Sanders and their plans for Jeanne. Furthermore, Jeanne had been helping Monica to stop the Sanders from making any other arrangements, so the Sanders had no choice but to send her back to the Hills.