One Piece Buff System - 22 22: Mom...? Not Edited

22 22: Mom...? Not Edited

If you didn't have the ability to communicate with animals, you would hear an extremely tiny voice shouting 'keeeee' several times. But for Haruno it was worse, he heard the two things! The crocodile and the cute voice crying. Then he said: "I am your mother!" instantly after saying it, the crocodile simply stopped and asked: "Mom?" Then Haruno smiled and said: "Yes... My son?" after saying he almost slapped himself! It is a very, very, very strange feeling inside his heart... Well, he ignored it completely and asked the little crocodile: "Are you hungry?" the cute voice answered firmly: "Hungry!" then Haruno sighed and opened a portal to his room and removed from there some leftovers of danpa meat and gave it to the little crocodile... Wait, he needs a name. Name... Then Haruno smiled and patted the crocodile's tiny head and said: "Burtosy."Β 

The tiny crocodile lifted his head toward Haruno and confused said: "What?" Haruno smiled and said: "Your name." One more the crocodile asked confused: "Name?" Haruno smiled gently and hugged the little crocodile and said: "Is a thing that is just yours. And no one else." the crocodile shouted another 'keee' sound and said: "Name! So... What's mama name's?" Haruno smiled and said: "Haruno... Monkey D. Haruno."


"I can't find a telescope... Ace." sadly said Luffy while looking at a pile of trash. Ace looked at him and seriously said: "Luffy, why are you searching for a telescope? Search for materials!" Far away from them, Sabo was carrying some wood planks and other things and happily said to himself: "Maybe it is sufficient..." then he looked at the ground and happily smiled, he grabbed one thing and happily said: "It's a telescope! Luffy will love it!" then three persons appeared and approached him, he looked up and saw them. The leader looked at him and said: "Hey! Boy. I didn't know that one of the brats of the famous group was an n.o.ble!" then Sabo noticed that he was surrounded and couldn't escape... Then he asked: "BlueJam... What do you want?" BlueJam smiled and said: "Hey guys, don't hurt him." one of them attacked Sabo, trying to capture him and he received a kick in the face as a reward.Β 

Then, angrily, Sabo asked: "Wanna fight?" then a scream was heard: "Horyya!" when they looked at the direction that the scream was coming from, they saw a barrel rolling in a high speed toward one of the pirates. When the barrel hit the guy, it was destroyed and form inside it, Ace and Luffy appeared! Abao smiled and happily shouted: "Ace! Luffy!" Ace looked at Sabo and worried asked: "Are you okay? Sabo!" Sabo smiled and quickly said: "Yeah!" Ace looked at BlueJam pirates and said with disdain: "We three fight together! You guys don't scare us!" Luffy jumped and shouted: "That's right! We defeated the tiger of Columb Mountain!"Β 

After Luffy said it, One of the pirates became mad and shouted: "You brats!" Ace smiled and an idea pa.s.sed his mind, then he shouted: "Let's resolve this quickly! Killing their captain!" Sabo and Luffy smiled and shouted: "Yeah!" then they rushed toward the pirates to fight with them. Sabo on the right side was the first one to be attacked, he dodged and defeated one. Ace on the middle attacked and defeated one too, Luffy was attacked in the head, but he is made of rubber, so it didn't make damage to him. After it, Luffy used his head and headb.u.t.ted the one who attacked him. One by One, they defeated some pirates of the Bluejam and rushed toward the BlueJam captain, who angrily handed a gun and shot toward them.


"Mom... Mom... My skin is cold..." Haruno was preparing some things to his new baby, and he heard his son saying to him that his body was cold, then he remembered that crocodiles, snakes, and other reptiles are cold-blooded animals! Then he said: "Burtosy, come here my son." the little crocodile walked toward him with slow movements. When he arrived near Haruno's leg, Haruno grabbed his body and with a smile, he hugged him, who said: "Warm..." Haruno smiled one more time and said: "I need to show you to your uncles! They will love you." Burtosy looked up with a confused expression, then he asked: "Uncles...?" Haruno smiled and started to explain to him about what a family is, Burtosy happily moved around the base and everything that he saw he asked about it. After some hours talking to Burtosy, the night was approaching. Ace and Luffy appeared after some hours, Haruno saw their expression and didn't ask about anything. He smiled and grabbed Burtosy who was on the ground near his feet and smiling he said: "This is Burtosy! He hatched today! Say hi, Burtosy!" a *kee* sound left Burtosy mouth and Haruno laughed a little. That night, they slept without Sabo.