One Piece Talent System - Chapter 158-162

Chapter 158-162

Robin did not follow them to the Dragon Palace, but in accordance with the instructions of Ross, she went to find the Poneglyph stone monument of the Fishman Island and Law and Laffitte did not come, so there is only Ross in the main hall.

Not long after, a male mermaid wearing a crown came in.

"His Highness Neptune."

When Jinbe saw the other party come in, he immediately saluted him. Although he was Seven Warlords of the Sea and the leader of the Fishman Island today, he was still very respectful to the Royal family.

"You don't need to be so formal, Jinbe."

Neptune looked at Jinbe with a laugh and said, "You haven't been to Dragon Palace for a long time."

As he said, he turned to look at Ross and said: "Thank you Lord Ross for saving Otohime, I have already made people prepare a banquet, please be sure to accept my thanks."

"It was nothing, how is his Highness Otohime?"

Ross asked Neptune.

Neptune laughed and said, "It's nothing serious, but she was rus.h.i.+ng out to find you and was stopped by me. She'll come back later."

"She is injured, she needs to rest. I'll stay in the Dragon Palace for a while. By the way, the tea here is very good." Ross said with a slight smile.

Jinbe saw Ross come to Dragon Palace and nothing happened. Neptune appeared very calm and his heart gradually eased down.

However, he still does not trust that Ross who is staying in the Dragon Palace, so he requests Neptune to stay in the Dragon Palace, and Neptune naturally agreed.

A few days later.

In the huge garden of Dragon Palace, Princess s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+, a six-year-old mermaid, is sitting on a lawn next to the Poneglyph stone that has been found and moved here by Robin.

Although Robin prefers things like Cerberus in the Florian Triangle sea, but s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+'s appearance is still very easy to the eyes, plus she is the body of the ancient weapon Sea King Poseidon so Robin keeps close contact with her and s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ soon started calling her 'Sister Robin'.

On the other side.

The princess, Otohime, was wearing a bandage on her shoulder and she looked almost recovered.

Two days ago, she learned the news from Sabaody Archipelago. Ross has killed a tenryubito and left in a fierce battle with Marine Admiral. Her heart was shocked. Not only she, but Neptune and Jinbe were also shocked. It was unexpected that Ross had made such a big event!

"That tenryubito, are you going to kill him, too? Doing so will only incessantly infuriate the World Government, and it doesn't make any sense…"

Otohime tried to persuade Ross.

Ross calmly responded: "I don't intend to kill him now, but to make the World Government angry, that's the point in itself. How can it be said that it doesn't make sense?"

Otohime's tone of voice was stagnant as Ross's att.i.tude was more than that of the fish-men in the Sun Pirates. She could not help but show a complicated look and did not know how to persuade him anymore.

Just then Ross turned to her and said, "You're going to save Tenryubito and get a vote from him for the migration of the fish-men to sh.o.r.e."


Otohime was shocked as her intentions were completely exposed to Ross. She was trying to retort a little. Not only did she was unable to persuade him, but she heard Ross's voice suddenly become a little solemn.

Ross stared at her and said calmly and profoundly, "Don't think too much about equality, Otohime."

"Even if you get the signature of a tenryubito and the consent of all the fish-men, can you guarantee that the human att.i.tude towards the fish-men and mermaids will be the same as yours?"


Otohime is stunned.

Ross continued in a cold voice: "Don't say anything like 'You believe that humans and fish-men can understand each other'. Before you have absolute strength to ensure the safety of your people, letting them go ash.o.r.e is tantamount to burying the whole Fishman Island!"

Otohime fell into silence, Ross's words pierced her heart sharply, like a slap in the face, piercing the part she had been reluctant to think about.


Even if fish-man and mermaids can accept peaceful coexistence with human beings, can humans do it? Maybe, but she can't guarantee it and that will be danf=gerous for her people.

In Ross's previous words, thinking of Equality and Coexistence is too much.

"But your Fishman Island is not completely powerless, Jinbe's strength needn't say much, s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+'s ability is also extraordinary."

Ross's words slowed down as he turned to look at s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ and Megalo playing with Robin in the distance with a faint smile.


When Otohime heard Ross's words, she slightly startled. Ross mentioned Jinbe's strength and It's easy to understand. After all, he is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. But s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+'s ability made her think she had heard something wrong. What ability can a six-year-old Mermaid Princess have?

