Jazz has discovered a secret in omnitrix, he was pleasantly surprised but he had some reservation. That should he use it or not...
Jazz is waiting for Hanc.o.c.k and Ravel to Deliver Baby and the a.s.sa.s.sination of Otohime... But he wondered why Hordy Jones hasn't shown himself, at least in the canon he has served as a soldier in Ryuugu Palace...
Otohime after visiting Amazon lily island felt a new found energy, she is working extra hard to convince Fishmen people to support her in her goal.
Gabriel with Violet and Anko to establish Magic Portal all over the seas went on a long trip... He hope they finish their job soon and return...
Since Jazz decided to stay in Fismen Island for some time until he feels Otohime is Safe. He told everyone to train...Koala is doing training under Neptune Himself.
He also got a Devil fruit Ability from an old Man that Ikaros Captured back in Sabody Archipelago. It is an amazing ability he was surprised and wanted to know the ident.i.ty of the old man but to his and everyone surprise that old Man Vanished even with Kairosaki...
Unknowingly they captured some Big Shot, May be he just wanted to be captured... this gave him another head ache but at least he didn't harm anyone and just left.
Two other people has information about Devil Fruits and their possible location after getting all that, jazz let them go...
Jazz is playing with Mermaids, he is spending some relaxing time with everyone. Almost everyone is enjoying swimming with Mermaids and Playing some water sports... The mermaid cove is a place where mermaids usually spend their time, they just love to play in water....
Jazz:" He... he... take this..." water splashed everywhere...
Lyla a beautiful mermaid with long black hair and black and white scales in lower half. She wear a similar black and white striped bra and a Necklace made with pearl.
Lyla:" Jazz-san you are a meany..." she complained but also slashed water on him in return...
Jazz:" Ah i am feeling weak..." he drowned
Layla:" Whats wrong jazz-san" she became worried... she brought him to the sh.o.r.e
All mermaids started to gather seeing his condition....
" What happened to jazz-sama Layla" one of the mermaid asked.
Layla:" don't know were just playing and suddenly he drowned....hic...hic what should i do" she started crying...
" He is not breathing,i heard he is a devil fruit user. May be that's why he Drowned..." another mermaid said...
Layla:" Jazz-san once said that when someone Drowned they can be revive by giving CPR" she suddenly thought of it...
"What is this CPR?"
Layla Face became red but she walked up to unconscious Jazz...Everyone watched as she went close to his face and Gave him a quick Kiss....
Layla:" Why is he not awake ." she became depressed again...
" May be you should try it again..." they all suggested
She again kissed him but stays longer, suddenly jazz lips moved and he started sucking her beautiful lips. Her eyes widen, she tried to separate but was held down by jazz, her b.o.o.bs stuck closer to his bare chest . He used tongue to taste her inside and kissed her till she fainted with smoke coming from her red face....
Jazz:" Thank you for reviving me...." he gently brush her hair...all the mermaid have red face but were amazed that he can be revived by kiss...
" Jazz" "Jazz-Kun"
He suddenly Heard Xenovia and Marie calling him,
Jazz:" I am here.... Ah you guys thank Layla for reviving me when she wake up..." He licked his
lips and said farewell to everyone and Left to meet Xenovia and Marie...
" Hey who is gonna give CPR to Layla, she is not waking up..." the mermaids started discussing after he left and seeing unconscious Layla...
Xenovia:" So where are we going ?" she asked him
Jazz:" Search for some people, they have some ill thoughts against the Royal family. So i am gonna seek them out...." Xenovia frowned...
Marie:" Should we start with Mermaid cafe..."Her eyes s.h.i.+ned and jazz laughed
Jazz:" You just want to enjoy food and drink" he stroked her head and she pouted
Marie:" Of course Jazz-kun is always busy and don't spend time with me. I am excited to be with you..." Jazz eyes soften, he held her hand...
Jazz:" How about this we will search for them later and have fun for now both of you can Demand anything from me. I will fulfill it...
Xenovia:" Really then i want kids, lets make them this instant..."
Jazz:" ha ha sure , i will be Glad... You Marie...?" she thought for a while.
Marie:" Hmm i am already 18 so i am allowed to have children that's what Ravel's Mother said..."
Jazz:" Huh...?" he was left speechless why are all the girls want children after children like they are a endangered species...
"Swish" "voosh" " slash"
Artoria:" Hahh" " Hufff" "huff"
Rias:" You are a Fine knight Artoria...." seeing how diligent she is practicing every day...
Artoria:" No i still have lots of things to learn..." she said while stroking her sword...
She remembered why she took the sword and disregard her Gender. But in the end she died betrayed by friends and the people she swore to protect...
For that reason she Decided to partic.i.p.ate in the Grail Wars, she wished to relive her life and undo the mistakes she did, which finally lead for the Britain to always surrounded by wars....
She sighed remembering in what situation She left that world With Jazz, it was a total mess....
(Artoria: I have a very very very odd Master to look after, Hmph he must be out flirting with someone but... ) She remembered how jazz was on the Day s.h.i.+ro left, she was the first one to reach him in his Despair.
She remembered his eyes which showed how much pain he was in. He cried ...she never would have believed that a person like him would cry like that. But she saw him crying no wailing... she coudn't say anything and just gave him her shoulder to cry o. First time in her life she felt like that apart from being in master and Servant relations.h.i.+p. A pure felling of pain and sadness came from deep within her heart seeing him like that...
She trained her heart to be like a wall unable to shake by anything, its like that she could make decision as a King for the benefits of Britain...
She sighed in relax thinking that jazz has returned being Jazz. Suddenly a door opened and Jazz came with Xenovia and Marie in tow...
Jazz:" Artoria get prepared, we are returning to attend the Grail War..."
Her heart thumped, she eyes shone in determination..
Artoria:" I am prepared to face her again and this time i will not hesitate..."