One Piece Buff System - 48 48: Street Fighter Not Edited

48 48: Street Fighter Not Edited

[Torryk Side]

After Haruno gave him some Berries, he walked around the Nanohana market, searching for something that would catch his attention or some delicious food or even jewels. He walked around for one hour and bought several things that you could consider completely useless, but one day you would need it. Haruno gave him a room in his no Mi, so he can ask Haruno to store everything that he bought inside his own room... After walking around he saw a group of pirates drinking sake and eating in a bar the one who seems to be the leader was hara.s.sing some woman and even tried to 'catch' one, but Torryk stopped him. 

Then he angrily fought with Torryk but was defeated easily then another attacked and was defeated easily... Then another... Until a big guy appeared with a sword and attacked him. After it, Haruno appeared.

[Torryk Side End]

Haruno looked at Torryk and asked: "Do they have a bounty?" Torryk was fighting fiercely with the guy with the sword and shouted: "I don't know!!" Haruno sighed and said: "Do it quickly." Torryk nodded and used his no Mi, saying: "Damage Reflection!" Damage Reflection is a technique that Torryk uses his no Mi to absorb the impacts and damage at his body and store them. After using this ability, he releases all the damage acc.u.mulated in one go, well there are some restrictions too. First, he can't absorb too quickly, and second, he can't absorb too much damage. After using it, Torryk's fist glows with white light and he punched the big guy with his fist the man's belly had a hole on an! In the ground, spiderweb-like cracks were in the ground where Torryk's feet were.

Haruno smiled while thinking about White Beard and his Goro Goro no Mi and the destruction that it creates... Haruno saw the face of several people around himself changed, showing complete fear. The pirates behind the big guy were completely shocked and one of them rushed at a high speed toward Torryk and Torryk couldn't react even when his Kenboshoku detected the guy who attacked him he didn't have the speed to react! Haruno sighed and used his portals while saying: "Support Portal: Instantly Movement." The man that attacked Torryk had a rapier in his hands and his feet seemed like it was a foot of some kind of bird... Haruno sighed while saying to Torryk: "You can't beat him." Wait in a safe place." Torryk nodded while Haruno used his no Mi and several portals circulated the man in a sphere and two portals appeared in Haruno's front and he slowly said: "Attack Portal: Attack Sphere."

Then Haruno started to punch the two portals in front of him several times at high speed. This move is simple. First Haruno creates an area of portals around an enemy or enemies and he uses the two portals in front of him to attack the inside of the portal sphere by one of the several portals of the sphere! So the enemy can't detect from where the attack will come or it will be several attacks in one go! Well, if the person has Kenboshoku no Haki... Haruno will just punch the two portals quicker! Inside the sphere of portals if the person inside tries to leave and jump inside one portal it will be teleported to the inside of the sphere again. Inside the sphere, the man with bird's legs was trying to dodge Haruno's punches but every time he dodges one punch, another hits him hard and after several punches, his face was completely destroyed... But he was still alive! Haruno sighed and deactivated the ability and looking at Torryk he said: "Heads." Just this sentence was sufficient to make Torryk understand what Haruno means.

Torryk grabbed the sword of the big guy and cut off his head and the head of the chick guy too, but before obviously, he put one apple beside him before cutting off his head and waited until the apple began to change, it's 'skin' turned white with yellow and blue circles and lines. Torryk smiled while grabbing the no Mi and giving it to Haruno who smiled and stored it. The two left toward the marine's base of Nanohana to see if they had a bounty, and behind them, several people were stunned by their actions and behavior the pirates! Behind a house, in the shadows, a person observed Torryk's and Haruno's fight. With a sigh, the shadow said to itself: "It seems like there are two dangerous guys now..." The shadow left the shadows and its face could be seen. A woman with black hair and black eyes, a 'cowboy' hat in her head and a beautiful face, then she said: "I need to tell it to Mr.0..."