Ross does not intend to hide anything from Otohime as s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+'s ability will awaken sooner or later. Instead of exposing her to an unconscious awakening, it is better to let Otohime shelter s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ in advance.

"The Fishman island should have had a legend, there will be a princess who will be born here once in a while who would have the power to communicate and command every Sea King in the sea…"

Ross said, pausing for a moment and in Otohime's astonished eyes, he said gently, "Yes, s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ is that princess."

Otohime looked a little shocked and incredible at s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ in the distance. She could not believe Ross's words, but Ross obviously had no need to deceive her.

"But s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+, she…"

"Before, when you were in danger, her ability almost immediately awakened, but I stopped it. It's better not to expose it."

Ross interrupted Otohime, turned to her and said, "How to protect s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+? I don't need to say much about it. You know the meaning of that power very well."

Otohime's forehead overflowed with a trace of perspiration.

She glanced at s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ deeply and nodded slowly.

"So instead of collecting meaningless signatures, it's your responsibility to protect s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+, because it's not just about the safety of Fishman Island, it's about the whole world."

Ross slowly told Otohime.

He didn't say anything and later overthrew the empty words of World Government to the status of the Fishman's Island. Although his current ident.i.ty enables him to say such things, it is not necessary.

He just needed to wake Otohime up and tell her s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+'s ability, and she will know what she should do. She was blinded by her kindness and peaceful coexistence.

As for whether he will use the power of s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ in the future, it is not within his consideration.

That is the future, at least not until he becomes a 'Yonkō (Four Emperors)'.

After waking up Otohime, Ross turned and walked in the direction of s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ and Robin. At this moment, Robin has sprouted a lot of arms scratching s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ and letting her keep rolling.

"Good… It's itchy, Sister Robin. Stop it…"

s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+'s tail kept shaking and tears seemed to be coming out of her big budding eyes. Robin smiled and lowered her arms.

It was at this time that Ross came over.

"Ross Sama."

s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ saw Ross and immediately greeted in a respectful and soft voice.

Ross looked at s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ and smiled, then nodded lightly at Robin, indicating that there was nothing wrong with Otohime.

Seeing Ross's friendly att.i.tude, s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ gradually abandoned her timidity and asked Ross as innocently as a child could, "Sir Ross, Sister Robin said that there are forests on land and there are real sky and sun. Is it true? I really want to go up and see it.

"It's true."

Ross smiled and said meaningfully, "When you get older, I will take you to the land to play. You are too young to leave home for now."

s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ listened and the little child thought it was reasonable and nodded his head hard.

"Well, um!"

"That's a promise."

Ross had an 'innocent smile' on his face and extended his little finger at s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+. s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ also gladly reached out her "little hand" and touched Ross with her little thumb.

After signing the "abduction agreement" with s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+, Ross turned around again and looked at Otohime, the princess who was coming towards them. "If there's anything that can't be handled and is related to s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+. If it's inconvenient to inform Whitebear Pirates, please let me know at any time."

"Are you leaving?"

Otohime nodded accepting his future help and also captured Ross's tone of separation.

Ross gently smiled and looked up at the sky above the Fishman island, with a deep look in his eyes. This time, when they set out again, they would arrive at the second half of the Grand Line, which is also the main battlefield… New World!

After saying goodbye to Otohime, s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+, and others, Ross and Robin left Dragon Palace and went all the way to the place where their s.h.i.+p was docked.

At this point.

The guards of the Fishman Island have a.s.sisted Laffitte and others by sending the supplies to the s.h.i.+p and they have already coated the s.h.i.+p.

Coating the s.h.i.+p on land is difficult and expensive, but the machine that produces bubbles in the Fishman's island can make a huge bubble that wraps a s.h.i.+p at once, so the coating becomes very simple.

The coated s.h.i.+p slowly sailed away from Fishman Island.

With the wall of the Distortion to control sailing on the seabed, although he can use the Distortion Fruit to move it at once and take complete control of it, but the consumption of stamina is too big, the next place they will arrive is New World, no one knows what will happen, so he naturally has to save his stamina to deal with all possible things.

Great Age of Pirates, 15th years.

New World.

