One Piece Buff System - 1 01: Start Edited

1 01: Start Edited

Let's begin by the start, shall we? My name is Haruki Haruno, a good name right? Well, now that I introduced myself, I will talk about what I love to do! I like to read manga and watch anime... Yes, You could say I'm an otaku and you would be right to a.s.sume so. My dream was to go in one of those created worlds and live there... But perhaps you would want to ask me... Why use the past to talk about this dream? Because... When I woke up this morning, I found myself on a f.u.c.king island!!!

Ok, you're probably wondering, "why aren't you panicking Haruno? A normal human nowadays surely doesn't wish for a surprise kidnapping to an island ?". Well, dear voice in my head, I was. But then i thought that everything was just a dream. A very realistic one. So i lied down on the sand and fell asleep again, letting the soothing waves calm my nerves. But you know what happened next? I woke up and bam! Still on the island!!! Do you know how scared i was? No? Then i will tell you. I, almost... Almost, very very almost, died!! Well, allow me explain it now! I will tell you my story!

Okay... Where should i start? For the beginning, i imagine... Well, i was on an island, right? Looking at the horizon, i could see the beautiful white clouds and the clear blue sky. The sun was s.h.i.+ning, reflected in the blue water, this beautiful and peaceful sea until the realisation hit me... 

Wait... Where am i? Remember Haruno, you were sleepy because you were watching anime until three in the morning again and... When did my room turn into a f.u.c.king island??? Uh... Where am i? What should i do? Is this real? So many questions and absolutely no answers!

While i was looking at the sky, I felt that this place was very familiar to me... Wait... Is this the One Piece world? ... Obviously, I, an otaku that loves a lot of anime would recognize this peculiar world! I'm so excited! What should i be? a Pirate? a Marine? perhaps a Pirate Hunter? Wait, first, i need to know where i am... That's essential! You need to know where you are to know where you want to go. Unless you are cursed like Zoro because if you are him, it doesn't matter if you know where you are. You will always be lost.

Wait... In those transmigration or reincarnation novels, the Mc typically has a system to help him. Maybe... Me too? 

"Status!" Nothing. "Menu!" Nothing again. "System...?" And... Nothing, was what you probably thought, ha! Something really happened! In his mind, a screen suddenly appeared displaying  his information and a message waiting for him:

[Name: Haruki Haruno]

[Occupation: None]

[Age: 6]

[Lvl 1]

[BE: 50/50]

[ME: 60/60]

[SE: 70/70]

[BP: 5]

[MP: 10]

[SP: 15]

[Body Skills:]

[Mind Skills:]

[Soul Skills:]


[ No Mi:]

[Permanent Buff:]

[BE: Body Energy, is the energy of life. When it reaches 0, you can't move your body until it regenerates at least 1 point.]

[ME: Mind Energy, is the energy of will and thoughts. When it reaches 0, you will have a severe headache.]

[SE: Soul Energy, is the energy of the soul, the stronger the soul, the bigger the energy that you can use. When it reaches 0, you will faint.]

[BP: Body Power, representing the strength of your body. The higher the body power, the bigger the body energy and stronger the body becomes.]

[MP: Mind Power, representing the strength of your mind. The higher the mind power, the bigger the mind energy and stronger the mind becomes.]

[SP: Soul Power, representing the strength of your soul. The higher the soul power; the bigger the soul energy and stronger the soul becomes.]

... Eh? Wait... Really!?!?!? I can't believe it! I have a system! Okay, calm down me. Calm down... Ok, let's see... "System Screen."

[h.e.l.lo User! I'm your system and I will explain some things about myself to you. First, let me explain one thing, I can't give you skills. I give buffs and debuffs, thus the name! How so? Well, every permanent buff has a debuff for a balance purpose.]

[SC: 0]

[Buff Inventory:]

[Debuff Inventory:]

[Free Temporary Random Buffs: 1]

[Free Permanent Random Buffs: 1]

[Free Temporary Random Debuff: 1]

[Buff Store:

Wow... Let me slap myself to see if I'm dreaming. *pa* Ouch! It hurts! So... I'm not dreaming... Wait... Why are my hands so small? Why is my whole body so small? Why is that tree is so big?? Huh? Am I a kid again??? Did my stats mention my age??? I need a mirror! Wait, even simpler, I need a river or a lake!

Looking around myself, I can only spot the sea in front of me and a forest behind... The forest is dangerous... Right? Okay, let's do what I can do for now, and what can I do now? Use my [Free Permanent Random Buff], of course! My luck was very good when I was a kid, now that I'm a kid again, maybe it came back? Maybe... Right? 

After using the [Free Permanent Random Buff], another screen appeared and my new permanent was there... Wait... What?