Hanc.o.c.k: " How are you jazz?"
Jazz:" I will be fine, bring me some food and water."
Sandersonia: " TURN LEFT...LEFT quickly" jazz quickly turn the s.h.i.+p in left direction from their previous position a large white arc of blade pa.s.sed almost cutting the s.h.i.+p in half.
This kind of thing happened for the past half an hour, using s.h.i.+kki powers he can now move the s.h.i.+p
in any direction. They managed to get away from s.h.i.+kki when he multiple times slashed them by maneuvering the s.h.i.+p. The s.h.i.+p is already in its full capacity, at first when he made the s.h.i.+p lighter and gave command with Mark Mark devil fruit ability. The s.h.i.+p speed reach a impossible level, they managed to istantly get away from s.h.i.+kki. But the poor s.h.i.+p was also damaged greatly , jazz had to adjust to a speed at which s.h.i.+kki will never catch up.
Jazz:" That b.a.s.t.a.r.d still hadn't given up ,and this s.h.i.+p is going to break at any moment." He said looking with his tired eyes at the ceiling of the cabin which is at its limit resisting the air pressure.
Hanc.o.c.k: " I brought some food and water for you." hanc.o.c.k was now feeding him, this half an hour he is trying his best to gain some strength in his body. He need just one moment to break this deadlock situation.
Jazz:"Marie any luck..?" Marie who was watching log pose shook her head.
Jazz looked at his Omnitrix, s.h.i.+ro has hidden herself again. He wondered what is her eyes suppose to do, it can make any male carved for her. He also wondered does it have any hand in his serious bad luck, two times he almost died.
Jazz :" Sigh..... How would I Complete the task given by Amelia " He was so much tired that all kind of random thoughts are coming to his mind.
Marie: "Jazz-kun..... Jazz-kun look at this. " she came happily toward him and showed him the log pose.
Jazz looked at the log pose who was till now rotating randomly is now fixated direction in which their s.h.i.+p is already going.Jazz relaxed, he was waiting for this moment. He patted her head....
Jazz: " You did a good job."
Marie :" He he he he... " she scratched her head in embarra.s.sment
Jazz looked at all of the people, everyone has downcast expression. They were enjoying their sleep
just after getting out of the Calm belt and now they are running for their life from a legend from the previous era.
Jazz: " Guys everything will be all right, we just found a island nearby. hold on tight to anything, i don't want any more people to get injured. " saying he changed the direction of the s.h.i.+p.
Hanc.o.c.k was holding jazz tightly, he looked around confirming that every one is prepared. Jazz again transformed. He previously used the mark mark fruit ability and gave a command for the s.h.i.+p to go around 400 miles /hr. s.h.i.+p can reach this speed very easily due to him using s.h.i.+kki powers making s.h.i.+p lighter.
With these combination he was able to keep the s.h.i.+p almost intact and leave s.h.i.+kki still hot on their tails but way behind. He looked like a dot from the s.h.i.+p. But to leave s.h.i.+kki completely behind her again going to lift the restrictions using his mark mark fruit. Tying to get away from s.h.i.+kki, he used both fruits abilities without any restrictions once on the s.h.i.+p. Result was devastating none of them were ready for something like that and almost all of the 50 people got injured and s.h.i.+kki was thrown of the s.h.i.+p. He was able to slow down the s.h.i.+p because it didn't get that much momentum for using it merely for only a moment.
Jazz: " Are all you guys ready?" his question was answered by gulping sound from all of them.
He touched the s.h.i.+p and said and removed the restrictions he placed using Mark mark fruit ability.