The Ghost Hand Pirates Captain Ghost Hand Ross with a bounty of 1 Billion Berries, This news has quickly spread throughout the New World and also fell into the hands of Yonkō (Four Emperors) Pirates and various forces.

In the first half of the Grand Line, Someone who could receive a bounty of 1 Billion berries has never appeared before. It can be said that since the opening of the Great Age of Pirates, even in the history of the past, there has never been anyone with that high a bounty in the first half of the Grand Line!

1 Billion!

Even the Yonkō (Four Emperors) Pirates who sits above all, Who regards the first half of the Grand Line as Paradise and the latter half as their own playground, can't help but look at Ross's bounty poster.

"One billion Berries, well, there is a little devil coming this way, but don't provoke me."

Yonkō (Four Emperors) BIGMOM looked at the one billion bounty poster, opened her mouth and smiled and then she threw the bounty order aside, picked up the cake on the table and ate it.

Everyone in New World's environment knows that it is extremely difficult to survive in the cracks left behind by Yonkō (Four Emperors) pirates and someone who acquired a Billion bounty on his head in the first half of the Grand Line will never live in the cracks(Territories not under Yonko). And he will definitely challenge a Yonkō (Four Emperors)!


As one of the Yonkō (Four Emperors), she has encountered too many challenges. Most of the challengers can't even see her face, because they couldn't get past her generals.

As Emperors, there is their pride. The name of Yonkō (Four Emperors) is never self-proclaimed. Every one of the Yonkō (Four Emperors) has experienced countless Battles and acc.u.mulated numerous bones under his feet. These bones form the throne of the Emperor.

They never fear the challenge of the latecomers, they only sit on the throne, watching the latecomers walk hard to them and lose before their desperate power.

"One billion Berries…"

Another Yonkō (Four Emperors), Hundred Beast Kaido, did not give much comment. He took a sip of wine and threw the bounty order aside, grinning.

If you are courageous, then come and challenge me!

Over the years, No one has appeared that made him excited for a fight. He just goes ahead and picks fights with Yonkō (Four Emperors) or sometimes a group of Marines, which can make him a little excited.

"He has already reached this level."

Somewhere along the coast, Red Hair Shanks holds Ross's bounty poster, his eyes twinkling and murmuring, while Beckman flips through the newspaper, smoking a cigarette.

Beckman suddenly smiled and said: "Your hunch is quite accurate, Shanks."

With the corner of his eye, he looked at the text in the newspaper and the photograph of Ross. His eyes were deep and he said, "This fellow, He is really going to see us again."

Moby d.i.c.k.

Whitebeard, still at his peak, was sitting on the deck, drinking, looking at the newspaper in his hand and the bounty poster clipped to it.

"Gura ra ra ra, there comes another little demon."

He had a slight impression of Ross, but the impression remained that when a particular newspaper shocked the world, many people felt that the ghost-hand Pirates would be quickly wiped out by the furious government and Marine.

But the result is that in a blink of an eye, the Ghost Hand Pirates has grown to this point and it is enough to enter his eyes.

"I heard these guys like to hunt pirates. They are pirates for the purpose of hunting pirates." First Division Captain Marco stood next to Whitebeard with his head tilted to its side.

The Third Division Captain Diamond Jozu sat down and grinned. "They wouldn't come for us. In this sea, everyone knows what will happen if you mess with us."

"That's right."

Marco smiled.

Whitebeard glanced at Marco and Jozu, raised his hand and threw the newspaper and the bounty order in his hand into the sea.


"How is that tenryubito?"

Ross took back his eyes from Fishman Island, which was gradually fading away and asked for Law.

Law leaned against the side of the bulkhead and said with a slightly deep look, "He won't die, but that guy's last name… It's Donquixote!"

Donquixote, Mjosgard!

The same surname as Doflamingo, obviously his ident.i.ty belongs under the Donquixote Family. For 800 years, Tenryubito is not a single ent.i.ty, but a huge group. Doflamingo belongs to one of the Donquixote family.

"Oh? His last name is Donquixote?

Ross's eyes also flashed with light. He didn't expect the tenryubito caught in the Fishman's Island and the Doflamingo family to have a cousin.

After his eyes glittered slightly, he calmly said, "You're not mistaken. Doflamingo used to be a member of tenryubito, but he lost his tenryubito ident.i.ty because of some things."

Why is Doflamingo able to spread the dark trade all over the world?

