On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Why is my bracelet in your hand?

Zeng Fang simply dumped all the contents of the bag on the ground, even throwing the bag on the ground.

"Look for it."

Yun Yao turned Zeng Fang's bag inside out, but couldn't find the jade pendant, so she looked up at Zeng Fang unwillingly.

Zeng Fang said angrily: "Why, you still can't find me? If you can't find you, will you kowtow to me and apologize?"

When things got to this point, Jiang Yu had no choice but to stand up and save the eldest daughter, "I'm laughing at everyone, every time the two sisters, Xiaoyao and Xiaomo, meet each other, they can make troubles that turn the world upside down, which makes me and Shixian very happy. It's a headache.

Okay, Xiaomo, it's not you who exchanged the birthday gift, it's not you. This matter will stop here, don't make trouble anymore. "

Ha ha.

Is she making trouble?

Then she is really going to make a fuss today!

"Yunyao, have you learned the old saying that once you say it, it's hard to chase it? Do you need me to explain its meaning to you in public? What I said is a fart, right? Now, immediately, kneel down and admit my mistake!"

Yunyao's eyes slowly turned red, and she looked extremely aggrieved, "Xiao Mo, today is Mom's birthday, do you have to be aggressive and make everyone look ugly? Can you swear that you didn't change the birthday gift?"

"Yunyao, figure it out, you are the one who made the scene ugly! Shouldn't you show everyone the bracelet in your birthday gift box now, is it the one lost by Mrs. Yan!?"

Jiang Yu angrily stepped forward and tore Yun Mo away, "Yun Mo, I'm done talking, you don't understand, do you?"


Yunmo took advantage of the situation and fell to the ground, looking soft and weak, just like a weak little white flower being bullied by her adoptive mother.

Zeng Fang went in without knowing it, and hurried up to help her, "Xiao Mo, are you alright?"

"It's nothing serious, just sprained my foot and didn't break my leg, so I can't die."

Everyone followed Yunmo's words and looked at her ankle. Sure enough, the originally slender and fair left ankle was now red and swollen, which looked very scary.

Although she is only an adopted daughter, isn't this attack too ruthless? I really don't feel sorry for not being born by myself.

Facing everyone's condemning gazes, Jiang Yu couldn't argue with anything, and could only vent her anger on her adopted daughter.

"Have you not eaten? You can't even stand firmly, and you will fall down if you touch it! Get up quickly."

Under the support of Zeng Fang, Yunmo slowly stood up from the ground, her palm-sized face was full of grievances, and tears fell down without any money.

"Actually, I shouldn't have come today. I was an outsider, and I insisted on squeezing into a family that didn't belong to me. I made it difficult for others, and I also trampled myself.

Aunt Jiang, this is the last time I will attend your birthday banquet. I sincerely wish you a long and healthy life and enjoy peace and happiness forever.

This is the end of the matter, if I stay any longer, it will be disgusting, I'll go first, let's eat, drink and have fun, don't let Yunyao and I feel unhappy. "

After finishing speaking, Yun Mo bowed slightly to all the guests, and then limped towards the stairs with Zeng Fang's support.

Everyone voluntarily parted ways, and all watched Yunmo leave with sympathy and pity in their eyes.

Who said that the fake daughter is bad and mischievous, arrogant and domineering, she is obviously a pitiful little girl who has been bullied.

Jiang Yu was in such a bad mood when the birthday party was so good, but she had to cheer up to greet the guests.

"I'm really sorry, let everyone watch a joke, the time is almost up, everyone go downstairs and get ready to sit."

Didn't see the bracelet, how could everyone leave.

"Mrs. Yun, hasn't Yun Yao's birthday gift been shown yet?"

"Yes, we just want to know if it is the bracelet that Mrs. Yan lost."

Yun Yao's face was pale, her body was on the verge of falling, and the next second she fainted gorgeously on the ground.

