One Piece Buff System - 39 39: Soup Not Edited

39 39: Soup Not Edited

The woman angrily stared at Haruno and jumped to attack him, Haruno sighed and said: "Fire Control: Fire Shot." The tiny fireball in his hand changed its shape into a bullet that Haruno shot toward the wolf that was mid-air. The fire bullet hit the wolf's head and it started to burn quickly. Turning her head to ashes and dust, well, he couldn't collect her bounty later... That's a pity. Haruno sighed and opened the bag to look at the fruits inside it... Well, he saw the whole process of the fruit change, the banana color turned to red with green and purple circles and lines. Haruno smiled and went to see Torryk's fight, Torryk was originally fighting beside him but Haruno teleported him away, Haruno opened a gate to where he teleported Torryk to. It was the beach near the pirates base, Haruno looked around himself and saw blood in the water and in the sand, Haruno smiled because he knew that it wasn't Torryk's blood.

Haruno used his Haki to search for Torryk's traces and saw some marks in the sand and started to follow it, after some minutes following the traces he found Torryk lying in the sand and beside him the guy with the gun, Haruno thought that he had killed the Fisherman in the sea and the guy with the gun in the beach... Killing a fisherman in the water... That's something very difficult to do! Haruno smiled and asked him: "Hey. What about the heads?" Torryk smiled while panting for air in the ground and pointed beside himself. There was the head of the fisherman and the guy with the gun that was beside him had it's head too. Good, they had two bounties guaranteed... Hopefully, Gaharudo or Burtosy had smashed the corpses of the other two... 

Haruno sighed and opened a portal to Gaharudo's room and saw him collecting the feathers that were around the room and the body of the muscular guy with blood flowing out his wounds. The wounds were like knife stabs... Haruno smiled because he knew what Gaharudo had done and smiled then he asked: "Fruit?" Gaharudo looked at Haruno and said: "There my lord." Haruno looked at the corner of the wall and smiled happily, then he grabbed the fruit and said sincerely: "Thank you, Rudo." Gaharudo nodded and Haruno opened the portal to Burtosy's room and instantly after entering he knew what happened there. Blood everywhere! Walls, floor... Even in the ceiling! That's too creepy, even to Haruno who looked at Burtosy and sighed. 

Burtosy was lying in the corner of the room far away from the blood and when he saw Haruno he said: "Mom... I'm sorry, I splashed it." Haruno sighed and asked: "Fruit?" Burtosy looked at another corner of the room where some fruit was in and he said with a childish tone: "There." Haruno looked at the fruits that had blood on it too and sighed, searching for the no Mi. And he found it after some seconds searching for it. He smiled and grabbed his no Mi no Encyclopedia to see what kind of no Mi they got. Two Paramecias and one Zoan. First Paramecia is the Gla.s.s Gla.s.s no Mi, can create and control gla.s.s, second Paramecia is the Reflect Reflect no Mi, it could reflect any attack or impact on the user body, and the last but not least the Wolf Wolf no Mi (Black Wolf Model.)

That night when they returned to the island where they live in they had a 'party', Haruno made soup for them. Danpa soup! Torryk when tasted a bit of it almost died, shouting: "Delicious!!!" Haruno laughed and grabbed the 'tiny' bowl that Burtosy eats in. It had almost the size of a medium boat... Well, Haruno sighed and with the help of his skill [Telekinesis] he filled Burtosy's bowl with soup again, of course, he didn't forget about Gaharudo's bowl. They are soup and talked to each happily around a giant improvised oven that Haruno made to place his giant cauldron to make you for his giant pets... Of course, Haruno didn't forget about the no Mis too, he looked at Burtosy and Torryk, them he explained what an no Mi was and Burtosy excited tried to eat one, Haruno stopped him and said: "You won't be able to swim ever again! Are you sure about it?"

Burtosy nodded and Haruno sighed, giving him the Zoan no Mi of the Wolf after he ate it, his body began to change and fur spread out of his scales! After some minutes Burtosy became a hybrid of a Crocodile with a Wolf... He had a tail of a Crocodile, red eyes of a wolf, claws of a wolf. He had a scale armor in his belly that normal was the weakest part of the body of a wolf with black fur and his strength changed too! He is now four times stronger than before!