One Piece Talent System - Chapter 142-143

Chapter 142-143


After being played by Ross, Aokiji showed a wave of anger on his face and chased after him without hesitation.

But before he could rush out far, the ice in front of him suddenly cracked weirdly. Under Ross's remote stimulation, it was as if two continental plates had collapsed and one was rising and the other was sinking.

Blocked by a hindrance, Ross's back has disappeared into the fog and only his Observation Haki can still sense the location of Ross and he was getting farther and farther.

"Don't try to run away!"

Aokiji's face was repressed and terrible as he continued to chase Ross.

After the awakening of the devil fruit, Ross not only had the ability to remotely throw out the power of distortions like Whitebeard, but the power of distortions also increased dramatically.

Correspondingly, the effect of Gravity Distortion has also improved a lot. By utilizing GeppĹŤ (Moonwalk), his speed is only a little slower than full-powered Aokiji.

As for why it is a little slower…

Because Aokiji is not simply using GeppĹŤ (Moonwalk), every step he falls, the void condenses into a square ice cube, which is struck by his foot and he uses its force to make himself faster.

Even this means has been exerted. Aokiji is very annoyed on the one hand. On one hand, the purpose of this trip was to destroy the Ghost Hand Pirates, but now not only Laffitte and others have escaped, but even Ross is going to escape!

In an instant, they rushed out of the Thriller Bark and pushed farther and farther into the fog.

Aokiji's speed is still slightly faster than Ross's, but when Ross's power of distortion can be released remotely, there is too much room to slow down Aokiji's attack and there is no need to fight Aokiji head-on.

They ran after each other and disappeared in the sky.

A few days later.

In the fog, a wooden block that is about four or five meters wide and about seven or eight meters long is slowly floating on the sea and it is very strange as if it was driving itself to h.e.l.l.

On this wooden complex, Law is sitting in a corner carrying the demon knife, Robin is sitting there, Laffitte is standing on the edge with a mahogany cane, trying to catch fish in the sea.


Suddenly, he plunged the mahogany stick into the sea. A sharp piercing penetrated the water and instantly penetrated a fish swimming several meters below.

Laffitte salvaged the fish, lit a flame and began to do simple processing.

More than three days after escaping from the Thriller Bark, Robin and Law finally recovered and did not die of freezing.

"It's been three days. The food is good, but there's nothing we can do about freshwater."

"My ability can be used to break down a little fresh water."

Law opened his eyes and opened his mouth in silence. With his present abilities and stamina, though extremely reluctant, he was able to produce a little fresh water needed to sustain the lives of three people.

"That's okay, I don't know when Captain can come."

Laffitte shrugged his shoulders as he handled the fish.

Robin took out a white moving card from her pocket, stared at the card for a moment and shook her head slightly, saying: "The direction has not changed for a long time."

That card is Ross's, Vivre Card.

Vivre Card represents a sign of a person's life and moves slowly in that person's direction. Ross collected Vivre Card materials after taking CP9 and made one for himself, Robin, Law, Laffitte, and Xilu.

The five Vivre Cards were all torn up into four copies, each with its own name, and each was given to different people for preservation in order to know the crew's life and location.

Xilu's Vivre Card has been completely destroyed and Ross's Vivre Card was half destroyed a few days ago, but it stopped being destroyed and remained intact.


During these days, Ross's Vivre Card's direction of movement has been changing, indicating that Ross's direction has been changing, possibly entangled with Aokiji.

Until four hours ago, the direction of the Vivre Card's movement did not change, so there were only two possibilities. One was that Ross did not move, the other was that Ross was coming to them.

Either way, Ross should be out of danger.

"Well, it seems that Captain has got rid of Marine Admiral. It's really our Captain… Whoop."

Laffitte showed a smile on his face.

A Captain who can get rid of a Marine Admiral's pursuit, it's an exciting thing. It means that they have a foothold in the sea.

"But this time it's still our tragic defeat."