*** BOOM ***
With an explosion the s.h.i.+p was gone. Dissappear into the horizon.
s.h.i.+kki: "WHAT.... HOW....WHERE ARE THEY?" He looked around, there is nothing, not even the shadow of the s.h.i.+p.
s.h.i.+kki: " Aaarg..... this shame, this injury. I will not rest until i erase him, i will flip entire grand line, and four seas for you b.a.s.t.a.r.d and when i get my hand on you. You will know what GOLDEN LION s.h.i.+KKI is known for." he looked at his left leg which was now completely gone. He still couldn't believe that someone so young managed to injure him this much.
s.h.i.+kki: " Who was that girl that managed to put me in such state that I Couldn't even control my own body."
today's event for both him and Jazz was an unforgettable experience.
s.h.i.+kki: " This matter is not over. " he gripped his wounded thigh and looked over the horizon.
somewhere in a island.
????:" what is that burning thing? " a Man pointed at the sky.
????:" Hmm? oh its a shooting star hmmm?" his friend thought it was a shooting star but started looking carefully.....
" Oye Oye is it my imagination or that shooting star is coming here? " both of them looked at each other and ran from there.
" Run...run...its coming here ."
" Ah.... we are going to die."
Well both of them don' t had worry as the shooting star suddenly broke apart above them. There wasn't any explosion or anything it just broke apart.
" What the h.e.l.l happened." both of them looked up perplexed by this turn of events, suddenly woods started falling from the sky.
" one thing after another" they started dodging the debris .
After sometime silence covered the whole area. They went near the area and saw the whole area was now covered with burned woods. Some were big and some were small but one thing was common that every piece was burned severly.
" should we report this to anyone?"
" I don't want my hand on this mess. Who knows if something horrible happen due to this strange event. All the blame will be put on us. "
" Yeah the new king is really merciless, if he found out that there is something unusual happening in his kingdom, we will be killed for sure."
" But i was wondering why there was burned wood falling from the sky. And there was a shooting star also. "
" If you ask me i really don't want to know, who knows what cursed things are falling from the sky. "
In a certain castle, in a certain room.....
The whole room is filled with white colored object from ceiling to white marvel floor every little to big object is in white colour. in middle of the room in a white colored bed, a girl was sleeping. She is absolutely breath taking beauty her face, her hair everything is like a white snow , her whole features can be called A white princess. This girl is s.h.i.+rohime, new sister of Our jazz.
s.h.i.+rohime slowly opened her eyes, it can't be called eyes as there is nothing like pupils or any other things like normal eye. It is just pitch black like darkness which can devour anything.
She slowly went to her dressing area and started watching herself in the mirror.
s.h.i.+ro: " * chuckle.... chuckle *.... he he he... Ah what a beautiful experience it was. Onii-chan is so easily gullible, mom was right a few tears and any man can be persuaded. "
" Ah....his face was so much handsome when he started begging me for forgiveness in his knees. That gave me a o.r.g.a.s.m, Ah... what beautiful feeling it was seeing his face when he said that he would do anything for his little -s.h.i.+ro... Ah it's making me excited.... "
" But one thing i despise more than anything that someone else hurt onii-chan and enjoy it. Only one person in the whole universe is allow to enjoy onii-chan pain and suffering is me. He is nothing like my other brothers they just infatuated by my eyes and do my bidding. But all of onii-chan is real when he feels pain looking at my tears i can feel all the love and pleasure it give me. Ah..."
" But that old man made my onii-chan suffer so much, i hate it, only pain which caused by me is allowed, only then can i feel all the love from onii-chan. "
" Ah.... what should I do next, i have to train onii-chan, i will make him a perfect big brother and when the time is right i will meet him in person and turn his love for his innocent little sister into l.u.s.t. Ah.... what kind of face he will show when he will see his little sister with love different from siblings.. Ah he will sure suffer, thinking he is a beast, he would try not think of me like that. I will surely enjoy his all emotions distress, and one day pus.h.i.+ng all his rational thought he would push me down and both of us will enjoy each other. Ah....After doing me his guilt face will surely bring more pleasure and our new love will take form."
" Ah....Look like i came from just thinking.... " touching her panty she said.
" But before that i have to make onii-chan super strong so that no one can even touch his hair. Onii-chan almost died two times if it was by both my and mother interference he survived. Its like he is covered with bad luck in this world... hmmmm. That's it its time for him to leave this world for some time. "