On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 In the business field, only talk about benefits (monthly ticket 20 plus updates)

In the evening, as soon as Yunmo entered the door, she saw the bra and underwear on the clothesline that were swayed by the wind, and she felt bad all over.

Before Ling Chuan came home, she put her clothes into the room as quickly as possible.

Smelling the mixed fragrance of sunlight and washing powder on the clothes, her cheeks were so hot that she could fry eggs.

"Did you take the clothes?"

When she calmed down and walked out of the house, Ling Chuan just came back, and asked her when he saw the half-empty clothesline.

Yunmo pretended to be calm, "Well, I just took it when I came back."

Ling Chuan nodded, took his own clothes back into the room, and showed her the letter of employment.

Yunmo looked down seriously, a few strands of hair fell from her forehead to her ears, and brushed back and forth on her fair cheeks under the breeze, making her hands itchy to see, and she wanted to help her pin it behind her ears.

And Ling Chuan also subconsciously did so.

It's just that just as his hand was raised, Yunmo also raised her face. Seeing him reaching out, she thought he was going to take back the letter of employment, so she handed it to him.

As a result, the man withdrew his hand again, "This is where you are."

Yunmo didn't think much about it, thinking that he wanted her to help keep it in the safe.

"Brother, did they say anything?"

"No, the eldest brother and sister-in-law are very satisfied with the wages."

"That's good."

Yunmo lowered her head and folded the employment letter.



Hearing his shout, Yunmo raised her almond eyes subconsciously.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she found that the man's expression was a little uncomfortable, and she was inexplicably moved.

"What's wrong?"

"Momo, I'm sorry, I was thinking about it before. I thought... I thought you didn't want me to take my brother to make money. I just figured out today what you really meant by what you said a few days ago."

Yun Mo snorted softly, "You just need to figure it out, lest you think I'm trying to drive a wedge between you brothers."

Ling Chuan hastily denied, "No, I never thought that way. You are right, know people and make good use of them to the best of their abilities. Compared with doing business, elder brother is actually more suitable to be an employee."

After talking, the distance between the two seemed to be shortened a lot, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

What pleased Ling Chuan the most was that his wife would take the initiative to tell him interesting things that happened in school.

"Those people were very naughty. In order to prevent me from studying hard, they even secretly hid the notes and test papers I made."

"Then how did you find it?"

"I didn't find it. I have already passed the test paper. Just take Zeng Fang's and make a copy. I have already memorized the notes. I wrote another copy silently in front of them, which made them mad."

"Momo, you are amazing."

Hearing the man seriously praised herself, Yunmo felt a little embarrassed.

Her memory is good because she drinks spirit spring water every day, and she has already learned the high school knowledge in her previous life. Learning it again is as easy as drinking water and eating.

"Ling Chuan, although you are past the school age, you can still read more books when you have time. Our bodies need food to provide nutrition, and books are our spiritual food.

Reading can not only enrich thoughts, but also increase knowledge. A person's life is like a river, which needs width, depth, and length. If a person wants to go far, his knowledge must be deep and broad enough. "

In the 24 years of his life, Ling Chuan had never heard such kind words. It was as if someone was beating a drum in his heart. The beatings were heavy, and it was like waves surging in his chest, turbulent and unstoppable.

At this time, Ling Chuan was like a person who lost his way in the darkness, while Yunmo was a lamp lit up in the darkness, pointing out the direction for him and illuminating the path under his feet.

On the weekend, Yun Mo asked Zeng Fang to go shopping.

Yunmo first went to Xinhua Bookstore.

Two days ago, after she told Ling Chuan that he had nothing to do to read more books, Ling Chuan asked her to buy some books for him to go home.

Seeing that she only picked books on business management and psychological communication, Zeng Fang couldn't help but wondered, "Momo, do you want to learn business?"

"No, I bought it for someone."


After buying books, she came out and saw an underwear store across the street, so Yunmo turned in again.

After entering the underwear store, Yunmo went straight to the men's underwear area.

It was the first time for both of them to choose men's underwear, so they were very embarrassed.

Faced with various styles of men's underwear, Yunmo asked Zeng Fang in a low voice, "Which one should I choose?"

"How would I know, it's not my husband."

Seeing that Yunmo could not make up her mind, Zeng Fang suggested, "Just buy the one he usually wears."

Yunmo has seen underwear on the clothesline in Lingchuan, they are like shorts with four legs.

After thinking about it, Yunmo bought two of the four-legged ones and two of the triangular ones.

Coming out of the underwear store, he saw a men's clothing store not far away. Yunmo liked the plaid shirt in the window, so she decisively dragged Zeng Fang in again.

Deng Zhi returned to Jiang City a day later than expected because he didn't get a ticket. Fortunately, everything went well. This trip, Deng Zhi and his son brought back nearly 400 electronic watches.

Looking at the two sacks full of goods, even the calmest Ling Chuan seemed very excited.

"Uncle Zhi, you have worked hard this trip, you should rest at home, and my eldest brother and I will take a batch out for delivery first."

Deng Zhi patted him on the shoulder, "You take Wen Bin with you, so that he can learn a lot too."

Deng Zhi has two sons and a daughter. Wen Bin is his youngest son, who is just 18 years old this year.

Deng Zhi said that he asked Deng Wenbin to follow him to gain knowledge, but in fact he was worried and asked his youngest son to follow him to supervise the work.

This business is all cash transactions, there is no certificate, and there is no fixed number of selling high and selling low.

On the way out of Deng's house and taking a taxi to the trading place, Ling Chuan remembered what his daughter-in-law had said to him.

In the business field, it is not about affection, but about profit.

In fact, he understands the truth, but when he really faces it, his mood is still complicated.

The taxi soon stopped at the intersection of Laojie Alley.

After getting off the car, the three of Ling Chuan hurried into the old streets and alleys each carrying a snakeskin bag.

Soon arrived in front of the small courtyard of the Ling family, but the three of them did not enter the door, but continued to walk forward.

When they reached the bottom of the alley, they turned right again, and then turned left again. After walking for about five minutes, the three stopped in front of an old house.

This is an old house that Ling Chuan rented in advance, and it is specially used for transactions.

The old streets and alleys extend in all directions, in case there is something, it is also convenient for everyone to retreat.

The buyers have already arrived, squatting in twos and threes chatting in the yard, when the three of Ling Chuan entered, everyone immediately surrounded them.

"Is something brought?"

Ling Chuan didn't hold back, and took out a few sample electronic watches from his pocket and handed them to everyone.

As soon as they saw something, the buyers all showed excitement.

These electronic watches are not only trendy in style, but also in various colors.

At present, the electronic watches on the market are mainly in three colors of black, gray and blue, but the batch of electronic watches brought by Ling Chuan actually have the colors of red, yellow, white, green and pink. will be snapped up.

Good night~

Momo is now on the shelves, thanks to the little fairies who are still reading the text, Lao Qi will work hard to code and update more.

In addition, thank you cute readers for your rewards, love~

Then, I asked in a low voice, can the little fairy who has a monthly ticket vote for Lao Qi? Love you guys

(end of this chapter)