ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1064

Chapter 1064

Published at 14th of February 2023 05:52:15 AM

1064 Crushing Michael (Confirmed To Be A Sc*mbag)

Moreover, it was obvious that Sunny Pharmaceutical's sales in all pharmacies and even hospitals hit rock bottom this week.

Sunny Pharmaceutical's production was large, and because they wanted to cover all the pharmaceutical companies in the country all in one go, they were also producing like crazy. They had also invested all their previous sales into it. Now that the sales volume had suddenly dropped, Sunny Pharmaceutical was also in a tight financial situation.

After all, once the pharmacies could not sell the drugs, they would not want to restock, and Sunny Pharmaceutical would not be able to get cash flow.

Michael sat in his office, his face dark.

Monica wanted to play with him, did she not? Did she not want to force him into a dead end even though she was digging her own grave?

Yet now, he could not think of a way to kill Monica.

Monica was like a wild horse who was out of control, and no one could subdue her.

If it were anyone else, even if it were someone else he had concerns about, he would be able to deal with them easily. However, with a person like Monica who was going against him without caring about consequences, he really had no way to deal with her.

She had come at him with nothing to lose, and he could not find a way to threaten her. If that continued, she would destroy Sunny Pharmaceutical.

Michael really did not expect Monica to take it so far with him and force him to this point.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Come in! Michael's face sank.

He was currently at Sunny Pharmaceutical.

In name, someone else was in charge of Sunny Pharmaceutical, but in fact, he was the one who controlled everything.

He looked at his assistant with a cold expression. What's the matter?

I just received the latest news that Cardellini Pharmaceuticals has announced that they will produce another billion worth of drugs for free nationwide.

Michael slammed his hand on the desk.

He stood up angrily. Where did she get the money?!

I've contacted the senior management in Cardellini Enterprise. They said that Monica is doing this and that the production has already begun.

Where did she get the money? Michael was still asking the same question.

He had a clear understanding of Cardellini Enterprise's financial situation. Now that Cardellini Enterprise was almost out of money, how could she have the money to continue production?

The other party doesn't know either, but from the looks of it, Monica really isn't short of money. Moreover, I heard from the other party that Monica didn't even use the funds from Cardellini Enterprise's financial department to start production, the assistant reported.

Michael clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Find out if any bank is providing her with a loan.


Let me know immediately after you've checked.

Yes. The assistant left in a hurry.

Half an hour later, the assistant reported, Mr. Ross, all the banks in Harken have confirmed that no one has provided a loan to Monica not only under Cardellini Enterprise's name but also under Monica's personal name. I've even checked the Cardellinis' other fixed assets, but they haven't been touched.

That meant that someone was secretly helping Monica!

Michael's expression was extremely ugly.

In fact, he knew who it was the Swans.

He had always thought that because the Swans were businessmen, even if Monica had some relationship with Jeanne, Fourth Master Swan would not directly reject Monica's request for help but would not be so stupid as to invest in her. Hence, Fourth Master Swan would only invest 30 to 50 million dollars. Moreover, Warren had made it clear to him that Jeanne would not interfere, so he had never thought that the Swans would help Monica in any way!

Obviously, he had once again underestimated Monica and how shockingly capable she was that he could no longer defend himself.

Mr. Ross, Sunny Pharmaceutical's products can't be sold because of Cardellini Enterprise's move. I've just asked Sunny Pharmaceutical's delivery department about the drugs we've invested a large amount of money into. All the pharmacies are not willing to lower their prices, and the new pharmacies are also delaying transferring the money and purchasing the goods. According to the current situation in Sunny Pharmaceutical, we will also have a shortage of funds and face the same predicament as Cardellini Enterprise.

Michael listened to his assistant's report, and no matter how patient he was, he still exploded.

He suddenly pushed everything on his desk to the ground.

The assistant did not dare to move.

Get out! Michael ordered.

The assistant left in a hurry.

Michael took out a cigarette and started smoking.

Monica had caused so much trouble for one matter. What he originally thought would be an extremely easy task was now messed up because of Monica.

He did not know how to explain it to the Sanders.

On second thought, ever since he started to take charge, he had not done anything for the Sanders.

All the skills he had accumulated over the years were completely useless in front of Monica. He even felt like he was hitting the air with a hammer. No matter how much strength he used, he could not hit it!

He smoked the cigarette hard to calm himself down.

It took a long time, or perhaps it did not take long at all. After all, Michael's shrewdness was not comparable to ordinary people.

He picked up the phone, returned to his normal state, and dialed a number. Leader.

Michael, how do you still have the cheek to call me? What are you doing? Just one Monica is enough to make you so helpless? Warren cursed.

In all his life, he had never felt as humiliated as he had recently.

He endured it and said respectfully, Monica is more difficult to control than I thought. She is not afraid of anything and doesn't care about anything, but I have a lot of concerns. I am indeed a little powerless towards her.

Do you think that explains your incompetence?

It's my fault. I'll try my best to make it right.

Make up for it? How? Warren said coldly, Sunny Pharmaceutical is in a financial crisis. Do you think I don't know?!

That is why I hope you can allocate some money to stabilize Sunny Pharmaceutical's situation.

How dare you suggest that? Warren asked him fiercely.

Michael held his phone tightly.

It was really embarrassing.

I gave you 300 million as an investment, and you promised to earn 600 million back within a year. It's been half a year now, and you've yet to get a single cent back! And now you want me to give you money? How can you be so shameless? Warren cursed mercilessly.

Michael's face turned red and then pale at Warren's words.

He suppressed his emotions and made himself seem humble. It's indeed my fault, but if you don't allocate the funds now, our 300 million in investment will go down the drain.

Do you think I'm rich? Warren roared.

Michael did not say anything.

If I had money, why would I go through so much trouble to get you to help me earn money? I still need to take Harken's economy back! Michael, you've truly disappointed me! Warren did not conceal his anger.

I will keep my promise, I promise! Michael swore in an attempt to gain Warren's trust.

Warren was now put in a difficult position because of Michael.

If he did not want to want to invest in the company anymore, he would lose 300 million in vain. More importantly, he had used his authority to do a lot of shady things, and once he was exposed, he would be in trouble.

If he continued to persevere, he was afraid that the money would go to waste.

He had lost all the trust he used to have in Michael. In fact, he had never even imagined that Michael would make things worse.

Now, the situation was in a stalemate.

Michael then reported, This time, the people who are helping Monica are the Swans.

Warren's expression was extremely ugly.