ONS: Pregnant With CEO's Baby - Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011

Published at 7th of February 2023 05:29:31 AM

1011 Identity Exposed: Jeanne Is the Sanders' Third Princess!

Do you know who's trying to destroy Cardellini Pharmaceutical?

Michael, Jeanne said straightforwardly.

No, it's me. Warren was even more straightforward.

Jeanne's eyes flickered. She knew he was the one, but she did not want Warren to know.

In fact, Warren knew that she knew everything. However, he did not expose her because he did not want to embarrass her.

The Sanders may have political power in Harken, but we do not control the economy. The Swans have the most influence on the Sanders at the moment, but they are not easy to deal with. That's why I have started to invest in other enterprises and have chosen Lawrence Enterprise and Cardellini Pharmaceutical first. Warren's expression became serious as he explained, I chose Lawrence Enterprise because you grew up with the Lawrences, so it was easier for you to take action. That was why I told Kingsley to arrange for you to return to the Lawrences. Of course, it was also for you to personally avenge your mother's death. Fortunately, you didn't let us down. You managed to take over Lawrence Enterprise in just a few months, and after you left, it's now in Melody's hands and under the Sanders' control.

Jeanne turned to look at Quinn, who was beside her.

That was why Lawrence Enterprise was under Quinn's control during the time she was away.

No wonder Quinn wanted to enter the Lawrence Enterprise back then. It turned out that Quinn's goal was to obtain the fruits of her labor after she took over the Lawrence Enterprise.

Jeanne did not show any emotions.

Next is Cardellini Enterprise. They are the largest enterprises after the Swans and control the research and development of drugs. It is a very useful economic weapon for us, so I instructed Michael to handle Cardellini Enterprise's affairs. But apparently, you have ruined Michael's plans time and time again.

Jeanne remained silent.

Jeanne, I know about your relationship with Monica, and I can understand that you're standing up for Monica. However, between a country and a family, one has to abandon one's family. I won't say much about what happened before because it was my fault for not informing you in advance. You didn't know I was acquiring Cardellini Pharmaceutical, but from now on, I hope you don't interfere in any of Cardellini Enterprise's affairs. To us, Cardellini Pharmaceutical is a very important move, and we can't lose it. Warren did not beat around the bush and gave her the order to let go immediately.

Alright. Jeanne agreed.

She had no choice but to agree. From the moment she was brought here, she already knew that this would be the result.

Don't blame me for not considering the feelings of my children. From my standpoint, the first thing I need to consider is the country. Only when the country is thriving will I have the time to take care of my family. Jeannie, I hope you can understand.

I understand. Jeanne nodded. Kingsley has told me many things.

It's good that you understand, Warren nodded before adding, By the way, I heard that you have more than 50 billion in personal assets.

Most of them are Kingsley's, Jeanne replied.

It doesn't matter how much money you have. It's yours, and I won't take it for myself. However, in order to not cause any misunderstandings between us father and daughter, I hope your 50 billion won't be circulated in Harken. I don't think you need to spend money in Harken. If you need anything, you can look for your big brother.

Chester smiled at Jeanne, indicating that she could look for him anytime.

Jeanne narrowed her eyes.

I don't doubt that you'll invest in Cardellini Enterprise, but I don't want to hear any gossip either. Michael has mentioned you to me several times, which makes me a little uncomfortable and speechless. To avoid suspicion and to prove your innocence, I will have someone monitor your personal assets. If anyone has any objection to you next time, I will produce evidence and explain it to you.

Jeanne's lips curled into a faint smile.

It turned out that the leader of a country was really nothing more than that. In order to achieve his goals, he would do anything.

What did he mean by proving her innocence? He was just trying to control her and prevent her from helping the Cardellinis.

At the end of the day, he still did not trust her.

I wanted to keep you at the Sanders' residence for a few more days and spend more time with you, but I just received a message from your uncle, Kingsley. He told me to send you back earlier.

Jeanne looked at Warren.

Was he going to kick her out of Harken now?

Warren said, The situation in Harken is unstable. Coupled with your relationship with Edward, it's indeed not safe for you to stay in South Hampton City. I will be more at ease if I send you to Kingsley's side.