One Piece Talent System - Chapter 110-111

Chapter 110-111

Spring island.

It is one of Oezi's five cherry blossom islands and one of the most prosperous islands. The climate on the entire island is spring all year round, so it is also known as the spring island.

On a certain street in the spring island, there is a totally different atmosphere from the flowing cherry blossoms… Tension, depression, and fear.

"What are you going to do? This is the greatest Cherry Blossom Manor in Spring Island. You can't do that!"

A thin old man fell to the ground and watched a group of pirates with wicked faces in the manor, grinding his teeth he struggles to open his mouth.


One foot stepped on the old man's chest and restored him to the ground. The owner of the foot was a fierce wicked pirate with sharp teeth. He looked down at the old man under his feet and smiled fiercely at him.

"I heard, you don't welcome pirate here?"

The old man was trampled on and could not answer.

That pirate snorted and said: "What a joke, do you know what time is it? It is the Great Age of Pirates! Beauty and peace have been ended more than a decade ago!"

"Since it is the greatest manor, you must have a lot of treasures here. If you don't want to die, hand them over!"

Another pirate, carrying a portable cannon, came to the side and grinned.

The old man breathed hard and said, "This is…" The most precious treasure here… These cherry trees…"

"Ah? What precious treasure is the cherry tree?

The two pirate looked at each other and couldn't help but ask again.

At the time, there were dozens of pirate wandering in the manor and some people rushed into the villa in the middle of the manor. There was a burst of porcelain cracking in the villa.

Quickly a few people came out of it and scolded, "Nothing, not even a gold coin, where is the treasure?!"

After many pirates raged in the Sakura Manor, they all got nothing and quickly gathered under a cherry tree at the entrance to the manor.

After many pirates rampaged around the Cherry Blossom Manor, they got nothing and soon gathered under a cherry tree at the entrance of the manor.

Captain Bartra looked at the old man guarding the manor with a fierce face and lifted him up by the neck, saying:

"d.a.m.n, where did you hide all your treasures?"

"This… there is nothing you want here…"

The old man spoke in a difficult tone and said, "Like I… I said… These are the most precious things here… Cherry trees that have grown for hundreds of years…"


Bartra had a look of anger on his face. He specifically asked about the most famous place on the Island. The answer he received led him to this cherry blossom manor. After running here, there is nothing. There are only cherry trees in the manor? !

"I see, you don't want to live!"

His eyes became extremely indifferent. He threw the old man to the ground. His arm suddenly turned into a silver fluid. In a moment, it solidified into a sword, which reached the old man's neck.

The old man breathed hard, but there was no fear in his eyes. He just lay there dying and had no intention of resisting the long sword against his neck.

Bartra stared at the old man for several seconds and suddenly grinned.

"Very good."

"Is this cherry tree the most precious thing here? Then I will take away your most precious thing! "

The moment his voice fell, he looked at the men around him and said, "Burn it, burn all the trees, don't leave one!"

The old man, who had been waiting to die, heard this sentence and his eyes opened. He struggled violently to get up and grabbed the sword that Bartra's arm had turned into. He said, "You… You can't do that! The manor is…"


Instead of stabbing the old man with a sword, Bartra kicked him away and let him fall into the distance powerlessly. The old man watched as Bartra's men began to destroy cherry trees in the manor.


A cherry tree was ignited by the cannonball and burned rapidly. The pink cherry petals turned golden red in the fire, like a sunset that would fade away.

The old man struggled to get up to stop it, but his aging body was tortuous, and it was difficult to stand up, so he could only watch the scene with open eyes.

"Wicked devil… you are a wicked demon…"

And just as the old man was about to collapse, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"It's a beautiful view."

Ross and Laffitte came in from outside the manor. His eyes showed a touch of appreciation. After sweeping the whole cherry manor, they fell on the burning cherry tree.

When Ross and Laffitte came in, Bartra and many other pirates saw them and they recognized them. For the first half of Grand Line Supernova, who had a bounty of over 100 million, he knew something about Ross and soon recognized Ross.

"You are… Ghost Hand Ross!"

"And Demon Sherrif."

After recognizing Ross's ident.i.ty, Bartra and others suddenly became serious. In the first half of today's Grand Line, Ross is the number one Supernova!

No one thought that they would meet Ross here.

Ross's eyes stayed on the burning cherry tree for a few seconds then he looked at Bartra and others and said, "It seems a little too luxurious for your funeral."

When Bartra heard Ross, his face instantly became gloomy.

He knows about the somethings about the Ghost Hand Pirates. They destroy other pirates and they are not afraid of Marines, The only reason Ross would have come here is for his head.

"Are you looking for me… It is not easy to take the head of a pirate who has 160 million berries bounty on his head."

Ross smiled faintly.