His strength is far less than that of Yonkō (Four Emperors) and his power is far less than that of Yonkō (Four Emperors), but the trading network in the dark world is the core of the whole world. One of the reasons is that his original tenryubito ident.i.ty!

Although this ident.i.ty has lost its privilege, he is still a tenryubito. With the ident.i.ty of a tenryubito, he can do too many things, not to mention that Doflamingo knows a lot about the secrets of tenryubito and Holy Land, which are enough to shake the world.

"Tenryubito… It's more trouble than I thought.

Law also knows exactly what Tenryubito's ident.i.ty stands for. He knows that when he arrives at New World, the first thing he has to deal with is Doflamingo.

He originally thought that Doflamingo was just an ordinary s.h.i.+chibukai, but after boarding Ross's s.h.i.+p, he was constantly exposed to the secret intelligence about Doflamingo, which made him gradually realize that Doflamingo was not a very easy existence to deal with.

It involves a lot!

"Don't worry, my promise to you will stand regardless of his ident.i.ty."

Ross calmly told Law after seeing his face. He didn't care about justice and didn't care about evil, but he would do it for the agreement he had agreed to. This is his guideline.

Law looked at Ross and took a deep breath, slowly saying:

"Thank you."

The s.h.i.+p gradually left the Fishman Island, slowly pa.s.sed through the hole at the bottom of Red Line under Ross and Laffitte's control, and finally came to the sea on the other side.

As the s.h.i.+p floated up, a huge whirlpool of white snake-like currents suddenly appeared on the dark seafloor, winding and leading to an unknown end.

"It's a whirlpool!"

"Be careful."

Laffitte immediately warned, and Ross calmly controlled the s.h.i.+p's rapid ascent, bypa.s.sing the eddy current with the help of Distortion.

Although he has enough strength now, it is still difficult to fight against this level of natural power. After all, it is the bottom of the sea.

After bypa.s.sing the whirlpool current, the s.h.i.+p did not encounter any more crisis and went up smoothly. Robin took a shower while the s.h.i.+p was moving up and Ross went into the bathroom to wash as well.


The s.h.i.+p finally rushed out of the sea and came to a hail-covered sea. At the same time, the bubble-wrapped around the hull quietly broke and disappeared at that moment.

The hail was raining all over the sky and cras.h.i.+ng into the hull. Law and Laffitte fought back, and Ross came out in a white overcoat.


With the power of distortion swinging, large fist-sized hailstones were fixed in mid-air, sliding along both sides of the hull and eventually falling into the sea.

"This is the New World."

With Ross sheltering the hull, Laffitte also made room to view sea maps and High-Level Log Pose on his wrist.

However, It is difficult to judge the sea here and their location is undetermined, although there are three arrows on the Log Pose, it is difficult to know which islands they are pointing to and it is necessary to arrive at one of them first before determining their location.

Very soon.

Laffitte decided on the direction and sailed to the island where Pose was the most stable.

The Ghost-Hand Pirates are all calm individuals, They are not impulsive like Straw-Hat Pirates, They naturally won't go away with Pose's weird Island.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

As the s.h.i.+p continued to sail, the hail began to grow bigger and bigger, and even hail the size of a human head appeared, which was enough to break through the hull in an instant, but all were blocked by Ross.

It was a correct decision not to use the power of distortion to bring the s.h.i.+p from the bottom of the sea.

No one knew how long it took but the s.h.i.+p finally broke out of the hail-covered sea and came to a place that looked very calm, no matter the wind speed or the current, it did not seem unusual.

"It seems to be safe for the time being."

Ross slowly lowered his arm and the wall of the Distortion that sheltered the hull was taken back by him.


Almost immediately after Ross's voice fell, a sound suddenly came from under the hull. The whole s.h.i.+p flew up abruptly, rose suddenly, and came to the sky tens of meters away from the sea, and tilted over.


Law and Laffitte and others were shocked and quickly pulled the things around them to stabilize their bodies. Robin was also surprised and unsteady and fell in the direction of Ross.

Ross calmly reached out and took Robin in his arms, but instead of looking at her, he looked down at the bottom of the s.h.i.+p with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Sea Kings!"

Laffitte's gaze was fixed on the sea below.

Just coming out of the hail sea, They entered the sea where such large Sea King exists and this is not even the Calm Belt. Sure enough, New World's sea is messy, the first half is a paradise compared to here!


