ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1090

Chapter 1090

Published at 3rd of March 2023 08:44:39 AM

1090 Neither of Them Needed The Other Anymore

Yes. Steve took down Monicas instructions very seriously and asked, Regarding those in the research and development team who left Cardellini Pharmaceutical, if they turn a new leaf, can we recruit them back?

No. Monica gave an affirmative reply. Ive said it before. Cardellini Enterprise will never accept anyone who left. As long as they stick around, nothing will happen to them!

...Yes. As he expected, Monica was willful.

One had to know that nurturing an experienced researcher was not something that could be measured with money.

Third, Ive promised all the employees of Cardellini Pharmaceutical, including the remaining members of the research and development team, that once Cardellini Enterprise gets through the crisis and gets back on the right track, I will treat them all. Now, help me calculate how much Cardellini Enterprise will have to pay for labor costs every year if we increase every employees salary by 10 percent. If the amount is okay, Ill raise everyones salary.

Steve was speechless. Cardellini Enterprise had not even made any money and they were already increasing their costs.

However, that was indeed Monicas style.

Lastly, I still think that the person Michael bribed is still in the company. Find a way to persuade him to quit. I wont allow my company to have anyone who had anything to do with Michael.

Steve felt that Monica must really hate Michael a lot to go that far.

In fact, that was not true. Monicas hatred for Michael ended the moment Michael was sentenced to death.

She was only being so thorough in eliminating anyone related to Michael because she was a vengeful person. She had no need to treat those who had done her harm with kindness.

Give me a weekly progress report on the above matters, Monica said.

Yes. Steve agreed.

Mr. Warren, Monica suddenly called out to him.

Yes, Chairman?

Thank you, Monica said sincerely.

Steve was stunned. He did not expect Monica to suddenly become emotional.

Just a second ago, she was so serious and did not look like she cared about anyone.

As I should.

Monica smiled faintly.

Nothing was as he should. It was a matter of his sense of responsibility and character.

She said, You can go ahead with your work.


With that, Steve left.

The moment he left, he truly felt that under Monicas leadership, Cardellini Enterprise would have a bright future.

Monica looked at Steves back and then at the time before leaving the office.

It was 3 p.m. in the afternoon, which should be a good time for her to pick Nox up.

Nox was detained for a day because he broke court order, and apparently, he even repented for a day. In short, he was tortured miserably.

When she drove into the detention centers parking lot, she saw a familiar car. Even in such a large parking lot, she could recognize it at a glance.

However, she did not react to it. She simply parked the car and got out to wait for Nox in the detention center.

When she entered the waiting room, she saw Finn, who also saw her.

There seemed to be a trace of surprise in his eyes, but he would definitely not take the initiative to ask her why she was there.

Monica did not take the initiative to greet him either. She sat a distance away from him and took out her phone to read some current news while waiting for Nox to come out.

Only the two of them were in the waiting room, so it was unusually quiet.

After about half an hour, before she could see anyone, she heard Noxs voice. If you dare to expose what Ive repented on, I will definitely sue you in court!

Monicas mouth suddenly curved into a smile.

From the moment she walked in, there had been no change in her expression. In fact, she did not feel any emotion.

Yet, the moment she heard Noxs voice, she smiled sincerely.

Finn also raised his head because he heard Noxs voice. The moment he raised his head, he saw Monica smiling.

His eyes flickered.

Then, he saw Nox walk out.

When Nox came out and saw Monica and Finn, he was a little surprised. You two came to pick me up together?!

He did not expect it to be the two of them. In fact, he thought Edward would come to pick him up, but alas, that heartless Edward did not come.

No, its a coincidence, Monica explained.

A coincidence? Nox did not believe it, and there was a pensive look on his face.

Fourth Master told me to pick you up because he has something on, Finn said his reason.

What about you? Nox asked Monica.