On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 738

Chapter 738

Chapter 738 Wishing

I don't know how long it took, the sky outside the car window became dark, and the jeep slowly stopped in front of a military sanatorium.

Zeng Fang got Shen Zhen out of the car and walked into the nursing home.

"where is this place?"

"Don't you recognize the big signboard at the door?"

"I'm asking what are you doing here? Seeing elders or friends or who?"

After a long silence, Shen Zhen said in a low voice, "Come and see my brother."

Zeng Fang opened her eyes wide curiously, "Your brother? My brother?"


Zeng Fang was a little annoyed, "Then you didn't say it earlier, I came empty-handed, how rude."

Shen Zhen was amused by her statement, "It's okay, my brother has already accepted your meeting gift."



Zeng Fang didn't dare to talk nonsense, and quietly arranged her hair and collar, trying to make a good impression on the eldest brother of the Shen family.

Walking into the room through the opened door, Zeng Fang was too shocked to speak when she saw a lifeless and skinny strange man on the hospital bed.

"Brother, Falk is gone."

The first sentence Shen Zhen said to the man on the bed almost made Zeng Fang cry.

Obviously his tone was very calm, but she could hear her nose sour and wanted to cry.

"Brother Shen, hello, I'm Zeng Fang, I came in a hurry and didn't have time to prepare a gift, I will definitely give you a generous gift next time."

Seeing that Shen Zhen had no intention of introducing herself, Zeng Fang took the initiative to introduce herself to Shen Chen on the bed, while sizing up the other party without any trace.

Although the man on the hospital bed was already thin and out of shape, he could still vaguely see some similarities with Shen Zhen's appearance.

Zeng Fang stayed with Shen Zhen at Shen Chen's place until after 10 o'clock in the evening before leaving.

On the way back, Zeng Fang finally couldn't help asking out her curiosity.

"Shen Zhen, your elder brother, did he become like this due to illness or injury?"


Just when Zeng Fang thought Shen Zhen wouldn't tell her, the other party spoke.

"Is it okay not to go home tonight?"


Zeng Fang was a little dumbfounded, her heart was beating suddenly.

What does it mean not to go home?

Did he invite her to spend the night with him?

She is not such a casual person.

After a series of thoughts flashed through her mind, Zeng Fang couldn't help puffing up, "Shen Zhen, what do you mean?"

"Take you to a place, but it's a bit cold there, so forget it if you don't want to go."

Zeng Fang couldn't tell whether she was relieved or disappointed, "I didn't say I didn't want to go, you lead the way."

After driving for nearly two hours, and refueling at the gas station halfway, the two finally came to a beach.

In the cold winter night, the temperature drops below zero, the beach is covered with thin ice, and the ice cracks when your feet step on it.

Zeng Fang was wrapped in a thick wool blanket, but she still couldn't resist the biting sea wind and went straight to the bone.

Seeing Shen Zhen who was walking in front of her, wearing only a down jacket, Zeng Fang subconsciously took a few steps to catch up.

"The blanket is very big, you can wrap it with me."

"I'm not cold."

Zeng Fang grabbed Shen Zhen's ice-like hand, "How could it not be cold, your hands are not warm at all! You are not afraid of suffering from hypothermia."

Zeng Fang couldn't help but spread out the wool blanket, trying to help Shen Zhen wrap her body, but unfortunately she was not tall enough, so she could barely wrap her around the other's chest and waist.


Shen Zhen looked down at the little fat girl who was struggling to keep him warm, and suddenly took the wool blanket from the other party's hand, unfolded it and draped it over her shoulders, and then pinched the little fat girl under her arm like a chicken.

"Okay, let's go."

Zeng Fang hid under the blanket like a quail, with only half of her face showing, "Where are you going?"

"Blowing air."

"Shen Zhen, are you sick? In such a cold day, you drove for such a long time, just to bring me here to blow the cold wind?"


Shen Zhen smiled, "I'm sick, and I'm still very sick."

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a huge boulder suddenly appeared on the beach in front of him.

The surface of the boulder is flat enough for two people to lie flat on it and rest.

Shen Zhen jumped onto the boulder first, and then pulled Zeng Fang up.

The two wrapped themselves in blankets and stood side by side on the boulder.

After a while, Shen Zhen pointed to the rough sea in front of him and said: "My brother was injured there, there is often turbulence here, and there are many reefs at the bottom of the water, if you don't pay attention, you will be rolled up by the waves and hit the reefs cause injury.

I have been rebellious since I was a child. The more others do not let me do something, the more I will do it. It was my birthday that day, and I heard family members discussing my dad's successor marriage.

I almost went crazy with anger, my mother died less than half a year ago, they forgot about my mother, and they couldn't wait to marry my father, so I ran away from home and came here alone.

It was almost dark when my brother found me, and he asked me to go back with him, but I refused and insisted on going to the sea, so my elder brother had to accompany me.

After my brother's accident, although my family didn't blame me, I couldn't forgive myself. It was me who killed my brother. He was supposed to be in the army that day. He asked for leave to celebrate my birthday and came back to the beach because he was worried about me. If I had been obedient and followed him back obediently, nothing would have happened. "

"But, it was an accident, and you didn't want it."

"Fake is my birthday present that my elder brother is going to give me. Even though Falk is gone, my elder brother still hasn't woken up. No one will try to give me a birthday present in the future."

Zeng Fang looked at the man beside her, feeling the sadness on the other person, and tears flowed down her eyes uncontrollably.

"Shen Zhen, if you don't mind, I will give you a birthday present every year from now on."

"Today is my birthday."

Hearing this, Zeng Fang subconsciously touched the backpack, only to remember that the backpack had been left on the car.

What did she think of, "Shen Zhen, do you have a lighter?"

"What are you doing?"

"Lend me, I'm useful."

Shen Zhen glanced at her, took out a lighter and handed it to her.

Zeng Fang lit the lighter, and while carefully protecting the flame with her hand, she sang a birthday song.

"Happy birthday to you"

After singing a birthday song, Zeng Fang asked Shen Zhen to make a wish and blow out candles, "I heard that making a wish to the sea is very effective, Shen Zhen, try it."

"Tsk, wishing is just a trick to trick children."

"You try it."

Staring at the girl's warm face illuminated by the beating firelight, Shen Zhen smiled, "I lied to you, today is not my birthday."

Zeng Fang raised her face slightly, her eyes were firm and bright, "I know, just treat it as if I made up your birthday, and make a wish quickly."

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Shen Zhen didn't hesitate, and slowly closed his eyes.

Brother wished to wake up.

Suddenly there was a turbulent wave on the sea, and I don't know if I heard his inner voice.

"Ah Choo! Ah Choo!"

Looking at Zeng Fang who was sitting on the bed, wrapped in a quilt and sneezing non-stop, Shao Mo handed over the boiled brown sugar **** water.

"Why did you go last night, why did you get sick when you came back in the morning?"

Zeng Fang held brown sugar **** water in her hand, and while drinking, she briefly talked about Falk's death.

Knowing that her friend and Shen Zhen went to the beach to have a wind in the middle of the night, Shao Mo didn't know what to say, so she got up and went to get some cold medicine.

Second update~

(end of this chapter)