ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032

Published at 6th of February 2023 01:56:14 PM

1032 Becoming Vengeful

That was the only time they could spend together.

After breakfast, Monica got changed and got ready for work.

Ron also arrived on time. He came just as Monica was about to leave.

Monica said, Uncle, I might be back late tonight. Why don't you sleep with my mom in the ward tonight, on the bed that my dad used to sleep in?

Sure, just do whatever you have to do. Don't worry, I'll take care of your mom.

Okay. Monica smiled gratefully.

With that, she left the hospital.

As soon as she entered the underground parking lot, the elevator opened, and she saw Finn standing at the entrance.

Monica walked out of the elevator and, like the night before, brushed past Finn indifferently.

After starting her car, she left the hospital.

In fact, she did not mean to make her seem cold, but she thought there was no need for her to pretend in front of Finn.

The only reason she was doing that was that she really did not have that much time to waste.

When she arrived at the company, Steve was already waiting for her in her office.

He reported, Yesterday, Esther made an appointment with the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals that we worked with before, but they all turned us down.

Monica's expression did not change much as she listened to him without much change in her expression.

Based on our relationship with all the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals, once there are no problems with our products, they should accept us. Personally, I don't think this matter is as simple as it looks. It's either because the leader doesn't trust you or someone must be deliberately playing tricks behind your back.

I know. It's Michael. Monica knew that very well.

It might not be just Michael but the Sanders as well.

Before Jeanne left, she had made it clear to her that the Sanders was behind this matter. Once the Sanders intervened, no pharmaceutical company or hospital would dare to use Cardellini Enterprise's assets unless they did not want to live in Harken.

Let's make an appointment. Even if we can't, we'll use some connections to see what their schedules are and make it seem like we bumped into them by chance. We have to meet these people and tell them about our preferential policies. After all, businessmen still prioritize benefits. I refuse to believe they'll be indifferent after all we've done.

Alright, I'll try. Steve nodded.

Ask the shareholders if they have any connections we can use.

I got it, Steve agreed.

By the way, how many employees resigned yesterday?

32 people.

How about today?

I haven't received a resignation letter yet.

Just give me a headcount every day.

Is there really no need to ask them to stay?

No need. Monica was very certain.


What's the status of the researchers' resignation?

Last night, human resources informed all the researchers who wanted to resign that they had to pay the compensation within three days, and we'll approve it. So far, we haven't received any updates from human resources yet.

Keep your eye on it.

Yes, Steve said respectfully.

You can go on with whatever you need to do. Get Tim to call for a department meeting for me.


Once Steve left, Monica did not waste more time either.

She pulled out the plan they had discussed yesterday and read it carefully a few times.

Half an hour later, she showed up in the conference room and continued to discuss with everyone the arrangements for the drug promotion that had not been completely settled yesterday.

She was busy for the entire day again.

When Monica returned to her senses, it was already 4 p.m. in the afternoon.

Steve knocked on the door and entered with lunch. I heard you haven't eaten.

Only then did Monica remember that after the meeting, she returned to the office to deal with work.

That was when she realized that as the chairman, it could take her more than half a day to review documents, especially when she did not know much about them.

She took Steve's lunch and said, Thank you.

Then, she buried his head in her food and started eating.

The taste was ordinary, but now, it seemed like she could make do with anything.

I heard that Harry Ross, the general manager of the largest pharmaceutical company in South Hampton City, has a business meeting tonight. He has booked a luxury private room in The Charm Club and will be there at about 9 p.m. Do you want to run into him by chance?

Yes, I do, Monica said firmly.

In a place like a nightclub? Steve was still a little worried.

After all, young and beautiful girls would be at a disadvantage if they went to such a place.

Isn't that my home ground? Monica did not care.

Steve took a few seconds to react, and only then did he realize something. It was said that in the past, Ms. Cardellini's favorite place to wander around was the nightclubs.

Even so

However, it did not seem like there was anything else he could do now.

At 10 p.m. in the evening, Monica and Steve showed up at The Charm Club, the largest nightclub in South Hampton City.

It was also Monica's former base.

Hence, the moment she entered, almost all of the staff took the initiative to greet her. They seemed very familiar with her.

Steve could not help but sigh. I've lived for so many years, but I've rarely stepped foot into places like this.

Didn't my dad need to entertain clients back then? Monica asked.

Cardellini Enterprise has never had to entertain people like this.

Monica smiled.

Back then, Cardellini Enterprise was still in its heyday.

She stopped in front of the private room that Harry Chance had reserved.

Before she went in, she said to the waiter, Bring me a plate of cheese. No, two.

Steve was surprised.

Monica laughed. Those who haven't been to nightclubs don't know, but you should have some cheese before drinking to protect your stomach.

Steve did not seem to believe her.

However, Monica did not explain further. After the waiter brought over the cheese, she handed Steve a plate.

Once the two of them had some cheese, Monica took a deep breath, pushed the door open, and entered.

In the private room, there were many men and women.

When Monica and Steve entered, the people inside did not pay much attention to them. They were still drinking, singing, dancing, or flirting with the girls.

Monica stopped beside a man.

Then, she grabbed two glasses of beer from the coffee table and waited for the man to sing.

A long time passed.

After the song ended, the audience burst into applause.

Of course, it was not because he sang well but because the guests were complimenting him.

President Chance. Monica quickly handed a glass of beer to Harry Chance. Cheers!

Harry did not recognize Monica, but he took the glass and downed it.

Monica, of course, did the same.

As soon as she finished her drink, Harry suddenly pulled her into her arms.

Steve was a little annoyed.

However, Monica gave him a look, telling him not to come closer. Harry hugged her and sat on the sofa.