An extremely harsh humming sound came from under the hull that left Laffitte, Law, and others eardrums Buzzed.

Ross's eyes twinkled and the power of Distortion's voice came out, dispersing the sound near him and Robin and he released Robin and flew to the side of the s.h.i.+p.


The whole s.h.i.+p was crowned in mid-air by the head of a giant Sea King with a body of thousands of meters in length. The s.h.i.+p was like a snack in front of the Sea King.

At this time, the Sea King also found the s.h.i.+p on top of his head. The humming sound came because of this. A pair of huge eyes, the pupil was transferred to the top of the head. It suddenly shook his head and threw the s.h.i.+p up and whipped its tail. 

What is the concept of the power of the tail of a sea king which is thousands of meter long?

It is sufficient to destroy a street in an instant!


Ross snorted and waved his arm and the power of distortion came out and the hull was lifted. At the same time, He punched the huge tail that was slamming towards him.


After a slight standstill, Ross's power of distortion finally gained the upper hand, smas.h.i.+ng the tail down into the sea and causing it to bleed.

The Sea King suffered a big loss, but instead of fighting with Ross in fury, it hissed with great wisdom and went to the bottom of the sea and disappeared.


Ross fell back on the s.h.i.+p, controlling the s.h.i.+p to fall back to the surface.

"Leave this sea as soon as possible. I can still deal with this kind of Sea Kings. If we encounter one a few times larger, it will be very troublesome."

Ross spoke quietly to Laffitte.

He spent a lot of stamina in the hailstorm sea and now if he took the s.h.i.+p to the sky and sailed away from the sea, he might be too consumed to control what happened next.

Laffitte nodded, he also knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately informed Robin and Law to turn the rudder and headed for the island that was previously planned.

Like Calm Belt, this sea seems to be a paradise for the Sea Kings. From time to time, they can see a huge wave rising on the sea, which is a giant sea King turning over.

Underneath the ocean floor, there are huge black shadows, which make people astonished from time to time.

"If only s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ was here."

Ross completely utilized his Observation Haki and is ready to take the s.h.i.+p to the sky at any moment. At this time, he thinks of s.h.i.+rahos.h.i.+ and can't help but shake his head.

After another period of sailing, a slightly blurred shadow appeared in the sea on the left side of the route, and some unstable waves appeared on the sea surface.

"Sea Kings… No, there seems to be a s.h.i.+p"

Laffitte stared at the sea over there, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng with surprise. He could not help but take out his telescope and look at the distance over there, which was even more surprising.

"What's wrong?"

Law asked Laffitte.

Laffitte's eyes twinkled as he said: "Someone is fighting a Sea King, but calling them people would be wrong, they are a little big, they should belong to the Giant race."

Their s.h.i.+p is like a snack to the Sea King, which is about a kilometer in shape. It can be seen on the left side of the black hull, but it has a length of hundreds of meters, close to the medium-sized Sea King.

"Giant? Sea King?"

When Ross heard Laffitte's words, his eyes flashed a strange color. After a little thought, his eyes flashed and he said, "Put the s.h.i.+p over and see what's going on over there."

"All right."

Laffitte nodded and changed the course and sailed in the direction of the shadow.

Although it is very dangerous to stay in this sea, Ross can fly to the sky with his s.h.i.+p at any time, even in the case of the particularly troublesome Sea King, it is always safe.

Very soon.

The shadows became clearer and clearer as a medium-sized Sea King, about 300-400 meters in size was fighting against five giants on board a s.h.i.+p.

To be exact, the giants accidentally drove their s.h.i.+p into the sea and suffered attacks from the Sea King. Fortunately, the Sea King is not a large Sea King. Moreover, they are all giants and they have good strength and can fight against it.


It's just a reluctant confrontation.

The giants are all over 20 meters tall, but there is still a big gap between them and the medium-sized Sea King. Even though they are giant fighters with great strength, they can only fight defensively.

"Hajrudin, that's not the way to go. We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

The New Giants-Pirates navigator Road attacked with his knife and cut a b.l.o.o.d.y hole in the skin of the Sea King and shouted at his Captain Hajrudin next to him.

s.h.i.+pwright Stansen knocked on the Sea King's head with a giant club, but he was thrown back by the vibrations and fell into the distant sea.

