One Piece Talent System - Chapter 37-38

Chapter 37-38

s.h.i.+pwright town harbor.

Three days have pa.s.sed since Sai and Boo were killed. Kano Country is not far from the s.h.i.+pwright town, so even if it is a slow s.h.i.+p, it will still arrive at noon on the fourth day.

In Ross' training cabin, five sandbags were swinging around Ross. He stood in the middle of the sandbags with his eyes closed as he kept punching the sandbags.

In most cases, Ross could hit five sandbags and occasionally he will hit nothing and he gets. .h.i.t by the sandbags.

It is more difficult then he imagined to master the Observation Haki's. After three days of continuous practicing, he is able to find a glimpse of the way but it will take time to truly cross that.

Haki is a hidden force that everyone has, but most people are unaware of it or unable to sense it.

The first step in practicing Haki is to sense the existence of Haki and control it and then continue to develop it to strengthen Haki.

The first step is undoubtedly the most difficult.

Just as Ross closed his eyes and tried to grasp the special perception in the dark and his own Observation Haki, the door of the cabin was knocked and Robin's voice came from outside.

"Captain Ross we have arrived at s.h.i.+pwright town's harbor."

"Got it."

Ross exhaled, opened his eyes and stopped the swinging sandbags and stayed at his position for a while. He recalled the training process in his mind. Then he got up and walked out of the cabin.

Coming out of the cabin, he can see the harbor of the s.h.i.+pwright town. s.h.i.+pwright Town was not big, much smaller than the Kano Country, and was just a medium-sized island.


The harbor here was much larger than the harbor in the Kano Country and there was a lot of cargo piled up on the harbor.

"This is not Kano Country, pirates may not be welcome here." Robin walked over to Ross' side.

Ross said indifferently, "Pirates don't exist so as to be liked by people. Let's go."

As before, they left the handyman on board. Ross and Robin got off the s.h.i.+p and landed on the dock.

In the hope of finding the best s.h.i.+pwright, Ross found a worker carrying wood on the dock and threw out a gold coin at him and asked straightforwardly:

"Who is the best s.h.i.+pwright here?"

The worker was frightened to see Ross get off a pirate s.h.i.+p, but when he saw a gold coin thrown over to him, after staring blankly at it his timidity dropped a little.

After hearing Ross' question, he pinched the gold coin and suddenly smiled.

"We have very good s.h.i.+pwrights here. But If you want to ask for the best s.h.i.+pwright, it should be Old man Fitz. He rarely makes s.h.i.+ps for others, but the few s.h.i.+ps he made are very famous."

"You said old Fitz… is it Kokonor Fitz?"

Robin was shocked to hear the worker's words and asked him a question.


The worker nodded. He hadn't built a s.h.i.+p in a long time. Probably not many people knew that he is in our town.

Ross looked at Robin a little strangely and asked: "Who is Kokonor Fitz?"

Robin put her finger on her chin, revealed a thoughtful expression and said. "Well, I've heard of Red-Haired Shanks s.h.i.+p when I was gathering information before. It seems that he made Red-haired Shanks s.h.i.+p. Red-haired Shanks is…"

"New World Yonkō (Four Emperors)."

Ross interrupted Robin's speech and looked at the worker in surprise. It is speculated that the hometown of Shanks was somewhere in the West Blue. He didn't expect that the s.h.i.+pwright who had made the s.h.i.+p for Yonkō (Four Emperors) would be here.

"Where is he?"

"Go straight along this road, turn right after two blocks, there's a shabby cabin where he lives."

The workers pointed out the way to Ross.

He took Robin along that direction and turned right after crossing two streets. And at once he saw a shabby single-story cabin from afar.

Outside the cabin, a group of seemingly angry people were gathered.

"Captain, are we being cheated, the best s.h.i.+pwright lives in this broken-down place?"

A man with a scar on his face frowned at another man with a broad-edged sword.

The man with the broad-edged sword narrowed his eyes too and said: "Let's call him out and see for ourselves."

Hearing the captain's words, a man came up and kicked the door of the wooden house and said: "Hey! The guy inside, get out! Our captain wants to see you!"


The man kicked the door hard again, but there was still no movement in the cabin. Just when they thought that there was no one inside, there was a sudden cough in the cabin.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Really, I can't sleep well even for a nap."