"Xiao Yao! What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yu hurriedly called the servant to help the eldest daughter back into the house, and took the opportunity to explain to the guest, "I'm really sorry, Xiaoyao is not feeling well, everyone please go downstairs first, the place where the greeting is not good is still very tolerant."

Cut, boring.

The guests left together in dispirited mood.

Soon the guests all went downstairs, leaving only the mother and daughter of the Yun family, Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Su in the room.

Mrs. Su looked at Yun Yao who was pretending to be dizzy on the bed, with a sneer on her face, "You have a flexible mind, you know what to do when, and since you're not feeling well, just take a good rest, and I won't hinder you."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Su left without looking back.

"Mrs. Yan..."

Jiang Yu was interrupted by the other party as soon as he opened his mouth, "Can you give me the bracelet?"

Jiang Yu had no choice but to give the mahogany box to the other party.

Mrs. Yan opened the box and recognized at a glance that it was her lost bracelet.

"Mrs. Yun, shouldn't you give me a reasonable explanation? Why is my lost bracelet in your house?"

Jiang Yu didn't know what was going on, looked at the eldest daughter who was still pretending to be unconscious, and explained in embarrassment: "I don't know much about this..."

Mrs. Yan sneered, "I don't know, can I run to Yun's house with my bracelet!?"


At this time, Yun Yao who was lying on the bed pretended to wake up, and sat up from the bed in a daze.

"Mom, what's wrong with me?"

Jiang Yu came to the bed, "Xiao Yao, you fainted just now, are you okay?"

Yun Yao shook her head weakly, "It's okay, maybe it's because I studied too late these days and didn't sleep well."

Mrs. Yan didn't bother to pay attention to the mother and daughter's acting skills, and directly asked Yun Yao, "Miss Yun, I'm curious, why is my bracelet in your hand?"

Yun Yao hurriedly said: "It's Yunmo, she did it. Mrs. Yan, do you still remember the last time you held a banquet, that night Yunmo..."

Mrs. Yan interrupted her directly, "You don't want to say that Yunmo stole the bracelet, do you? I have already asked the servants at home. That night Yunmo only stayed in the garden for a while before leaving early. How long does she have to steal the bracelet I put in the bathroom in the living room without even stepping in the door?!"

Yun Yao was speechless.

How could Yun Yao think of it at this moment, for today's counterattack, Yun Mo started to make preparations a few days ago.

First of all, find someone to inquire about the cause and effect of Mrs. Yan's bracelet loss.

That night, Mrs. Yan went to the bathroom in the middle of the banquet, and took off the bracelet and put it on the sink while washing her hands. When she thought about it later, she went in to look for it, but found that the bracelet was gone.

After learning about this, Yunmo thought about it carefully and confirmed that the original owner did not enter the gate of the banquet that night.

Yanjia's house is a garden-style residence in Suzhou. There is a pond between the gate and the living room. On the pond, a stone bridge is built with stone slabs for people to walk.

I don't know whether it was being teased or accidentally, the original owner accidentally slipped and fell into the pond while walking on the stone bridge.

The water in the pond is not deep, but there is a lot of silt. The original owner was so embarrassed at that time that he even lost his shoes.

Therefore, it is impossible for the original owner to take away the bracelet that Mrs. Yan left in the bathroom.

Thus, Yun Mo found a nanny who had a good relationship with the servant of Yan's family, and gave the other party a little favor, so that when the other party was chatting, he would spread the fact that Yun Yao framed her for stealing Mrs. Yan's bracelet at the wedding as gossip.

Not surprisingly, the gossip quickly reached Mrs. Yan's ears through the mouth of Yan's servant.

Mrs. Yan first went to the servants and gardener at home to verify that Yunmo had fallen into the pond.

Although no one saw Yunmo fall into the pond, the gardener mentioned that when cleaning the pond some time ago, he picked up a high-heeled shoe, which can be regarded as confirming Yunmo's fall into the pond from the side.

So, the person who stole the bracelet ruled out Yunmo first.

(end of this chapter)