On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 Li Li is jealous

"Brother, sister-in-law, let's go into the room and talk."

Li Li turned her head to tell her daughter to take care of her son, and followed her into the main room.

"Chuanzi, if you have anything to say, just say it."

After the three of them sat down, Ling Jiang spoke straight to the point.

Ling Chuan didn't talk nonsense, directly opened the canvas bag, and put the money he brought on the table.

"Chuanzi, you are..."

Seeing the money, Ling Jiang's eyes widened in surprise, while Li Li's eyes almost burst out.

Ling Chuan didn't hold back, Brother, this money is for you. We agreed before that if you work for me, I'll give you a 5% commission on the money you earn.

This is our first time doing business, and Chunhua and Jiale have started to go to school again, and they need money everywhere. I discussed with Momo, and this time I will make an exception and give you more. From now on, we will calculate by 5% . "

As soon as Ling Chuan finished speaking, Li Li took the money on the table.

"Chuanzi, let's not be polite. I really didn't expect it. You really made money. How much did you make? It must be much more than this, right?"

"Sister-in-law, the principal of this business is all paid by Momo, and most of the money earned belongs to Momo."

Li Li curled her lips, "She is your wife, and all her money is yours! You two must have made a fortune this time."

Ling Chuan didn't want to explain too much, "Sister-in-law, there are a total of 300 here, please count."

"Okay, I'll click."

Hearing that there were 300, Li Li's face turned into a flower with a smile. Immediately, she twitched a little saliva with her thumb, and counted happily.

While his daughter-in-law was counting the money, Ling Jiang dragged Ling Chuan outside to talk.

"Chuanzi, why do you give me so much, didn't you agree to make 40 per month?"

"40 is a fixed salary, and this 300 is your commission. As I said before, you can get 5% of every dollar I earn. According to this amount, your commission is 187.5. The extra For a part, just treat it as a kindness from me and Momo, you take it and buy some food and clothing for the sister-in-law and the children."

Hearing these words, Ling Jiang felt very comfortable, and he patted his younger brother on the shoulder in relief, "Chuanzi, I know your intentions are good, but with so much money, I really don't feel at ease.

The goods were brought by Uncle Zhi, and you found the buyer. I didn't do much to help you. I think it's too much for you to give me 40 yuan a month. "

"Brother, this is just the beginning. When the business grows in the future, Uncle Zhi and I will not be able to keep busy. The delivery must be handled by you."

"Then, Chuanzi, I just accepted it with the cheek?"

"Well, brother, take the money and I'll go back first."

"It's almost noon, let's go after dinner."

"No, Momo is still at home, she doesn't know how to cook, I have to go back and cook her lunch."

After hearing this, Ling Jiang couldn't stay anymore.


Ling Chuan had just walked out of the gate of Ling's house when Ling Chunhua's soft voice came from behind him.

Ling Chuan turned his head and saw his niece standing at the corner of the courtyard wall, his grim expression eased a bit.

"Chunhua, go to kindergarten well, next time uncle comes to bring you delicious food."

Ling Chunhua trotted up to him, hugged his long legs, raised her face, and said in a soft voice: "Uncle, auntie can cook. The roasted pork with potatoes made by auntie is delicious."

Ling Chuan was silent for a moment, squatted down, and whispered, "Chunhua, don't tell anyone about your aunt's ability to cook, huh?"


"Because your aunt doesn't like cooking."

"Okay, I get it now."

"Chunhua, this is a secret between us, don't tell others, including your aunt."

"it is good!"

Ling Chunhua has listened to Ling Chuan since she was a child, and she listens to whatever Ling Chuan says.

In the main room, Li Li counted the money over and over again, the more she counted, the happier she was, and she couldn't wait to dance.

Ling Jiang sat on the sidelines and watched, both happy and sad in his heart.

He worked so **** the construction site that he only earned two to three hundred yuan a year. Now he does business with others, and he earns that much just by going out for a day.

No wonder everyone has sharpened their heads and wanted to go to sea. Doing business is really good.

After putting the money away, Li Li hurriedly asked Ling Jiang, "Lao Ling, tell me, how much money Chuanzi and the others made this time?"

The account was calculated by Ling Chuan and Deng Zhi, and Ling Jiang didn't know the exact amount.

He took two puffs of dry smoke, and made a rough estimate, "It must be four to five thousand yuan."

"What, four or five thousand?!"

Li Li's eyes almost popped out, and she slapped her thigh, "I said, being so generous for no reason, turns out to be a fortune!"

After earning so much, they only distributed such a little to their family. The more Li Li thought about it, the more frustrated she became, and the joy of counting the money before disappeared in an instant.

"I said Lao Ling, Chuanzi and his wife are too bullying, aren't they? You did business with them and earned thousands of dollars. Why do you give them so much!"

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was angry, Ling Jiang picked up his pipe and tapped it on the table, "Li, tell your conscience, can Chuanzi be blamed for this?

When I went home and mentioned this to you, what did you do? Have you forgotten how you burned the real estate certificate without telling me?

We didn't pay a penny, so I ran around with him, and Chuanzi said that he valued love and righteousness, and was willing to share some soup with us, saying that Chuanzi and his younger siblings bullied others. You are not guilty of saying this, I All blushed. "

Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry.

Don't look at Ling Jiang who is usually like a gourd with a dull mouth, but at the critical moment, he is quite clear, and Li Li's face turns red and white after some reasonable words.

"I, I didn't know that Chuanzi could really make this business! If I had known that I could really make money, I wouldn't have stopped it.

It's not that you blame yourself for not speaking clearly. I'm a woman, so I don't know how you do business outside. "

Seeing her husband biting his pipe and ignoring her, Li Li said angrily, "You are talking, you were not good at talking just now, but now you are dumb?"

Ling Jiang glanced at her, "What's there to say, how daring people are, how productive the land is! You don't want to take risks and want to make money, there is no such cheap thing in the world. Don't be jealous when you see people making money now, people You didn't see it when you lost money, there are people who go bankrupt!

Li Li pouted, unable to listen to her husband at all.

When she thought about how much Ling Chuan and his wife had earned, she was so regretful that her stomach turned green.

"Lao Ling, this won't work, we're at a loss, and we have to take part in this business, so you can talk to Chuanzi in the afternoon."

Earning 300 yuan in a few days, Ling Jiang is quite content, he doesn't want to take risks.

Although he doesn't know how to do business, he also knows that business is risky, and if he is not careful, he will lose everything.

"You have to go by yourself, I won't go, I help Chuanzi with things, and I can get money every month, I think it's pretty good."

"What's the matter, the bones and meat have been scooped up, so I left you a mouthful of soup."

"What's wrong with the soup? The nutrition is in the soup, I like to drink soup."

(end of this chapter)