Robin's delicate five fingers folded gently holding Ross's Vivre Card in her palm and then sighed. Ghost Shadow s.h.i.+p was frozen into ice sculpture by Aokiji and might be able to use it after recovery, but they could not return to the Thriller Bark to find the Ghost Shadow s.h.i.+p.

Moreover, Xilu's Vivre Card was destroyed, which also indicated that Xilu should have died in Aokiji's hands. As for other crew members and handymen, they were either destroyed by Aokiji or they are all in Marines' hands.

"We are still alive, this is enough."

Law, sitting on the other side, spoke quietly and calmly. "It's a victory to survive against Marine Admiral."

Laffitte raised his lips and said, "That's right. The fish is ready. Come and eat it."

After sharing the fish, the three continued to drift in the mist.

They don't know how long it has been.

A dark shadow appeared in the fog, which flew in the air and gradually approached, falling into the perception range of Laffitte and others.

Laffitte had just crossed his cane and showed a trace of alertness. Then suddenly he loosened his alertness and showed a smile because he had seen the shape of the dark shadow.


Compared with Laffitte and others, The shadow looked worse, his clothes were damaged everywhere with a lot of clotted blood on them, the shadow broke through the mist and landed on the raft.

"Welcome back, Captain."

Laffitte smiled at Ross, pinched the corner of his hat and bowed to Ross.

Robin's face, which had been low for several days, also showed a slight smile.


Ross looked at Robin and others. Although they were more and more confused, he still showed a slight smile and laughed loudly without hiding it.

Law sat in a corner and smiled. Laffitte followed Ross with a burst of laughter. The laughter spread out in the mist and pa.s.sed to the depth of the mist.

He laughed for a while.

Ross and others returned to their usual calmness.

Despite the loss of Ghost Shadow s.h.i.+p and the death of Xilu at the hands of Aokiji, four of them are still alive, which is enough. It is impossible to meet Marine Admiral without paying any price.

"We're still alive. We're going to live."

"Then, the government and Marine will not live well!"

Marine Headquarters.

"You went there and they still escaped?"

Sengoku was standing behind his desk, one hand on the desk, his eyebrows depressed and his face looked contorted.

Aokiji's s.h.i.+rt was broken in a small part. He went to the side, took the teapot on the tea table and poured a cup of tea. After a sip, he sat down on the sofa and slowly said.

"Ghost Hand Ross, Demon Sherrif Laffitte, Devil Child Nico Robin, Surgeon of Death Trafalgar Law… these four escaped."

Sengoku slowly sat back in his chair, rubbed his swollen eyebrows and said, "Has everyone else been killed?" I can barely explain it to the government if that's the case.

Aokiji went out personally to chase the Ghost Hand Pirates and four most important main crew members of Ghost Hand Pirates escaped. This is undoubtedly a great headache for Sengoku.

Unknowingly, The Ghost Hand Pirates has grown to this point!

At the same time.

The World Government has also received this news and GorĹŤsei (Five Elder Stars) are a little shocked by the fact that the Ghost Hand Pirates has been able to escape the pursuit of a Marine Admiral!

Although Florian Triangle sea may be foggy and difficult to drive into with a large number of Battles.h.i.+ps, it undoubtedly also shows the sharpness of the Ghost-Hand Pirates!

"What shall we do? Should we make him a s.h.i.+chibukai?

"He won't accept it and doesn't this shows that the government is bowing to a pirate?"

"Aokiji is up to his tricks again, How is it possible that Ghost Hand Pirates escaped from the hand of the government highest power…"

GorĹŤsei (Five Elder Stars) has some headaches at this time.

Former Ghost Hand Pirates were a little nuisance for them and now that nuisance has turned into a big headache for them.

Being able to survive the pursuit of a Marine Admiral, the threat of the Ghost-Hand Pirates itself has gradually surpa.s.sed the threat of their small influence!

"We absolutely can't let them go."

"Continue to look for the Ghost Hand Pirates and once we have the opportunity to move out, we must kill him, there can not be a fifth 'YonkĹŤ (Four Emperors)!"

The Sabaody Archipelago.