Ross, standing there, suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he had come to Bartra, and his palms fluttered lightly against Bartra's chest.

The power of distortion suddenly broke out.


Bartra's chest was instantly muddy as the spinning Distortion power distorted his whole body, but strangely he did not bleed, his entire body turned into a pale silver liquid.

After flowing for a period of time, the liquid quickly rose and converged and became human again.


"Captain is Unscathed."

Seeing this scene, many pirates who had been shocked by Ross's speed, were relieved and grinned a little.

So far, only one of the enemies they have encountered can hurt Bartra, but he was defeated in the end by Bartra. Although Ross's bounty is as high as 300 million berries, they still have absolute confidence in the terrifying ability of their Captain.

"What? Your fame is so great and you are only at this level."

"Spiral blade!"

Bartra smiled wickedly and flies out with a sudden wave of his arms and liquefies in mid-air, turning into two swirling blades that tangent to Ross's body.


Ross raises his hand and sweeps out the two swords. He looks at Bartra with narrowed eyes and said, "Paramecia metal attribute fruit? It's an interesting ability."

In the intelligence of Kaku and others delivered, there is naturally Bartra's specific ability, but Ross did not care and only listened to Bartra having a metal attribute fruit.

It now appears that this fruit is like the High-Level version of the Mochi-Mochi Fruit, which resembles the fruit of BIGMOM Pirates Katakuri, It has the ability to turn into a liquid state, somewhat closer to the shape of Logia.

This is a very good ability.

If it is trained properly, it will become very powerful and may surpa.s.s Logia Devil fruit!

When he heard Ross, Bartra snorted and grabbed the hook blade arm that flew back to him and smirked at Ross, saying: "Interesting? You will see it soon… despair!"


His fist fluidized abruptly into an extremely sharp long gun and with one of his fists, it thrust violently into Ross's chest.

Faced with Bartra's blow, Ross closed his fingers and fluttered his fist lightly.


The fist and the long gun collided together. Bartra imagination of the long gun running through Ross's fist did not appear. Instead, the long guns began to crumble from the guns'head and broke down all the way, restoring the shape of the arm.

Then, under the ravages of the power of distortion, his arm burst open and blood and broken bones splashed around as he flew backward.

"Ah! Ah!!"

Bartra looked at his broken right arm and gave a scream.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely stiff.

The expressions of those smirking pirates are all fixed on their faces. In the next moment, they were horrified.

"Captain's arm… How is it possible?!"

"Hey, Captain are you kidding here, Captain! Quickly recover that arm!"

Several pirates reached out to Bartra, screaming and rolling and tried to walk, but they were all stiff and unable to take a step.

In the field.

Ross's eyes flashed with disappointment as he walked towards Bartra.

"At this level, it's a pity that this fruit falls into your hands."

"No… this is impossible…"

Looking at the Ross coming over, Bartra's eyes showed sorrow and fear.

Ross's fist can actually break his metal form, which is harder than steel and completely destroying one of his arms. How on earth did he do that?

"A frog at the bottom of the well."

Ross said the last word in a tone of indifference, lifting his foot and stepping down.

Bartra's whole body melted into silver metal liquid, but it was still useless. It burst with blood and broken bones when Ross stepped on it.

"Moving Weapon Bartra with a bounty of 160 million Berries has been killed and the reward is 40 Talent Proficiency Points."

"Huh-huh, I'm afraid they don't even know what Haki is? They stood no chance.

Not far away, Laffitte watched the scene, grinned and walked towards the remaining pirate.

The rest of the pirate saw that their Captain has been killed by Ross and they were terrified of Ross and Laffitte and they turned and fled.

Sneer! Sneer!

Laffitte's figure flashed in the field, killing seven or eight pirates in an instant.

The remaining pirates scattered to try to escape, but Ross lifted his foot and stepped lightly. The ground rolled and surged, instantly turning into a huge ball of earth and stone, wrapping all the others in it, crus.h.i.+ng and erasing them.


After killing all the pirates, Ross raised his hand, rolled over the soil, and threw all the bodies and blood out of the manor. At the same time, it poured into the burning cherry tree, which prevented the fire from spreading.


The old man of the Manor looked at the scene. His dry eyes became wet. He coughed hard twice and barely stood up.

He also recognized Ross and knew that Ross was a pirate, but Ross killed Bartra and others and prevented the fire from spreading. Whatever Ross was, Ross was the benefactor who saved the centuries-old Cherry Blossom Manor.

"Thank you……"

"You're welcome."

Ross looked at the burning cherry tree and asked casually, "Are you the only one here?"

"Yes, I'm the only one left."

The old man nodded and sighed softly.

Reaching out and gently picking up a falling cherry tree leaves, Ross shook his head and turned to walk out of the manor and Laffitte quickly followed.