With a coughing sound, the door of the wooden house was pushed open. An old man about fifty or sixty years old with a gray beard and worn out clothes came out from the inside.

Looking at the old man's appearance, the group of people all frowned and some people couldn't help but say: "This guy is really the best s.h.i.+pwright? How dare that d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d lie to us!"

"Hey, if you are looking for the best s.h.i.+pwright? Then you didn't find the wrong person. My skills are not bad."

Old Fitz covered his mouth and coughed twice, taking a case of wine from the waist and took a sip, which made him feel good.

Hearing the old man's words, all the people present looked at each other, some of them were not convinced. After hesitating for a moment, someone said:

"Our captain wants you to build a s.h.i.+p for him."


Old Fitz nodded and calmly said, "Not doing."

The group of people was stunned. One of them showed irritation and pulled out his pistol and said, "Hey! Old fellow, do you know who our captain is? If you don't want to die, cooperate!"

"Your captain ah…"

Old Fitz spoke in a drawl. Suddenly, his wrist shook and a pistol was in his hand. A precise shot pierced the pirate's head.

He raised the pistol and blew at the muzzle and sighed: "I really don't want to know."


They apparently did not expect that this ugly old man would dare to start a fight with them. After a moment of stunned silence, they were furious and pulled out their respective weapons before surrounding old Fitz.

But just then, clear footsteps were heard behind them.

"Coming through."

Ross walked behind two people put his hands on their shoulders and pushed them to both sides. The body of the two people rotated and distorted a few times, their bones cracked and they fell to the ground.

The numerous pirates were shocked by the sudden change in the situation. When they turned and saw Ross, their pupil shrunk and revealed panic in their eyes.

"You are……"

Kāchā kāchā!

Ross kept on walking forward, and wherever he pa.s.sed, the sound bones cracking and twisting was heard.

A pirate tried to escape in terror but Robin who was following Ross broke his neck with Treinta Fleur Strangle.

Old Fitz didn't care about these pirates, and even when Ross appeared, he didn't care but when he saw Robin behind Ross, his body abruptly froze.

"Ol…Olivia? No, you cannot be Olivia…"

Robin, who has always looked calm, after hearing the name of Olivia was stunned for a moment and for the first time she lost control of her expression.


Full name Nico Olivia, one of the archaeologists of O'Hara and also the biological mother of Nico Robin!

Ross looked at Old Fitz and looked at Robin again as surprise expression flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect to meet someone who was familiar with Robin's mother.

"You…do you know Mom?!"

The seventeen-year-old black-haired girl looked at the old Fitz, her fists slightly clenched as she asked in a rare sobbing voice.

Old Fitz looked at Robin and leaned his head back and sighed: "Naturally, I sailed with her for some time in search of the history of my family."

"Devil Child, Nico Robin, although she never said she had a child, I should have long thought of it." Old Fitz eyes flashed with a trace of self-blame.

Robin bit her lips. She who always seems to be able to remain calm in any situation revealed a trace of sadness and pain on her face.

Old Fitz was silent for a moment and said, "Want to know something about your mother? If you want to know, come in and sit down. I'll tell you everything I know."

Robin was silent and turned to look at Ross.

"Just listen to it you want to hear. It's still early anyway."

Ross nodded at her.

Old Fitz looked at Ross before smiling at him and said: "Ghost Hand Ross, You are different from the rumors spread about you, the government's newspapers are really bad."

Old Fitz opened the door of the cabin and invited Ross and Robin together.

The environment inside the cabin is the same as that of the outside. There is nothing special about it. Things like books, newspapers and so on are piled up everywhere and the cabin is incomparably messy.

Old Fitz didn't reveal any embarra.s.sed expression and brought out two small wooden stools for them to sit while Ross and Robin ignored the messy environment and sat down without any awkwardness.

From Old Fitz's mouth, Robin learned a lot about her mother, Olvia. Her face remained calm and silent and she did not shed any tears. Obviously, once again, she hid all of her emotions.

"That is everything I know about your mother."

Old Fitz finished his last sentence, took up the wine bottle and took a sip, his eyes slightly gloomy.

Ross did not know much about Robin's mother's past, nor did he pay much attention to it. But some of the things that Fitz disclosed in his narrative made Ross very surprised.

There are three ancient weapons in this world, Sea King Pluton, Poseidon, and Ura.n.u.s.