This is the terminal of the first half of the Grand Line. Whichever route one takes they will eventually converge at this island and take it as a starting point for New World in the second half.

Because of this, there is endless darkness beneath the surface of this beautiful bubble group island, slave trade, tenryubito, the wicked pirates who arrived at this island.

Somewhere on the sh.o.r.e.

A Pirate s.h.i.+p is docked here and several coating craftsmen are painting the Pirate s.h.i.+p, which seems to have been completed by about one-tenth. It should have just begun.

On the sh.o.r.e, there are five or six pirates who stayed here to keep watch on the s.h.i.+p. They sit or stand, watching the coating craftsmen coating the s.h.i.+p and drinking and chatting.


One of the people facing the sea sat upright, looked in the direction ahead and rubbed his eyes, saying, "It seems something is floating over there."


Several pirates next to him looked in the direction that the man was looking at.

They saw a black shadow in the direction they were looking at. The black shadow turned out to be a simple raft that is spliced ​​together by a large number of wooden boards. There are still several figures on it.

"It's like a man in distress, but it's really awkward, hahha."

"That's what it looks like. I don't think they will have anything valuable."

Several pirates sat on the sh.o.r.e grinning at each other.

And as the raft drew closer, the figures on the raft became clearer and clearer. It was four dirty victims, with ragged clothes and hair.

"I say……"

A man who had been staring at the humble raft looked at the gradually clear figure on the raft. Suddenly, he frowned and showed a look of incredulity. He said, "Those people seem to be familiar. Look at the front one."

"Ah? Familiar?"

A pirate next to him gave him a strange look and subconsciously glanced at the direction of the raft and this eye also caught his gaze.

The figure sitting at the front of the raft, although it looked very awkward, did give him a sense of familiarity as if he had seen him somewhere.

"Yes! I remember it. That guy looks like Ghost Hand Ross!"

At that moment, someone finally got an inspiration, remembered something, and suddenly stood up, showing a trace of shock, looking at the raft that was gradually approaching the sh.o.r.e.

The people next to him were shocked when they heard the words.

"Ghost Hand Ross? The big pirate having a bounty of 440 million Berries on his head. You're wrong. How did that character become like that?'

"It's a little weird, but he does look like him! Could it be that they met a giant Sea King? Or was it Marines?"

Several pirates stood up and looked at the shadows on the raft murmuring in astonishment.

At that moment, one of them suddenly grabbed the gun beside him and aimed at the man on the raft, showing a tinge of nervousness and excitement.

"If it's the Ghost Hand Ross…we can become famous by killing a pirate who had a bounty of 400 million berries!"

"Hey, are you crazy?!"

A man next to him looked shocked and said to him, "That's a terrifying figure that has a bounty of over 400 million berries! We only have a Captain whose bounty doesn't exceed 40 million Berries!!

"Don't make a noise… let me aim first."

The pirate, who held the gun, closed one eye and made an aiming posture, revealing his evil nature. He said: "Even if it is really that Ghost Hand Ross, his appearance suggests that he has been lost on the sea for many days, He will fall s=down if you poke him too hard."

Several others heard it, and their horror eased slightly. Looking at the motionless figures on the raft, it seemed that all four figures had died and their eyes sparkled.

"It's true, it seems that they are all starved to death, but it is safer to shoot them a few times first."


Several people looked at each other, all showing a grin. They all took up firearms and artillery and aimed at the raft which was less than ten meters from the sh.o.r.e.

Their faces are tinged with excitement and tension. This kind of opportunity is rare. It's just a chance for them to make them all famous in the sea!


No one knows who fired first but all others followed that shot and open fired on the coming raft. A time-intensive bullet, together with two cannonb.a.l.l.s, flew towards the tattered raft.

Looking at the four figures on the raft, the first bullet was strangely stagnated about a meter away from the raft when it was blown up.

Followed by the second and third…

Even the fist-sized cannonball was silently fixed in the air when it intruded a meter into the raft, as if it had hit an invisible wall.

The air seemed to be still and silent, and the atmosphere became very strange.