My vocabulary of gaming words are a bit lacking. If there is any mistakes or errors. Please don’t hesitate to point that out.
The house of Ye Tian Xie was located at luxurious residential area of Beijing city. In this area, the whole life income of normal person couldn’t even buy a single piece of land, even if the somehow they had money without power they can’t purchase. Here, only rich and powerful people could live. Here in this place, Ye Tian Xie didn’t have any contact nor work with other person. There are often some idle person who chatted about why such person lived in this villa, perhaps he inherited a huge legacy from loved ones or other reason. Only Ye Tian Xie himself could answer this question.
For Ye Tian Xie, this was merely a single villa but not the house. This villa was empty, he was only by himself in this villa.
After returning to his room, he lied on the bed. He was too impatient to wait anymore so he lift his left hand and press that center b.u.t.ton of the wrist band and gave the instruction “enter the game”.
After giving the instruction, single screen suddenly appeared. And his eyes became blank for a split second after which his consciousness appeared to be absentminded. Suddenly his eye became clear and he saw variety of changing colors and pa.s.s through the world. This world was colorful, shortly afterwards he heard the melodies and clear voice of a woman.
“Ding….Mr. Ye Tian Xie h.e.l.lo, welcome to the Destiny world. There is still 2 hours 39 minutes left for the opening of Destiny world. Please wait patiently. This is your first time using gaming console, do you want to create a character?”
“Yes.” He responded. This was the first virtual reality game which was on completely different scale compared to all other virtual reality games. Even the sound of the women before seems as if it was spoken by real woman. This shows it was not exaggerate when they say this VR game provide 99% feeling of reality.
“Ding… Destiny world you will possess new life, new fate, chance to start new human life only once and once selected the start, there is no possibility of turning back, so you should choose carefully which destiny road you wanted. Now please choose name for your character. This name cannot be changed anytime later. Since you are from China, you could only choose Chinese text for name, furthermore it shouldn’t be more than 10 word.”
This voice expressed everything clearly. In this Destiny world, there is no chance at all to start anew again. To speak frankly, you cannot delete the account and repeat again. Therefore, no matter if it is pet name, attribute or vocation, once selected it will forever remain same, it was impossible to change ever again. The VR game was named
because destiny of the person do not have multiple choice.
“Tian Mo Xie!” Ye Tian Xie didn’t think much and only announced this name which belongs to him only.
“Ding…….this name is already taken by another person, please choose another.” The female voice gave him completely unexpected response.
“What!?” The facial expression of Ye Tian Xie immediately became cloudy. His twin pupil started to twinkle with dangerous radiance. China had hundreds of hundred millions population and the
console was on the hand of most of the people. It was also not in the least overstatement to say there was at least tens of millions gamers. So such a large base of repeat nickname originally appeared perfectly normal, but to repeat the name “Tian Mo Xie”, things contained therein was far from simply repeat of pet name.
“…..Sir, this name is indeed already used by another user, please choose a new one.” It seems to felt immense change in Ye Tian Xie and his surroundings. The voice from the system actually became rather apprehensive. Ye Tian Xie was enraged however also secretly gasp in surprised as this system voice even secretly carry emotion.
“Xie Tian.” After a long silence, Ye Tian Xie finally voice out another name. His eyes however were s.h.i.+ning with ice-cold rays……..dare to use his name, was it to provoke me? Very good, but the cost of provoking me is not absolutely what you are capable of enduring.
“’Xie Tian’ a.s.signing name is successful. Whether to begin appearance adjustment?”
The corner of mouth of Ye Tian Xie hooked upward, “adjust to 100%!”
“…………..”All at once the voice of that woman was clearly obstructed. Afterwards, in a weak voice said, “Sir, the adjustment scope of appearance is at most 20%, is it ok to adjust at 20%?”
“Adjustment of appearance succeed. Adjustment of appearance is for initial stages of games to comply with the wish of computer gamers to a certain degree protect their privacy. After the first transfer, appearance adjustment effect will disappear automatically, if you want to continue to protect your privacy, you can get a mask at any store in any city for free. Below please select your pain tolerability in the game, ranging from 5% to 100%, this ratio affects only pain, does not affect any other senses.
“Of course, 5%.” Ye Tian Xie without the slightest hesitation said. Only the people with some problem in brain choose 100%.
“Setting of pain tolerance rate successful, below please distribute your initial free points to your basic attributes. Each player have altogether initial 25 points. It is free to distribute on strength, vitality, agility and spirit (basic 4 elements-earth, water, fire and wind). Any race character height should be at least 4 and not exceeding 10. The points could be earn in Destiny world by leveling up. Please choose.”
Finally a single white color panel float in front of him. Above side by side, there was strength, vitality, agility and spirit, behind which there was a detailed marked counter per basic attribute. Strength influences physical attack, vitality influences life force and defense, agility influences. .h.i.t rate and dodging speed and also influences long range vocations attack and spirit however influences magic attack and magic power. Each race with different vocation have nothing in common with each other.
After the panel appeared in front of Ye Tian Xie, he became lost in thought for a long time. The distribution of the points in the basic attribute is closely related to the selection of vocation. Therefore, this time again ought to choose single vocation……… chasing 100 steps to kill like wind shadow or indestructible and motionless like a wall or dark king……
Inside his mind, single faint beautiful image dazzled and finally his hands start moving. He placed maximum points in strength basic attribute which was 10 and also started to distribute points in other basic attributes. His distributed free points as strength 10, vitality 7, agility 4 and spirit 4. Clearly he had already decided to choose close combat vocation.
“Free points distribution in basic attribute success. Please a.s.sign points in fixed properties. Each player have all together 10 points to distribute in this fixed properties which are luck, comprehension and charm. Every properties can be distributed minimum of 0 points and maximum of 10 points. Fixed properties can only upgrade through equip addition or other special way. ‘Luck’ relates to Destiny world’s fortune, particularly involves burst rate, critical attack rate, success rate of chance event and other numerous aspect. ‘Comprehension’ relates to Destiny world’s understandings capability, better understanding of the life skills and at the same time every new realization can gain additional 0.3% of experience. ‘Charms’ relates to Destiny world’s charm index, higher the charms, the higher likely to get along and have good impression with NPC of Destiny world. Please a.s.sign carefully.”