Among them, Pluton is a s.h.i.+p and it is rumored that anyone can destroy an island with this s.h.i.+p.

The construction of Pluton was the ultimate weapon created by the combination of all the top s.h.i.+pwright and scientists in the whole world at that time.

And the ancestors of old Fitz were one of the s.h.i.+pwrights that built the Pluton!

In order to trace the origin of his blood and that period's history, old Fitz boarded Olvia's s.h.i.+p and went with a group of archaeologists to find the lost history, but only a few of them were found in the end.

There was a moment of silence.

Old Fitz took another mouthful of wine before talking with Robin and Ross. "Okay, that's all. You two shouldn't be idle to talk to an old man like me. What's the matter? Say, it won't be building a s.h.i.+p, right?"

"Just want to ask you to help build a s.h.i.+p for me."

Ross saw that Robin had her head bowed in silence, so he said to the old man Fitz.

Fitz shook his forehead and said, "I knew it…"

He looked at Robin and looked at Ross again. He said helplessly: "Really, you can't let an old man enjoy his old age? Help you build a s.h.i.+p. If the government knows, this old man will have to hide in another isolated island."

Ross slightly smiled and didn't speak.

Since the old Fitz and Robin's mother have a deep friends.h.i.+p and Robin was now wanted by the World Government as a Devil Child and a crew member of his s.h.i.+p, it was clear that the sentimental old man would not sit idly by.

Sure enough, after looking at Robin, Old Fitz sighed and said, "No way, I can't just sit back and ignore the only heir of my old friend. It seems that my old bones are going to be used one last time!"

Having said that, he stood up and asked Ross:

"Don't tell me that you don't have any material ready. Just coming and finding an old man to build a s.h.i.+p. This old man can't make it out of nothing for you."

Ross shook his head. "The materials are here, but I only brought a main material… the branch of the Treasure Tree Adam."

The old Fitz eyes flashed slightly before saying: "Is this the 42-meter Treasure Tree branch? So that wood fell into your hands, good! With this wood as the keel, this old man will surely build a s.h.i.+p so fast that no Battles.h.i.+p will be able to catch it!"

His ancestors were responsible for Pluton's power unit. Although the things of that time were already lost, Kokonor is still standing at the top of the world in designing s.h.i.+ps for speed.

"Thank you very much, here is the reward."

Ross put the bag filled with 80 million Berries in front of him.

Old Fitz grinned and did not refuse. Instead, he raised his hand and took it. After opening it up and looking at it, he said, "Enough, even if you buy the best supplements, there are still 20 million Berries that will be left and I won't have to worry about drinking in the future"

He stood up and walked towards outside while carrying the bag of money at his back. After two steps, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Ross:

"That's right."

"Marine has taken a thorough look at you. I'm afraid that with the government's intelligence capability they will soon know that you're here. Even if I pull a bunch of s.h.i.+pwrights together, it will take at least seven days to complete the s.h.i.+p. If a Battles.h.i.+p comes in within seven days…"

"Rest a.s.sured."

Ross stood up and calmly accepted the conversation, saying, "There will be no Battles.h.i.+p to disturb your s.h.i.+pbuilding. I will deal with that problem."

Old Fitz smiled as he saw Ross exiting his wooden house.

Robin stood up and followed Ross out. As she pa.s.sed Old Fitz, she whispered 'Thank you'.

"You're welcome."

Old Fitz answered and closed the door.

With old Fitz, the top s.h.i.+pwright leader and a group of other s.h.i.+pwrights called in, all the other materials for the s.h.i.+p were selected that day.

As for s.h.i.+pbuilding drawings, old Fitz had designed a speed-based s.h.i.+p a long time ago but because the main material had to be the strongest wood, he had not been able to build it. This branch of Treasure Tree Adam was just right for it.

The design is often the most troublesome part and if this part is skipped directly, the speed of building a s.h.i.+p will be greatly accelerated, it was because of this that old Fitz said that the s.h.i.+p will be completed in seven days.

While Old Fitz was working day and night with many s.h.i.+pwrights to build the s.h.i.+p, Marine Headquarters Rear Admiral's fleet of five Battles.h.i.+ps approached the s.h.i.+pwright town.


The Marine fleet arrived in s.h.i.+pwright town on the afternoon of the next day…