"d.a.m.n Road, Why did you bring our s.h.i.+p to this ghastly place!"

Although the Giants are brave and like fights, they are not likely to die with an apparently unstoppable Sea King but they will be defeated. Besides, this is the sea. In case the s.h.i.+p is damaged, a few of them will be in trouble.


Even if they wanted to go, the Sea King had been provoked and it was attacking constantly, defeating their attacks and then pulling out its tail in an attempt to destroy their s.h.i.+p.

Hajrudin roared and punched, blocking the Sea King's tail. His strength was the strongest of all, and he could still fight a little.


The Sea King is a monster with two tails. The first tail was blocked by Hajrudin, while the second tail fell beside Hajrudin and hit the s.h.i.+p.

"This is Bad!"

"Hurry up!"

When the giants saw this, they were in a panic and tried to rush up to resist it, but it was too late. If the s.h.i.+p was destroyed, they would have to wonder with the wood in their arms.

At this critical moment, a strange force burst out from a distance, making the surrounding air present a strange Distortion shape turning it into the shape of a fist, with tens of meters of huge air fist ruthlessly slammed on the tail of the Sea King.


This Sea King is obviously far smaller than the one Ross encountered before. Even if Ross. .h.i.ts it from a long distance away, it still caused cracks in the skin of the Sea King and blood was spilled.


The Sea King, whose tail was. .h.i.t hard, finally went a little crazy under the severe pain. Its other tail rolled violently and caught Hajrudin as it opened its terrible mouth and swallowed Hajrudin in one gulp.

Hajrudin struggled to break free of the tail, but he was in mid-air and there was no way out of it. He fell into the mouth of the Sea King and was about to be shattered by the terrible teeth.

And just then.

A black shadow suddenly flashed past, leaving a remnant in the air at a very fast speed. It flashed like a sword in front of the head of the Sea King.


With a sword wrapped in the power of distortion, the Sea King's head was cut in unimpeded. With some shocking gaze from Hajrudin and others, the Sea King, which was hundreds of meters in shape, was cut in half stiffly from the middle.

Strangely, there was no blood on the incision, but it was so smooth that it did not look like it had been cut by a sword, but rather like a ma.s.s of rubber mud twisted into two sections from the middle.

"There seems to be something wrong with your route, Giants."

Ross floated in mid-air and looked at Hajrudin, who had fallen into the sea and splashed a wave and three other men and one woman, five giants in all.

Speaking of this, the female giant is quite beautiful, just like the enlarged version of Nami and because of her larger size, Ross can see a lot of things from his point of view.

If he remembers it correctly, these five people should be members of the Hajrudin Giant Pirates who have appeared in Dressrosa.

Chapter 161 Giants


Looking at the Sea King which was struggling after being split into two before stopping, Hajrudin wiped his face with seawater. After a moment of silence, he looked at Ross floating in the sky.

"Thank you for your a.s.sistance."

The other giants also reacted and did not climb towards their s.h.i.+p but they smiled innocently and kindly, with undisguised grat.i.tude in their eyes.

If not for Ross, they would at least lose the s.h.i.+p, even suffer serious injuries, and die at sea. Ross is a benefactor to the giants.

"You're welcome."

Ross slightly smiled with an indescribable look in his deep eyes.

He knows Hajrudin and several other giants, presumably, they are the five-man group of Pirates, the New Giant Pirates that Hajrudin has formed.

Compared with humans, the lifespan of giants is much longer, reaching hundreds of years and their character is really frank and militant. Almost every one of them is a fighter.


Hajrudin and others climbed back onto the s.h.i.+p and Ross and Laffitte and others also came to the Giant Pirate s.h.i.+p of Hajrudin.

"This is s.h.i.+pwright Stansen, he is my idiot navigator Road, this one is our cook Goldberg and the beautiful s.h.i.+p doctor Gerth."

Hajrudin introduced his crew and then went to Ross to perform a giant etiquette. "My name is Hajrudin and I thank you for your help again."

"Call me Captain Ross, it's okay, no need to thank you."

Ross smiled as he preferred the frank and brave nature of the giant race to the intriguing and conspiratorial nature of the human race.

The only pity is that the giants are so big that they are equal to moving targets in the eyes of the strong people. But if it can be changed a little, it will be totally different!

