On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 735

Chapter 735

Chapter 735 see Mrs. Shao

Shao Lin couldn't refute this.

It is really difficult to be the hostess of the Shao family. It is honor and status, but also shackles and responsibility. If you are not careful, you will be overwhelmed.

If it weren't for Mrs. Shao's stability in her later years, he would have given up on the position of Patriarch of the Shao family long ago.

Even he finds it hard, so why would he drag the woman he likes into the muddy swamp?

"You're right, Zhiqiu, it's me who made things difficult for others, can we still get along like old friends in the future?"

"Well, of course."

Getting her response, Shao Lin showed a satisfied smile on his face.

After Yang Jiayong got divorced, he went back to Zhejiang Province and continued to work, while Hu Wenqin, the new daughter-in-law, stayed in Yang's family to have a baby.

When she first came to Yang's house, Hu Wenqin pretended to be sweet and kind, which made Yang's mother ecstatic.

After arguing with Yang Jiayong, Hu Wenqin showed her true colors. Not only did she want the Yang family to organize a grand wedding for her that was not inferior to when she married Huang Qinghe, but she also wanted four new pieces and a bride price of 200 yuan.

The new four major items refer to TV sets, bicycles, electric fans and gold rings.

Yang Jiayong has saved some money in the past few years, but this money is for building a new house. If he buys the new four major items, his savings will be almost wiped out.

Yang Jiayong tried to coax him, saying that he owed it first, and then doubled it when he built a new house.

But Hu Wenqin was not so easy to fool, and directly gave Yang Jiayong an ultimatum. If he couldn't see these things within a month, he would go back to his mother's house with the cub.

Yang Jiayong thought that Hu Wenqin had such a big belly and had no money at hand, so he didn't take the other party's words to heart, and packed his luggage to go to Zhejiang Province the next day.

As soon as Yang Jiayong left, Yang's mother and Yang's father were miserable.

Hu Wenqin quarreled with them every day. The two elders were worried about the golden grandson in Hu Wenqin's belly, and they didn't dare to speak back.

On this day, Yang's mother was angry with Hu Wenqin at home, and she couldn't help crying and complaining to others after going out.

"You don't know how hard this little shrew is to serve. She thinks my rice is too hard to digest when she cooks dry rice, and thinks I cook it too clear when she cooks porridge. She says she wants to starve to death with her and her stomach." Cub, I have to see meat every now and then, otherwise I won't eat, and I think my cooking is not delicious, I'm not picking on me all day, I'm really fed up, wait until her stomach is unloaded, see how I clean up she!"

Hearing Mother Yang's cry, the aunts looked at each other, their eyes were filled with schadenfreude.

In the past, Mother Yang didn't know how to be blessed when she was in the blessings. The ex-daughter-in-law served her and Father Yang like a nanny, and the in-laws sent rice, meat and oil to Yang's family from time to time. They didn't know how envious they were.

It's good now, I drove away my virtuous and rich ex-wife, and married a new lazy little vixen, doesn't this deserve it?

Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Within a day, the quarrel between the Yang family and the new daughter-in-law reached the ears of the Huang family.

After Liu Zhi heard about it, he cooked a big table of delicious dishes that night, which made Yang Xinghua very strange.

"Just the two of us eating, how did you cook so many dishes?"

"I'm in a happy mood today, and I want to eat something delicious. Mom, you can eat as much as you want. If you can't finish it, I'll send it to Jianjun and Dad tomorrow."

"What are you so happy about?"

Liu Zhi told everything about Yang's mother being angry with the new daughter-in-law.

After listening, Yang Xinghua was silent for a while before speaking, "There are so many delicious dishes, how can I do without wine, go and get out the Wuliangye that I didn't finish last year."

"Hey, Mom, just wait."

Liu Zhi happily went to get the wine and the cup immediately.

Here in the capital, Shao Mo took Huang Qingning to the school to register first, completed the accommodation procedures, and then took Huang Qinghe to the previous gynecologist for an examination.

The examination results came out soon. Huang Qinghe suffered from congenital blockage of fallopian tubes and needed surgery to unblock them.

Medical expenses, surgical expenses and hospitalization expenses add up to about a thousand, which is exactly the amount Huang Qinghe got from Yang Jiayong.

Although all the money was spent, Huang Qinghe didn't feel distressed at all. Instead, he took Shao Mo's hand and said with emotion: "It's a good thing I'm divorced, otherwise it might be delayed until I'm 30. The Yang family wouldn't let me go to the hospital for treatment of this disease .

Shao Mo patted the other party comfortingly, "Sister Qing He, save your money to avoid disaster, and your good days will come in the future."

"Momo, I want to go to work as soon as I get out of the hospital."

"Yes, besides you, I also hired a cook. You two usually cook together in the back kitchen. After cooking, each of you will send it to five stores. Then I will give each of you a scooter. It's just as convenient to travel.

Huang Qinghe showed embarrassment on his face, "Momo, I don't know how to ride a motorcycle."

"It's okay, you can learn it, it's almost like riding a bicycle."

"Well, okay, Momo, thank you."

The employees of the franchise store are almost all locals in the capital. In order for Huang Qinghe to master the essentials of Beijing cuisine as soon as possible, after Huang Qinghe was discharged from the hospital, Shao Mo deliberately brought Huang Qinghe to Mrs. Hua, and asked her to learn how to cook Beijing cuisine from Mrs. Hua.

At the same time, Huang Zhiqiu also went to Lanju to visit Mrs. Shao.

Huang Zhiqiu gave Mrs. Shao a set of bamboo wares woven by himself, including mats, pillows, fans, baskets, baskets, baskets, and skips. There were nearly twenty pieces.

Every piece of bamboo is ingenious and exquisite in terms of craftsmanship, shape, and pattern, just like a work of art, obviously prepared for a long time.

Mrs. Shao praised Huang Zhiqiu for his ingenuity, but she cast a meaningful glance at her son.

Obviously misunderstood, it was his son's idea to let Huang Zhiqiu use this method to please her.

Shao Lin quickly responded with his eyes: It's not me.

He did say before that he asked Huang Zhiqiu to weave a set of bamboo utensils for himself, but that was just casually. He didn't dare to expect Huang Zhiqiu to weave a set of bamboo utensils for him.

Speaking of which, he has known Huang Zhiqiu for so long, and he has never received a gift from Huang Zhiqiu himself.

Thinking, Shao Lin couldn't help feeling sour.

The lunch was well prepared, with all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, which is enough to show that Mrs. Shao attaches great importance to Huang Zhiqiu.

After dinner, Mrs. Shao invited Huang Zhiqiu to visit her orchid house.

Huang Zhiqiu happily went.

When we arrived at the flower room, Mrs. Shao took Huang Zhiqiu around first, and then asked Huang Zhiqiu to pick two pots of flowers he liked to take back, but Huang Zhiqiu politely declined.

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm going back to Anshi tomorrow. The orchids are delicate. It's a pity to get hurt on the road. It's better to keep them in the madam's yard."

After hearing her words, Mrs. Shao turned around and looked at her, "Don't you feel tired and panic because you always travel back and forth? You are not young, have you ever thought about settling down?"

"Thanks to Tommo, every time I come here, I take the plane, which is much faster and more convenient than taking the train. My life is quite stable now, I have my own career, and my parents and brothers are all well. I am very satisfied."

(end of this chapter)