Looking at Ross leaving, the old man took a long breath and re-sit back to the ground. Although a tree was destroyed, he managed to keep the manor.

Ghost Hand Ross…

He is totally different from the image of the government report. On the contrary, it is similar to the gossip circulated in the previous period. Thinking of this, the old man shook his head with a bitter smile and sighed.

What is Marine and the government trying to do with the world?


After destroying Bartra, the main purpose of the trip has been completed, but they needed to stay here for 10 days to store the magnetic waves in Log Pose, Ross temporarily dispersed with Laffitte and others.

The scenery on this island is rare and even Laffitte has some interest in cherry blossoms. It seems that there are some fantastic ideas in his head.


Five days later.

Walking along the cherry blossom street, admiring the scenery and the occasional beautiful girl, the Den Den Mus.h.i.+ in Ross's pocket suddenly rang.

After connecting Den Den Mus.h.i.+, Laffitte's dignified voice came from it.

"Captain, we seem to be in trouble. There are five s.h.i.+ps on the West Bank… No, six Marine Battles.h.i.+ps, large Battles.h.i.+ps from Headquarters and they seem to have been ash.o.r.e for a long time.

Six large Battles.h.i.+ps!

And from Marine Headquarters!

Such a force configuration is not comparable to that of Marine of any branch. They appeared on this island and their goal is undoubtedly the Ghost-Hand Pirates.

"Has they finally arrived, Marines from Headquarters?"

Hearing Laffitte's words, Ross paused and murmured in a low voice, with a flicker in his eyes.

Even with Kaku and others as peripheral intelligence networks, even with the speed of the Ghost Shadow s.h.i.+p, it is impossible to avoid the Marine and the government that has eyes on almost every island.

"Shall I inquire about the details?"

Laffitte whispered at the other end of Den Den Mus.h.i.+.


Ross shook his head and looked deep into the end of the street. "They're here… This time, our Intelligence is a step behind. I hope we won't meet Marine Admiral.

Ross is in a three-way intersection and the entire street has become empty without him knowing. Only the cherry blossoms are scattered silently.

Tread! Tread! Tread!

No one spoke. The three directions were almost simultaneous filled with dense footsteps. The footsteps came from far and near, clattering together like the last sign before the tsunami, depressed and suppressed.

After a few seconds.

In the street just ahead of Ross, there appeared a Marine general in Marine's Justice Cloak, embroidered with Vice-Admiral's epaulets and shaved with a dark purple Mosikan head.

Almost at the same time, in the street behind Ross, a general Marine, wearing a brown jacket and a Marine justice cloak, came with a cigar in his mouth and he was wearing a necktie.

Marine Headquarters Vice-Admiral.

Momonga! Cancer!

Ross stared indifferently looking at the Marines gathered in silence and spoke into the Den Den Mus.h.i.+ in his hand:

"Laffitte, you and Robin go to the Ghost Shadow s.h.i.+p and don't let any Marine break my s.h.i.+p."

After saying this, he hangs the Den Den Mus.h.i.+ and puts Den Den Mus.h.i.+ in his pocket.

After a few seconds.

From the last direction, Marines came from both sides and a scarred Marine general stepped out of it, forming a triangle with Momonga and Cancer and pinched Ross in the middle.

Three Marine Headquarters Vice-Admiral gathered on the Cherry Blossom Street. No one spoke, but the atmosphere of the street had become extremely oppressive and it was almost suffocating.

In a state of repression.

Doberman, who finally appeared, broke the oppressive and solidified atmosphere. He pressed his right hand on his blade and pulled the blade out of the scabbard slowly.

"At last we met."

"Ghost hands… Ross. "


At the same time.

The news of Marine's six Headquarters Battles.h.i.+p appearing in Spring's island also spread rapidly to all over the world, attracting numerous forces'attention.

Three Headquarters Vice-Admiral, six large Battles.h.i.+p, Marine deployed such terrifying forces, what do they want to do?!

Very soon.

These forces began to acquire intelligence from various sources, and ultimately the intelligence was…

The Ghost Hand Pirates appeared on the Spring island a few days ago!

"It turned out that this was to exterminate the Ghost-Hand Pirates."

"Six large Battles.h.i.+ps from the Headquarters and three Vice Admirals, Marines are serious this time."

The atmosphere of the major forces who have heard the news is solemn. No matter how rough the sea is, the government and Marine must not be completely angered.

This is the iron rule!

Once offended, Marine and the government will come after you with full force and unless you were one of the Four Emperors, there was no way out of the ocean.

The most terrifying force on the sea, the government, and Marine who dominated the world, finally showed its magnificence after being repeatedly shaken by the Ghost Hand Pirates.

Chapter 111 Headquarters Vice Admiral

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