Goldberg, the chef of the new giant Pirates, quickly produced barbecues and other dishes, as well as wines from his hometown Elbaf to entertain Ross and others.

Although the meal is big and the portion is a little large, it tastes good.

"Hey, Did you just entered the New World, the Ghost Hand Pirates… I seem to have heard of this name."

Road seems to be a bit overwhelmed. After drinking a few bowls of wine, he is a little drunk.

The beautiful s.h.i.+p doctor Gerth looked at Road's appearance and couldn't help but say: "Idiot, Ghost Hand Pirates are the world-famous pirates, didn't you see the newspaper two days ago."

Although they are giants, they can read newspapers or anything with the help of a magnifying gla.s.s.

As she said, she looked at Ross with respect and said: "Captain Ross's hanging bounty has already reached a billion Berries!"

They wors.h.i.+pped other Giant captains who had sailed the sea and bought glory to the race of giants and even those warriors had a bounty of only 100 million Berries.

The formation of the New Giant Pirates is to reinvigorate the glory of the giants so that the name of the giant is once again spread throughout the world.

"Pooh! One Billion Berries?!"

Road sprayed a drink on Goldberg's face and he waked up from his slight drunkenness in an instant. He was now full of respect for Ross, who had defeated the Sea King in one move and now he has become somewhat revered character for him.

The Giants are a race that is extremely advocating for strength.

When Ross and Laffitte and others were in the fisherman's island, they already knew the news of their new bounty so they showed no surprise.

If you kill tenryubito and escape under the hands of a Marine Admiral, you will get a bounty of one billion berries.

"Captain Ross, Let's drink together!"

After wiping the wine from the angry Goldberg's face, Road lifted up a huge bowl, spoke to Ross in silence and poured it down in a murmur.

Ross did not refuse. He picked up the small bowl he had brought from his boat and took a sip.


Hajrudin picked up the wine bowl and looked at Ross.

His aim is to restore the prestige of the giants. Ross is not only a benefactor who saved them, but he is also a powerful force with a bounty of one billion berries. If he joins the Ghost-Hand Pirates, he will soon be able to restore his prestige.

As a giant, even if there is a possibility that Ross will reject, he will not hide his thoughts, but just when he intends to speak out, Ross suddenly opens his mouth.

"What are your plans for the next step? If you want to reinvigorate the power of the giant race, why not join us? I will make you into an invincible Giant Regiment."

Ross has already seen Hajrudin's thoughts. The giants are not good at concealing their emotions. They are almost always written on their faces. Treating the Giants is not the same as treating human beings. They don't need to maintain absolute prestige, So he will ask them first to join him.

The Giants admire strength and grace and now they have the righteousness and strength. They don't need too much toss and even Laffitte's hypnosis is not needed.

Hajrudin didn't expect Ross to offer an invitation, which is totally different from his request for members.h.i.+p. It fully demonstrates the importance Ross attaches to them.

Almost without thinking about it, he immediately carried the wine bowl and said:

"I am willing to join! Although we only have five people now, we are all the bravest fighters of Elbaf. Sooner or later, one day, we will be famous in the world!"

Gerth and Road and others showed their solemnity when they saw each other. They all held their bowls. Their att.i.tudes were completely identical to their Captain Hajrudin. Ross's strength had completely conquered them.

Ross puts the wine bowl in front of him and smiled slightly:

"Rest a.s.sured, that day will come soon when you are famous all over the world."

As he spoke, Ross poured himself some wine and the spicy drink flowed all the way from his throat to his stomach, which seemed to ignite a bit of his blood.

Hajrudin and others also drank the wine and officially joined the Ghost Hand Pirates as subordinates.

"Since you have become my subordinates, then…"

Ross put down the wine bowl and reached out in his pocket to feel a delicate Devil Fruit with a seemingly sandy surface.

Logia Sand Sand fruit!

"This is a Logia Devil Fruit, Sand Sand fruit, I think you should all know the power and value of a Logia Devil Fruit."

Ross pinched the twig of the sand fruit and placed it in front of him, his eyes circ.u.mvented it, looking at Hajrudin and other Giants.

"Although there is only one Snd fruit right now, We will acquire other powerful Devil Fruits in the future, Five Giants with strong Devil Fruits, It will be enough to make the sea tremble."